WATCH: CNN reporter refuses to sit down, Trump blasts him: “You are a rude, terrible person.”
President Donald Trump has slammed CNN’s Jim Acosta during a press conference following the midterm elections. The row began win Acosta criticized the President for referring to the migrant caravan as an invasion and demonizing immigrant. “I want [migrants] to come into the country, but they have to come in legally,” the President said. “You know, they have to come in, Jim, through a process,” he added. “Your campaign had an ad showing migrants climbing over walls, and so on,” Acosta responded. “Well, that’s true,” President Trump said. “They weren’t actors. It’s true. Do you think they were actors?” “They’re…
Taxpayer funded ABC discusses the virtues of using sex robots: “Is it such a bad thing if somebody has a relationship with a sex robot?”
The ABC is being slammed, yet again. This time for their most recent episode of Q&A, where sexologist Nikki Goldstein suggested socially inept people could benefit from sex bots. “I feel like there are people who really do struggle to have these intimate connections,” Goldstein said. “I’ve interviewed people before that go to brothels, and they feel that the only way they can have this girlfriend experience is to be paying for it. They don’t necessarily want to be there.” “Now when I think of sex robots and where we’re going with A.I. technology, I feel like that’s the perfect…
Death by lynch mob: Brett Kavanaugh, Asia Bibi and the shared rage of the mobs out to get them.
There’s an eerie similarity between the protests against Asia Bibi and the protests against Brett Kavanaugh. The tension, and rhetoric, of anti-blasphemy protesters in Pakistan, are at the same fever pitch, as anti-Kavanaugh protests were during the senate hearings, surrounding Kavanaugh’s supreme court nomination (and subsequent confirmation) in the United States. Placards brandished about during the Ford-Kavanaugh debate which labeled Kavanaugh a rapist (without evidence or a judicial trial), have much of the same intensity as the placards brandished about by Islamist protestors in Pakistan. For evidence of this, see the long list of celebrity outrage expressed online against the…
Caught on tape: Planned Parenthood accept donation from white supremacist wanting to reduce the number of black people: ‘For whatever reason we’ll accept the money.’
Live Action have shared a video of Planned Parenthood accepting a donation for the specific purpose of reducing the number of black babies in Ohio. “If you specifically want it to underwrite an abortion for a minority person, you can target it that way,” a Planned Parenthood administrative assistant said. “You can specify that that’s how you want it spent.” “There’s definitely way too many black people in Ohio, so I’m just trying to do my part,” the man said. “Okay, whatever,” the administrator responded. “Blacks especially need abortions too,” the man went on to say. “So that’s what I’m…
Former Navy SEAL’s classy response to ‘Saturday Night Live’ mocking his war wounds.
NBC’s Saturday Night Live has been slammed after a skit, featuring Pete Davidson, mocked the appearance of a former Navy SEAL who lost his eye during a mission in Helman province, Afghanistan. Davidson compared Rep. Dan Crenshaw to a “hitman in a porno movie” in the segment that even CNN went on to criticize. “You may be surprised to hear he’s a congressional candidate in Texas and not a hit-man in a porno movie,” Davidson said. “I’m sorry, I know, he lost his eye in war, or whatever. Whatever.” Even CNN blasts NBC's SNL for mocking wounded veteran & GOP…
WATCH: Christian preacher arrested for ‘angering’ Muslims after he ‘challenged’ them with Bible verses.
The failure of multiculturalism is that it generally assumes all cultures are equal, or at least, that all cultures share the same vague commitment to the arbitrary notion of diversity in harmony. In reality, this is simply not the case. Time after time we witness countless examples of those, particularly from Islamic cultures, refusing to harmoniously exist alongside those who do not share their religious, moral or political beliefs. Today we have just another example of this very thing taking place, but what’s worse, we now have authorities and people in power operating to preserve the sensitivities of people from…
Why Social Justice Warriors are the brethren of Judas Iscariot, not Jesus Christ.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, a Social Justice Warrior is ‘a person who expresses or promotes socially progressive views.’ The online Urban dictionary offers a more substantial explanation: A pejorative term for an individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in arguments on social justice on the Internet, often in a shallow or not well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation. A social justice warrior, or SJW, does not necessarily strongly believe all that they say, or even care about the groups they are fighting on behalf of. They typically repeat points from whoever is the most…
Pauline Hanson’s hilarious response to Sarah Hanson-Young’s encounter with an “It’s Okay To Be White” sign.
Pauline Hanson has sent Sarah Hanson-Young a box of tissues after the Senator for South Australia barely survived a close encounter with a real life “It’s Okay To Be White” sign. “Just found this on the street outside my office,” Hanson-Young tweeted on Thursday. “Whoever this moron is… should be named and shamed. Pro-nazi slogans like this are not welcome in Adelaide. Go back to the rock you crawled out from and stay there.” Just found this on the street outside my office… Whoever this moron is this should be named and shamed. Pro-nazi slogans like this are not welcome…
WATCH: Celebrities, politicians, and pundits threaten President Trump with violence and death, then accuse him of inciting violence…
Yesterday the Washington Post along with the Sydney Morning Herald published an article accusing U.S. President Donald Trump of knowingly inciting violence and civil conflict. “It is no longer an open question,” opinion writer Greg Sargent wrote. “President Trump knows full well that his rhetoric and conspiracy theories are putting people’s lives in danger — and in one case might have already helped incite mass murder — yet he continues to push them.” The piece goes on to accuse the President of “actively, concertedly, and deliberately inciting civil conflict on as many fronts as possible,” “likely” inspiring a madman to…
More than 70 asylum seekers on Nauru have refused offers to resettle in the US after learning they would have to work and would not receive welfare.
