“Australia Is in a Dark Place,” Says Senator Forced Into Quarantine Detention Under Guard
“The fact representatives like Antic, Christensen, Roberts, Kelly and Rennick are seemingly being railroaded by a bloated bureaucracy, and big media, suggests they’re hitting a raw nerve, and are perhaps closer to the truth than Australia’s political class wants them to be.”
Ministry of Truth: NZ Government Will Pay Media to Produce State-Approved Stories to Combat “Misinformation” About Covid-19
“We will continue to be your single source of truth,” NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said.
Selected Comments From the Church and Covid Vaccination Survey
“Both my wife and I are in education and will lose our jobs. I can’t even bring this up at church because the expectation is that we follow the government orders. There is no empathy or understanding as to why we wouldn’t ‘just get the jab’.”
Christensen: They’re Pushing Fake News on You
“Making me a villain is a good diversion from the horrible reality that vaccine mandates are causing Australians to lose their jobs, and that many Australian families are suffering as a result.”
Daughter of Slain Police Officer Leaves Mourners Stunned With Powerful Message
Officer Richard Houston, a 21-year veteran of the Mesquite Police Department, was killed in the line of duty last week while responding to a disturbance call outside a local supermarket.
Ugly and Coercive Health Measures Have Long Been With Us
“Once the state has the authority to force you, against your will and without your consent…or, in the case of the current set of vaccines, without even informed consent…to undergo treatment for a disease you do not have, you have ceased to have any autonomy.”
Salvation Army Retracts CRT Training Manual in Response to Constructive Criticism
“The decision to retract the training manual is not a win for critics, it’s a win for the good people, and good work done by the Salvos.”
Should Churches and Christian Businesses Segregate?
“All around us we see the rise of ugly Big Brother Statism, and the stealing away of our liberties and human rights. We expect the secular left tyrants to engage in this sort of behaviour. We do NOT expect Christian churches and businesses to happily go along with all this.”
Ramy Kamel’s Two Year “Misinformation” Incarceration Teaches the West That Stolen Liberty Is Not Likely to Be Returned
Kamel’s detention was just extended by 45 days. The second extension this year.
Sydney Bible College Bans the Unvaccinated From Campus
The decision was made despite the state government not requiring such measures for tertiary institutions.
Dear Pastor in Victoria
“Dear pastor, the care of your flock was given to you, not to Daniel Andrews. Make no mistake, you are responsible, not him.”
National Day of Prayer & Repentance for Australia: Saturday 11 December 2021
Where repentance stops, inhumanity begins.
Everywhere We Find Big Brother Statism Getting Worse and Worse
“The cycle will never end. It is the perfect recipe for endless dictatorship. Keep the masses utterly immersed in fear and panic, keep the variants coming, and offer an endless supply of booster shots (creating an ever-greater class of Big Pharma millionaires), and you have slaves for life.”
#NotAnOrganDonorAnymore Trends After Queensland Health Says Unvaccinated Will Be Denied Life-Saving Surgery
There is “a minimum requirement of two doses of an approved COVID-19 vaccine prior to receiving a kidney, lung or heart transplant.”
Member of European Parliament Accuses Australian Government of Trampling on Human Rights, Civil Liberties, and the Rule of Law
Christine Anderson (MEP) said the government’s response to the virus is not about “breaking the fourth wave,” but instead, “it is all about breaking people.”
FAQ on Same-Sex Attraction, Temptation, Desire, and Sin
“Despite our many advances in sanctification, there will always be an enormous abyss between our holiness now and our holiness in glory. However, death is not the alpha point of transformative holiness in Christ.”
Miracles, People Power, and Freedom: These Two Stories Will Inspire Us All
“The heavy-handed lockdowns, health fascism and two-tiered societies we see everywhere in the West are just so similar to what has happened before.”
Senator Critical of Government Overreach Detained in Quarantine Hotel, Says He’s Been Targeted by “Bureaucratic Overlords”
“They’re not really after me, they’re after all of us,” the Senator said.
Freedom Isn’t the Ability to Do Whatever We Want, It’s the Ability to Pursue What Is Good
“When a man has no faith in the reward of good or the punishment of evil, there is no reason to be human.”
Dukes of Hazard Star Gives Hat Tip to Courage Culture
“The first thing we need to do is cancel, cancel culture. It needs to eat itself. They’re coming after The Muppets, Dr. Suess, The Dukes of Hazard.”