You Are Being Manipulated
“Emotive speech is often used to manipulate, and our media elites are masters at this.”
Pastor Arrested for Holding Church Services Preaches to Police Force at Officer’s Funeral
“I’m thankful that I met Jason as a result of our church’s stand during COVID lockdowns…”
Eat Crickets: Amended Victorian Legislation Could Ban Hunters From Sharing Game Meat With Family
“If the goal is total government dependency, then hunting, and with it, self-sufficiency, could be a thing of the past.”
Women Are Needed in the Home, Not the Boardroom
“We are not utilizing women by putting them in the workforce, we are under utilizing them by taking them from the home and the church. The nation suffers from a degraded society as a result.”
Where Is the Humble Apology?
“Here we are, two years later, listening to politicians, medical experts, and the media now echoing the very thing you would have heard from the stage at almost any of the ‘infamous’ anti-mandate rallies.”
Love Is Love? Ridiculous
“To love your neighbour as yourself is to be honest with them, as you would like someone to be honest with you.”
Senior Banker Suspended for Rightly Calling Climate Change Catastrophisers “Nut Jobs”
“Twenty-five years in the finance industry, there’s always some nut job telling me about the end of the world,” he said.
A Good Man in Sport: “We’re a Family That Has Done Everything Together”
“Brown gave up a high paying job to prioritize his family. So many fathers and mothers today put career ahead of family. And so much of our society is broken as a result.”
Is The Very Hungry Caterpillar Harmful for Children?
“Purely and simply this research shows, there’s a lack of representation of boys and girls in non-traditional gender roles in these books – this can contribute to children from these families and backgrounds feeling excluded or marginalised,” Dr Adam argued.
Mother Loses Custody of Kids After Smacking Son With Wooden Spoon
“The court heard that the single mother smacked her 10-year-old son after he used her credit card to purchase $600 worth of video games.”
More Than 50 Christians Massacred in Nigeria and Woke World of BLM Hardly Lifts Its Head
“Surely, the mass killing of Christians in a Nigerian church by extremists is deserving of the same solidarity, support and sympathy, as the mass killing of Kiwi Muslims in a Christchurch Mosque?”
The Caldron Pool Show: #22 – Rod Lampard
Evelyn Rae chats with Caldron Pool’s contributing writer Rod Lampard about homeschooling, fatherlessness, the recent election in Australia, and more.
The Johnny Depp Trial: A Loss for #MeToo, but a Win for Blind Justice
“All women making allegations of sexual assault should be taken seriously. But not all such women should be believed simply because they are women. This fact is as self-evidently true as the statement that not all white people should be believed when making criminal accusations against those of a minority race.”
Recognise This?
“…it’s one of those ‘hidden in plain sight’ things they don’t teach at university and don’t talk about on the news.”
1989: One of the Most Incredible Years of Political Upheaval
“The Revolution of 1989, an expression of this revolution of the spirit, was a reminder that there are still surprises left in history, and that the good guys do indeed sometimes win.”
A Call for Peace
“It’s one thing to associate yourself with the “other” you consider your equal, but it’s quite another to expect a toleration, and even an association with those we consider dishonourable.”
Power Corrupts, and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely… Or Does It?
“Power does not corrupt. Power is not the source of corruption.”
The Pastors Have Gone Astray
“The chaos of the last two and a half years demonstrated that many of our church leaders have greater loyalty to the State than to God’s word.”
We Need to Talk About the Islamist Genocide of Nigerian Christians
“Westerners being muted on the matter is a stark contrast to 2020’s black squares, black power fists, BLM protests, and the blank cheque pandering to the ‘Black Lives Matter’ narrative.”
‘Climate Emergency’ Declared One Week After COVID State of Emergency Ends
Just one week after ending its two-year-long COVID State of Emergency, South Australia has declared a Climate Emergency Declaration.