1656 search results for "twitter"

Wayne Swan is the former federal treasurer who promised a budget surplus over and over and over again but never delivered a single one. He retweeted this tweet in response to the Government’s new tax rates. That the office cleaner and the company executive will pay the same rate of tax while one takes home two or three or five times as much as the other, does not just entrench inequality, it masquerades the powerful’s exploitation of the powerless as “economic policy”#auspol“ This is either idiocy or willful ignorance. It’s simplistic propaganda to sell socialism, using sneaky and manipulative language…

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Israel Folau has graciously come to the defence of his latest critic Magda Szubanski, urging his followers not to attack her for her criticisms of Folau and Christianity but to continue the debate in love. “Hey everyone I totally agree with Julia Baird,” Folau tweeted on Sunday, “please stop the anonymous online attacks on Magda Szubanski who has entered this debate very respectfully. She is entitled to express her views – let’s all have this important discussion with love in our hearts.” Hey everyone I totally agree with @bairdjulia – please stop the anonymous online attacks on @MagdaSzubanski who has…

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Since the re-definition of marriage, no one is denying the validity of the “slippery slope” argument anymore. Instead, they’re simply shaking their heads and wondering, “Has the world  gone mad?!” It seems as though the world is hurtling down the slope faster than the Gadarene swine. According to The Australian, even Gillian Triggs, the former head of the Human Rights Commission, has accused the corporate sponsors of Maria Folau’s netball team of “bullying”. Media pundits, business leaders, as well as current—and former—sporting heroes all seem to be in front of the pack but, as Andrew Bolt rightly points out, one…

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US President Donald Trump has praised Australia’s ‘illegal immigration’ policy, sharing a series of Australian government advertisements published by the Department of Home Affairs designed to deter illegal immigrants. “These flyers depict Australia’s policy on Illegal Immigration. Much can be learned!” President Trump tweeted on Thursday. The adverts read: “No way. You will not make Australia home,” “If you come here by boat without a visa, you won’t be settled in Australia,” and “Australia’s borders are closed to illegal migration.” These flyers depict Australia’s policy on Illegal Immigration. Much can be learned! pic.twitter.com/QgGU0gyjRS — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 27,…

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The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission has been asked to investigate the Australian Christian Lobby over its role in helping Israel Folau raise more than a million dollars for his legal fight against Rugby Australia, the Sydney Morning Herald reports. But the ACL have not breached any rules for maintaining their charitable status, according to ACL’s Managing Director, Martyn Iles. In an interview on Sunrise today, Iles explained: “We got legal advice on this before we went ahead with it. But also, I think it’s just the latest thing… Our purpose is to advocate for changes in law and public…

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Israel Folau’s supporters have raised over $1.2million in just one day after GoFundMe shut down the former rugby star’s crowdfunded campaign to help with his legal battle with Rugby Australia. The Australian Christian Lobby set up the alternative donation website after GoFundMe removed Folau’s original campaign which raised more than $760k in four days. GoFundMe said they will refund all donations back to Folau’s supporters. Nicola Britton, regional manager for GoFundMe Australia said the campaign was shut down because they will not tolerate the promotion of discrimination or exclusion. “As a company, we are absolutely committed to the fight for…

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In a nation that worships our sport and our sporting elites, Liz Ellis is a beloved Australian sporting hero. Liz played 122 netball games representing Australia, four years of which were as captain. Her personality displayed in the media is down to earth, her relative modesty and unassuming humour make it easy to like her. She seems like she should be a voice of moderation. But yesterday Liz Ellis effectively accused Maria Folau of supporting or endorsing homophobia in a comment on Twitter. There are serious problems with Liz’s comments, problems which reveal a toxic practice of intolerance and bigotry against…

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The media and corporate elites are ramping up their attacks on Israel Folau, now accusing the former rugby star of “greed” after he started a Go Fund Me page to help with legal expenses in his fight with Rugby Australia. Numerous news stories have been published by mainstream media, scolding Folau for asking his supporters to back him, suggesting instead he ought to sell his own properties and fund his legal action himself. Former teammate and Rugby commentator, Drew Mitchell, was praised by elites such as Peter FitzSimons for accusing Folau of greed, bizarrely suggesting that Folau thinks he deserves…

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Incredible footage has been shared of a senior police detective tackling a man mid-press conference. The video, captured by 9News, shows the man running from an angry father who claimed the individual had been inappropriate to his teenage daughter. The Sunshine Coast detective spear tackled the man as he attempted to flee past the conference while they were filming. The officer appears to have sustained a minor head injury during the tackle. WATCH: A police press conference was cut short on the Sunshine Coast when a senior detective tackled a man who allegedly made inappropriate comments to a teenage girl…

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UK Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, announced the government’s renewed commitment to resettle “thousands more refugees” from next year, and for years to come. In a video posted on Twitter, the Muslim MP boasted that since 2016, Britain has resettled more refugees than any other EU state, and that’s “something we’re very proud of.” Javid went on to say, the intake will “especially” focus on people leaving the “Middle East and Africa.” According to the government’s website: “The UK will aim to resettle refugees at current levels, adding to the nearly 16,000 refugees who have already found safety here since 2015…

