Two Kinds Of Leadership
“It is a leader’s job to ignore the temptation to be like Aaron with the golden calf, and to be more like Moses and slay sacred calves.”
Congressional Leftists Block Bans On Vaccine Mandates For U.S. Military
“An important lesson drawn from COVID-19’s vaccine mandates is the cognitive distortions they expose.”
There Is Always Hope
“Sometimes a nation needs judgement to remember where to look for hope.”
Christian Father Sentenced To Death In Pakistan For ‘Blasphemy’
“The customer demanded free service on the grounds of his Muslim faith. Masih, who is a married man with a young daughter, insisted on payment and reportedly informed Irfan that he was a Christian and not interested in the man’s religious status.”
Flight Attendant Fired For Pro-life Views Wins $5.1million Compensation Payout
“No American worker should have to fear termination, intimidation, or any other reprisal merely for speaking out against having their own money spent, purportedly in their name, to promote an agenda they find abhorrent.”
We’ve Forgotten The Obvious Things
“The secular conservative has no meaningful weapon in his arsenal because when truth is relative, feelings — not facts — will dictate the day.”
Fired for Being a Christian
“It is disturbing how Christian beliefs on marriage, which have been held and expressed for thousands of years, are being silenced and treated with such hostility and disdain.”
They Would Rather Influence You Than Inform You
“Knowing this one fact, that media is more about influencing you than informing you, allows you to turn it into a valuable source of counter-narrative information.”
Victoria Police Apologise To Rebel News Journalist After False Arrests
“Why is the media so uninterested in what seems to be another example of the brutal authoritarianism of the Victorian Labor Government and its minions?”
The Caldron Pool Show: #28 – Bill Muehlenberg
Evelyn Rae sits down with author, speaker, and conservative commentator Bill Muehlenberg to discuss the Dutch farm protests, resistance theory, Jordan Peterson’s message to the church, and the erasure of women.
Sounds Like Double-Mindedness To Me
“Many of the evangelical leaders who once refused to accept the state’s redefinition of God-ordained institutions were now complying at every point that the civil government imposed itself on the church, transgressing its God-defined limitations.”
Christendom or Satandom: There Are Only Two Options
“There never was the possibility of a secular or neutral society. This was always a myth, a lie, a phantasm.”
Why We Must Support The Brave Dutch Farmers Against The Globalists
“If the state comes in and says ‘I’m going to take away your property for a so-called greater good.’ I don’t know what could be more essential to communism than that.”
The Injured Are Crying Out, Pastors Heed Their Call
“The sad truth is that, for whatever reason, many who were injured by the vaccines are being either ignored, or actively shunned and mocked by some churches and much of society right now.”
“Pro-Choice” Means “No Choice”: Elizabeth Warren Says Crisis Pregnancy Centers Need To Be Shut Down
“We need to shut them down all around the country,” Warren said.
Church That Boasted Of Ordaining Women Now Claims It Has No Definition Of ‘Woman’
“For a church that was so proud of how it treated women and sought to put them in leadership positions, to now all of a sudden not knowing what a woman is, is the height of woke insanity.”
The Bible Is Not A Marxist Handbook
“If the Bible was a critical theory handbook there would be less criticism of the Jews, and more criticism of the Greco-Roman peoples coming into the church.”
The Arguments in Favour of Abortion and Slavery
“The arguments for retaining slavery and abortion have more in common with each other than most people think.”
That Which You Fear Will Control You
“Be a God-fearer, or something else will control you.”
The Caldron Pool Show: #27 – God and Politics – with Joel Webbon
What’s God’s role in government and politics? Evelyn Rae sits down with Pastor Joel Webbon, President and Founder of Right Response Ministries and the Senior Pastor of Covenant Bible Church, located on the North Side of Austin, Texas.