A Little Town’s Christmas Tree vs The Christian-Hating LGBT
“I found out today that my beautiful library will not have its Christmas tree this year. Zero explanation. When I asked, I was told, ‘People were made uncomfortable last year looking at it.'”
More Trojan Horses in Education and What You Can Do
“Everything associated with science was thrown out the window – scientific questioning, rational thought, and indeed scientific proofs. The most dangerous lesson being taught was to uncritically accept what they heard and to suspend disbelief (a practice of cult groups the world over).”
Politicians Come and Go – But God Is Still Working Out His Purposes
“Bernie Finn was one of the best politicians Victoria has seen in a very long time. He excelled in the three Fs: faith, family and freedom.”
Woketivists Cancel Carson: “He’s Trump in Blackface”
Detroit’s school board has cancelled acclaimed neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben Carson, based upon claims “his name was synonymous with having Trump in blackface.”
Trojan Horses in Education and What You Can Do
“In a post-Christian world where truth is regularly sacrificed on the altar of the latest ‘good cause,’ we have to help our children identify and deconstruct the hidden messaging.”
Pro-abortion Extremists Protest in Perth
“The Australian media doesn’t really have a problem with promoting extremists, as long as they’re left-wing extremists of course.”
Trade-Offs of Women Working
“There is a principle, that every increase in one area, comes with a trade-off in another area…”
The Big Brother War on Farming Should Horrify All of Us
“The truth is, whenever you have the state coming in to tell us mere mortals that they can do things much better than we can, you should always be very worried indeed.”
Twitter Files Five Teaser Takes Aim At Force-The-Jab Fauci
“Exposing Dr. Fauci and the unnecessary totalitarian response to COVID seems to be next.”
Five Basic Home Truths on Jordan Peterson – And Others
“Just because someone is not a Christian does not mean we can never work together with them on certain important projects or tasks. Complete separation from everyone who is not fully on our same theological page is not all that helpful or wise.”
Dan Andrews Wants Us to Embrace Islam – So Does He Embrace the Recent Indonesian Law Changes?
“I have no doubt that there will not be one journalist in Victoria smart enough and moral enough to call him out on all this.”
How the Church Undermined Slavery
“As Christianity declines in the West, the old pagan ideas of the powerful or government owning people’s bodies are coming back. It’s our job to resist that…”
Iran Moves to Freeze Bank Accounts of Hijab Mandate Protestors
“Being locked-out, instead of being locked-up is still a prison sentence. The former just means less pesky paperwork for tyrants. The state doesn’t have to house, clothe, and feed offenders.”
Marxists March Against Jail Term for Climate Bridge Blocker
It’s probably time more people woke up and realised who they’re supporting when they go along to some of these seemingly harmless protests.
Victims Demand an End to Pakistan’s Unjust Islamic Blasphemy Laws
“Pressured into converting to Islam, on the premise her death sentence would become life in prison, Shagufta refused, declaring ‘I would rather be hanged than deny Jesus Christ.'”
In Danistan Islam Is Promoted While Christianity Is Attacked
“So let me get this straight: Dan Andrews hates with a passion biblical Christianity, especially because it condemns homosexuality. But he loves Islam, even though it also condemns homosexuality, and is happy to see the death penalty applied to homosexuals.”
Will the Victorian Liberals Ever Learn?
“At this rate, Dan Andrews might reach retirement age before being voted out.”
Why We Refused to Use Vax Passports and What Happened Next
“Within two weeks of that sign going up, our congregation almost doubled in size, on a weekly basis.”
Iran Dumps Unpopular Morality Militia, Keeps Unpopular Hijab Rule
“Matin labelled the protests a victory, pointing to how they have motivated the Islamic regime to at least look at making ‘concessions’ to protesters. Something, he said, the regime is not used to doing.”
Why Did Australian Communists Protest Jordan Peterson?
“Whether they’re harassing Prime Ministers, professors or ordinary people the aim is the same. To bully anyone who disagrees with their absurdly extreme worldview into silence.”