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Teen Vogue, who this year told their young audience that abortion is safer than giving birth, and offered advice on obtaining abortions without parental consent, is now encouraging teenage girls to become prostitutes. The online teen magazine published a defence of prostitution, suggesting sex work is just as legitimate a career choice as being a doctor. In the piece titled, Why Sex Work Is Real Work, Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng outlandishly claimed being a sex worker is essentially no different to being a doctor with a medical degree. “I am a doctor,” she said, “an expert in sexual health, but when…

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Israel Folau has come under fire yet again for saying absolutely nothing we didn’t already know. After Folau’s latest sermon was posted to his church’s Facebook page, mainstream news outlets took the opportunity to renew the assault on the former rugby star. Preaching at his Sydney church over the weekend, Folau “doubled-down on his homophobic beliefs,” “escalated” and “intensified his attacks on homosexuals,” “targeted transgender children“, and “criticised youths undergoing gender treatment,” according to news reports. The media, who constantly warn us about the dangers of being exposed to such a message, will no doubt draw even more attention to…

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A heartbreaking video has been shared on social media of a father standing outside of an abortion clinic, begging for his child’s life. The man can be heard crying out, “Please, don’t kill our baby! Please, don’t kill our baby!” The man’s identity and the whereabouts of the clinic are unknown, but the distressing footage is a tragic reminder that abortion hurts fathers too. WATCH: Fathers matter too💙🙏 pic.twitter.com/ivjVtdQMzJ — Kay Fellows (@KayFellowz) June 16, 2019

A student at a school in Scotland has been booted from class for suggesting there are only two genders. Footage uploaded to social media shows the teacher confronting the pupil, explaining that “unacceptable opinions”, even those which may be scientifically true, cannot be voiced in the school. “I think it’s silly to have anything other than two genders, sir,” the student said. “Anything else is a personal opinion.” “Would you please keep that opinion [in] your house. Not in this school,” the teacher responded. “So, you get to put your opinion out in class, but my opinion has to stay…

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On Wednesday, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into law, what many are calling, one of the worst and most extreme abortion bills ever. According to Life Site News, “the so-called Reproductive Health Act (RHA) codifies a ‘fundamental right’ to abortion, establishes ‘that a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus, does not have independent rights under the law,’ and repeals numerous restrictions and regulations on abortion, including protections against taxpayer funding of abortion and protections for infants after failed abortions.” The legislation, which Pritzker praised as a “beacon of hope” for “women’s fundamental rights,” allows abortion up to the moment of birth,…

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Canadian academic Jordan Peterson has announced he’s creating a new social media platform that’s entirely censorship-free. Speaking with Joe Rogan last week, Peterson assured listeners that freedom will be the “central” aspect of the new platform saying, “once you’re on our platform we won’t take you down unless we’re ordered to by a US court of law.” ‘Thinkspot,’ as it’s been branded, will be designed to promote thought-through interactions through a minimum required length. Essentially, the opposite of Twitter’s 280 character maximum. Peterson explained: “If minimum comment length is 50 words, you’re going to have to put a little thought…

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The Pinterest insider who blew the whistle on big tech censorship, including Pinterest’s suppression of Christian and conservative content has been fired. In an interview with James O’Keefe of Project Veritas, Eric Cochran, a software engineer at Pinterest, revealed the company marked Christianity-related terms and Bible verses as “brand unsafe.” Cochran also revealed that such terms were also removed from Pinterest’s auto-complete search results, while other material was either hidden or silently removed. Terrisa Bukovinac, founder and executive director of Pro-Life San Francisco, has set up a Go Fund Me page in support of Cochran, who she described as a…

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Progressivism has become so pervasive that it’s about time that a children’s book is written on the political left. We’ve all been wanting to understand those big words that are thrown around time and time again and so, for social education of knuckle-dragging-cave-dwelling-deplorables everywhere, here are your 21st century ABC’s. A is for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AOC: The Fresh New Face of the Democratic Party, or as Ben Shapiro says, “So fresh. So face.” Never before have the ideals of communism been espoused in such eloquence and grandeur than through the lips of this 21st century feminist prophet. According to AOC,…

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Popular children’s television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic will introduce their young viewers to a lesbian couple in an upcoming episode titled, The Last Crusade. Aunty Holiday and Auntie Lofty first made an appearance in the book Ponyville Mysteries: Riddle of the Rusty Horseshoe back in 2017. At the time, Michael Vogel, one of the writers, shared an image of the “cute couple” on Twitter. When asked if the two female ponies were lesbians, Vogel replied: “Well they aren’t sisters so…” What a cute couple!!!!! https://t.co/h7EroakFpQ — mktoon (@mktoon) October 11, 2017 When asked again if he was saying they were actually…

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Pinterest has permanently suspended pro-life advocacy group Live Action and accused the organisation of spreading “harmful misinformation” that could “have immediate detrimental effects on a Pinner’s health or public safety.” A whistleblower at Pinterest told Project Veritas the social media company were suppressing and censoring pro-life and Christian content prior to Live Action’s ban. After reviewing Pinterest’s “Sensitive Terms List”, Project Veritas discovered that Christianity-related terms like “Christian Easter” and “Bible verses” were marked as “brand unsafe.” The whistleblower explained that such terms are removed from Pinterest’s auto-complete search results, while other material is either “hidden” or “silently removed.” According to…

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