1657 search results for "twitter"

West Yorkshire Police, which already allowed Muslim officers to wear the hijab or the headscarf, have unveiled their new Islam-friendly uniforms for Muslim female recruits who do not wish to show their female form. Assistant Chief Constable Angela Williams said, “For the last month we have been trialling a new uniform for women which is designed not to show the female form. This was suggested by a Muslim female officer and was designed by our Clothing Manager in conjunction with the officer.” “The tunic is a looser and longer fit, and has full sleeves. This has been well-received from officers…

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The ABC’s official political twitter account has suggested that Saudi Arabia is more female friendly than the Coalition. The tweet, posted by the public broadcaster yesterday said, “A visiting Saudi Arabian delegation has a higher proportion of women than the Coalition.” Attached to the tweet was an image of six Saudi men and two hijab clad women. Simon Breheny, Director of policy at the Institute of Public Affairs called the tweet “sickening.” “This commentary from the ABC is a good illustration of the form-over-substance approach of those who practice radical identity politics,” Breheny said. “Behold the equality enjoyed by Saudi…

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Senator Fraser Anning has pulled no punches, blasting the highly-sexualised Safe Schools programs, branding it “institutionalised child abuse” designed to destroy the traditional fabric of society and corrupt the youth. In a series of posts on Twitter, Senator Anning said: “Fifty years ago, if a communist pervert had proposed that our nation’s children be forced to listen to sexually deviant propaganda, they would probably have been strung up. Today, this disgusting garbage is called the Safe Schools program.” Fifty years ago, if a communist pervert had proposed that our nation's children be forced to listen to sexually deviant propaganda, they…

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In just four years Western Australia has seen a 350 per cent increase in ‘transgender’ children wanting to transition to the opposite sex. According to Perth Now, during the period of 2014-15, Perth Children’s Hospital’s gender diversity service received  just 26 referrals for children aged under 18. That figure increased dramatically during 2015-16 to 105 referrals. During 2016-17 the figure rose to 116 referrals. There are currently 207 patients under 18 seeking gender treatment at the hospital. “At the moment, there are 43 children receiving stage one hormonal treatment, which involves puberty suppression and reversible treatment, while 30 children are…

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Australia’s first Muslim Senator has lashed out at Senator Cory Bernardi after the Australian Conservatives’ leader introduced a bill banning facial coverings at commonwealth sites, including public places in the Northern Territory and ACT. Senator Mahreen Faruqi criticised Senator Bernardi in Parliament saying he will never experience the racism that Muslims are subjected to in Australia. “I’m so sick of this rubbish,” Senator Faruqi said. “I’m so sick of people who will never experience racism telling us that it doesn’t exist.” “Senator Bernardi will never be told that you have no place in public life because of the colour of…

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Amendments to the Sex Discrimination Act which would ensure the rights of Australians in the wedding service industry are protected has been rejected, 36 to 3. The amendments, moved by Liberal Democrats Senator David Leyonhjelm, were designed to “allow providers of goods, services and facilities in connection with the solemnisation of marriage to refuse to do so on the ground of sexual orientation or relationship status of their would be clients” According to a statement from Senator Leyonhjelm, “This would provide an exemption from discrimination law not only for marriage celebrants but also for wedding planners, reception venue operators, florists and cake…

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When UK police received intel that a person was planning to carry out an acid attack on Tommy Robinson’s wife, they issued the mother-of-three a letter warning her not to break the law in her efforts to ensure her own safety. “On 1st July 2018 Bedfordshire police has received information that a person has made threats to throw acid in your face,” the letter stated. “Based on the information Bedfordshire Police have been provided I must inform you that you may be a victim of a serious crime. “I must advise you to take appropriate measures to ensure your safety…

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The federal government is wasting hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars hiring minor celebrities to give motivational talks to government staff. The Daily Telegraph has revealed, the Home Affairs department wasted more than $63,000 of taxpayer money on just five speakers. Among the speakers was former Australian Idol contestant Casey Donovan, who was paid $11,250 to speak for National Reconciliation Week. Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, who was paid $13,200 to deliver a motivational message for ‘innovation month.’ Others speakers include Layne Beachley who was paid just over $12,860, Naomi Simson who cost $13,903, and David Lourdes who was paid $11,896.54. According…

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UK police have urged the public to report ‘non-crime’ incidents in an effort to stop non-criminal comments from hurting the feelings of those affected. The message sent out by the official Twitter account of South Yorkshire Police said, “In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing.” “Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire,” the department said. “Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY” The tweet which has prompted thousands of angry responses, comes after it was revealed South Yorkshire…

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‘Yes Man’ actor Jim Carrey has urged Democrats to stop apologizing and just ‘say yes to socialism.’ Appearing on HBO’s ‘Real Time with Bill Maher’ Carrey said, “We have to say yes to socialism – to the word and everything. We have to stop apologizing.” According to the Wall Street Journal, Carrey, who has a net worth of $150 million, made $35,000,000 in 2008 on the film ‘Yes Man’, after forfeiting his upfront fee of $20,000,000 in exchange for a sizable back end-deal, which included a 33% ownership stake in the film. Video: Actor @JimCarrey on HBO’s #RealTime: “We have…