More than 70 asylum seekers on Nauru have turned down offers to resettle in the United States after learning they would have to work rather than receive government handouts and welfare. Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton told The Daily Telegraph, these people are not genuine refugees. “Reports have come back to people on Nauru that it’s all a bit financially tight there because you have to get a job and because there’s no welfare there,” he said. I for one, think Australia ought to adopt the Apostle Paul’s approach in 2 Thessalonians 3:10, “If anyone is not willing to work, let him…
The Labor Party is obsessed with identity politics, core document mentions ‘gender’ over a hundred times more than ‘poverty’
If you want to know what the Australian Labor Party is about, just take a look at the Consultation Draft of Labor’s National Platform. The consultation draft claims to “distill the policies and enduring values that Labor aspires to implement in government.” So, what’s on the agenda for Labor? Throughout the document, Labor mentions “gender” a staggering 138 times, compared to just 25 mentions of “poverty”. The term “sexual orientation” is mentioned 64 times; “intersex” 59 times; “identity” 42 times; “transgender” 36 times; “bisexual” 33 times; “lesbian” 31 times; “diversity” 27 times; “gender identity” 19 times; and the “gender pay…
WATCH: Social media fury, advert showing model removing Islamic head covering slammed for “Islamophobia.”
A clothing line is being widely criticized on social media after releasing an advertisement which suggests female Islamic clothing is oppressive. The 20-second advert is part of a campaign for Israeli brand Hoodies and features Israeli model Bar Refaeli wearing a niqab and hijab. The words, “Is it Iran here?” appear on the screen before Refaeli removed her Islamic dress to reveal Hoodies clothing. The ad ends with the line, “Freedom is Basic.” "iran is here?"look at this very racist and islamophobic commercial the israeli clothing company "hoodies" just released.. — noam is an angry kike (@carolvalkyrie) October 29,…
MP and Marriage Equality Campaign co-chair wants a formal apology from the Anglican church for holding to a Christian view of marriage.
Independent New South Wales MP and Equality Campaign co-chair Alex Greenwich has told the Sydney Anglican church to apologise for their behaviour during the same-sex marriage postal survey. Greenwich accused the church of seeking to disrupt and undermine the inclusiveness of Australian society by insisting on the Christian definition of marriage. According to The Guardian, Greenwich wrote to Michael Stead, the bishop of South Sydney, seeking a formal apology from the Anglican church for their “harmful and damaging conduct.” “It’s deeply troubling that instead of seeking to repair the church’s relationship with the LGBTIQ community, who you knowingly harmed during…
WATCH: Hillary Clinton says black people ‘all look alike.’
Hillary Clinton has said “I know [black people] all look alike,” after an interviewer confused black Democrats Cory Booker and Eric Holder. “What do you think about Cory Booker saying, ‘kicked in the shins?’ the interviewer asked. “Well, that was Eric Holder,” Clinton responded. “Yeah, I know they all look alike.” The audience gasped, then applauded, as Clinton laughed at her own remark. Can you imagine the uncontrollable outrage, the media meltdown, and the celebrities demanding immediate impeachment if these words were spoken by President Trump? WATCH: Wow. Hillary tries to crack joke after Moderator confuses Eric Holder and Cory…
Bill Shorten promises $20-million in taxpayer funds to his daughter’s sport: ‘I’m a netball dad’
Bill Shorten has promised a $20-million in taxpayer funded “investment” in women’s netball if Labor is elected. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in 2005-06, a total of 387,500 women aged 15 years and over participated in the game. “If Labor is elected we’re going to make the biggest single ever investment in women’s netball, $20-million,” Shorten said in a video he shared on Twitter. “I’m a netball dad. I’m really proud when I watch my girls train and when they run onto court. I want every girl to have the same chance as every boy in Australia playing…
Fake NYC Sanitation ads TRASH Christians and Trump supporters: ‘Keep NYC Trash Free’
A “street artist” in New York has posted a series of mock NYC Sanitation Department posters around the city depicting Christians and Trump supporters along with the caption: “Keep NYC Trash Free.” One of the posters features a woman in a MAGA hat holding a Bible, another shows a man with a confederate tattoo and a MAGA hat holding a drink from Chick-fil-A. According to Gothamist, the artist, Winston Tseng, refused to comment but said, “I’ll let the poster speak for itself.” Tseng has reportedly put up vulgar posters in the past, taking a swing at Sean Hannity, Donald Trump,…
Academics ask taxpayers to fund over $4-million in absurd university research grants, such as ‘Changing China’s Gender Norms’
Senator James Paterson has applauded Simon Birmingham for his “careful stewardship of taxpayer dollars,” after the former education minister rejected $4.2-million in recommended university research grants. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, this is the first time a minister has used such powers in more than a decade. On Twitter Labor Senator for Victoria, Kim Carr said, “last time this happened was by Brendan Nelson.” However, in Carr’s next tweet he went on to call Birmingham’s actions “unprecedented.” “The former Minister has interfered with Australia’s peer review system,” Carr tweeted. “Is it because he did not like the topics, the…
WATCH: Maxine Waters says opposition to Sharia Law is “anti-Muslim bigotry.”
With politicians like these, who needs enemies? So often in the West we find people of power and influence claiming to represent the peoples’ best interest, but in actual fact, they’re doing the exact opposite. The following footage was taken February 19, 2012 during a public townhall meeting at the Islamic Society of Orange County in California. Congresswoman Maxine Waters offered a speech, criticizing opposition to the implementation of Sharia Law calling it anti-Muslim bigotry. “It was important to recognize what’s really going on, on these anti-Sharia laws,” Waters said. “They’re motivated by anti-Muslim bigotry, plain and simple.” “Sharia equals…