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Gender counsellor Dr Elizabeth Riley spoke with Sky News Australia about New South Wales teachers being trained to identify potential transgender students. Also see: Shocking 236 per cent surge in children wanting sex changes, as teachers trained to spot early signs of transgenderism. “Every school is going to have a transgender child,” Dr Riley claimed. “They may not be out, they may not be talking about it, they may not realise it, the parents might not support it, but it doesn’t mean that they’re not there.” “The only indication for medical intervention or any other intervention is if a young…

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Australian teachers are being trained to spot early signs of transgenderism in children as young as five by listening for key phrases such as, “I feel different”, “I’m androgynous” and “I’m born with two spirits.” Experts have claimed the training has contributed to a staggering 236% surge in the number of children wanting to change their biological sex, The Daily Telegraph revealed. Figures obtained exclusively by The Daily Telegraph show as many as 74 children aged between 6 and 16 have been referred to gender dysphoria clinics this year. In contrast, there were 22 referrals in 2015, and just two in…

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Popular Hunter Valley based bridal magazine White has come under fire for refusing to feature same-sex couples in their privately own publication. Photographer Lara Hotz said she asked the magazine multiple times if they would feature non-heterosexual couples. The editor reportedly told Hotz, “We aren’t sharing Same Sex weddings at this point”. “I imagine the majority of LGBTQI persons would be feeling hurt regarding not being represented equally or at all,” Hotz told AAP. More than 100 vendors and contributors to the magazine have since reportedly said they are boycotting White Magazine and will no longer submit wedding shoots, provide content,…

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U.S. President Donald Trump shared a video today on Twitter demonstrating the political bias of big tech companies like Google. The video comes after the President called out the popular search engine yesterday for censoring conservative news and content. ….results on “Trump News” are from National Left-Wing Media, very dangerous. Google & others are suppressing voices of Conservatives and hiding information and news that is good. They are controlling what we can & cannot see. This is a very serious situation-will be addressed! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 28, 2018 CNN attempted to refute the claim that Google was…

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U.S. President Donald Trump has said he will address left-wing censorship of conservative news and online content, calling it “a very serious situation.” In a two-part post tweeted earlier today, the President said, “Google search results for ‘Trump News’ shows only the viewing/reports of Fake News Media. In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD.” “Fake CNN is prominent,” he went on to say. “Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out. Illegal? 96% of results on ‘Trump News’ are from National Left-Wing Media, very dangerous. Google & others…

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Senator Cory Bernardi has ripped into Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s leadership saying, “This self-indulgent and selfish experiment of Malcolm Turnbull reshaping the Liberal Party in his image is a failure.” “It’s seen the base flee. It’s seen record low polls. Record bad news polls. It’s seem minor parties spring up. It’s given a resurgence to other less consistent and, I think, less principled parties…” WATCH: Conservative Party leader @CoryBernardi says @TurnbullMalcolm's Liberal Party leadership is finished: "This self-indulgent and selfish experiment of Malcolm Turnbull reshaping the Liberal Party in his image is a failure." #auspol #libspill #abetterway pic.twitter.com/rnGWECZfAx — Aust…

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YouTube came close to removing Stefan Molyneux’s channel with more than 800,000 subscribers after his videos were apparently mass false flagged. In a statement released on Twitter and retweeted close to 5,000 times, Molyneux explained: Apparently, I had ‘violated community standards’ by publishing a short video last year entitled ‘The Death of White Males,’ which discussed the decline in life expectancy for white males, in part due to the opioid crisis. The next day, Wednesday, I awoke to another strike, this time for a discussion I had with UK journalist Katie Hopkins. Now, as I write this, two other Freedomain…

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Robert Spencer, best selling author and director of Jihad Watch, has had his Patreon account disabled. Mr Spencer sent out a Tweet earlier today explaining: “I’ve been axed from Patreon, without explanation, warning or notice — no doubt as part of the ongoing efforts of the Left to deny all platforms to those who reject its agenda.” I've been axed from Patreon, without explanation, warning or notice — no doubt as part of the ongoing efforts of the Left to deny all platforms to those who reject its agenda. To those who supported me there, thank you, and I'm sorry…

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Our politicians and media like to control the people. They’ll tell you what causes to support, what comments to be outraged at, what we can and what we cannot talk about, and which people ought to be socially rejected. Take Lauren Southern’s recent Australian tour for example. Almost every media outlet in the country had something to say about the alt-right, far-right, right-wing, homophobic, transphobic, white-supremacist, fascist, anti-feminist, Nazi, racist 23-year-old Canadian. But even Joe Hildebrand noted, “most of the news articles I’ve read don’t actually outline what her ideas are. Instead she is typically just referred to as racist,…

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BREAKING: A man has crashed a vehicle into a security barrier outside the House of Parliament, Scotland Yard. According to BBC News there have been a number of injuries, but police do not believe anybody is in a life-threatening condition. An eyewitness said the driver’s actions appeared deliberate. WATCH: BREAKING: There has been an incident outside of Westminster. Police are urgently clearing the area. More updates to follow. pic.twitter.com/mnKUVI7Npn — Good Morning Britain (@GMB) August 14, 2018 #Westminster BREAKING: A vehicle has crashed into the security barriers protecting the Houses of Parliament #SW1. Multiple armed response units from the Met’s…

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