1628 search results for "twitter"

A Canadian transgender activist has accused more than a dozen female-only beauticians of discrimination after they refused to wax his male genitals. Jessica Yaniv, born Jonathan Yaniv, has reportedly filed multiple complaints with the Human Rights Council (HRC) in British Columbia accusing the women of denying him service based on his gender identity, The Post Millennial reports. “The people that discriminated against me are forcing their beliefs on society,” Yaniv claimed during the tribunal hearing, who also equated the denial of service to neo-Nazism. Two of the women who refused to touch Yaniv’s genitals have already been forced out of…

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A woman in Brazil has violently pushed a priest off a stage after she broke through security during last Sunday’s service. Marcelo Rossi was delivering a message in Cachoeira Paulista, São Paulo, when the unidentified woman rushed the stage and shoved the priest in the back, causing him to topple over the edge. It’s unclear what triggered the woman, however, a number of news websites have suggested she attacked the priest because of comments he’d made about fat people and homosexuals. Other reports say the priest made no such comments, claiming rather that the woman suffers from a mental disorder.…

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The New York Times has published a bizarre piece today, suggesting the Apollo program is inherently sexist because it was created “by men, for men.” “To make it to the Moon, women have to escape Earth’s gender bias,” the article states. “The Apollo program was designed by men, for men. But NASA can learn from its failures as it aims to send women to the moon and beyond.” The Apollo program was designed by men, for men. If we do not acknowledge the gender bias of the early space program, it becomes difficult to move past it. https://t.co/Mt7rVLgAaf — The…

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The Reformation Wall is the latest target of the ever tolerant and accepting rainbow brigade. The Geneva monument depicting notable Protestant figures, William Farel, John Calvin, Theodora Beza, and John Knox, was covered with rainbow paint by vandals this week,  Evangelical Focus reported. The wall is located in the grounds of the University of Geneva, which was founded by John Calvin in 1559. The monument was constructed to commemorate the 400th anniversary of John Calvin’s birth and the 350th anniversary of the university’s establishment. “The world understands that biblical Christianity is diametrically opposed to the favorite dogmas of contemporary political…

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A New Zealand transgender weightlifter has won two gold medals and a silver in women’s weightlifting at the Samoa 2019 Pacific Games. Laurel Hubbard, 41, formerly known as Gavin Hubbard, scored first place in both the Women’s +89kg Snatch and the Women’s +89kg and second place in the Women’s +89kg Clean and Jerk. In second place was Samoa’s 18-year-old weightlifter Feagaiga Stowers, who won her nation’s second gold medal last year after Hubbard was forced to withdraw due to an elbow injury. 2x gold and 1x silver for Laurel Hubbard at the Pacific Games. 125kg snatch143kg clean and jerk 268kg…

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It’s every writer’s worst nightmare. You spend countless hours researching, writing and promoting your latest book—claiming to have discovered something all of the professional scholars have strangely missed—when it’s revealed that your interpretation is clearly flawed. But that’s precisely what has happened to Naomi Wolf, and it’s not the first time it’s happened either. Back in 1992 Wolf published the feminist classic, The Beauty Myth, (New York: Doubleday) in which she argued that 150,000 women die of anorexia in America every year. What’s more, Wolf compared this to the Holocaust stating: When confronted with a vast number of emaciated bodies…

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Tommy Robinson has filmed an impassioned plea to Donald Trump, asking the President and his administration to grant him and his family political asylum in the United States. In a video aired by InfoWars and later uploaded to social media, Robinson states: My name is Tommy Robinson, today I am calling on the help of Donald Trump, his administration, and the Republican Party, to grant me and my family political asylum in the United States of America. Robinson went on to say: I’ve been found guilty of exercising what is the equivalent of exercising First Amendment rights. Benjamin Franklin had…

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Eric Abetz gave one of the most important short speeches in Australian political history this week. Yet few Australians would know he even spoke a word, let alone know who Abetz is or what he stands for. Eric Abetz was born in Germany in 1958 and came with his family to Australia in 1961. In the 1980s, Abetz worked his way through ‘University as a part-time taxi driver, and farmhand. Once completing his law degree, he went on to practice law in Hobart’s northern suburbs’. He joined the Liberal Party in 1976 and was appointed to the Senate in February…

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Ever witness an ugly break up? Perhaps none come more spectacularly than Nivea being dumped by their own advertising agency amidst allegations the brand refused to feature a homosexual couple in a recent media campaign. The popular skin-care brand, owned by German-based company Beiersdorf, reportedly had a long-running relationship with advertisers FCB Network, dating back more than 100-years. The advertising agency, however, has refused to renew their contract with Nivea after an employee allegedly said, they “don’t do gay” in response to an advert proposal featuring a homosexual couple. According to Ad Age: “The allegations [are] that the brand rejected…

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Tommy Robinson is facing jail time again after being found guilty of contempt of court. Robinson was accused of breaching reporting restrictions by live-streaming outside Leeds Crown Court last year during the grooming gang trials. Robinson denied the claim, saying he only broadcast information that was already published by other news outlets and in the public domain. Two senior High Court judges, however, said Robinson’s conduct “amounted to serious interference with the administration of justice.” One of the judges, Dame Victoria Sharp, said the court is yet to consider the penalty for contempt which carries a maximum two-year penalty. The…

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Nike’s decision to pull a special edition of Air Max shoes featuring the ‘Betsy Ross’ Flag, used by Revolutionaries, during the 1776 American war of Independence, is shallow and proves that social justice warriors are hypocrites. Reasons for the recall vary. The BBC reported, that Nike recalled the shoes because of ‘complaints about the use of an old US flag embraced by white nationalists’. The BBC rightly pointed out, that American Nazi sympathizers (German American Bund) used the flag during the 1930s. However, the Bund also used the Stars and Stripes. Leaving unanswered the question of how and why this…

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Wayne Swan is the former federal treasurer who promised a budget surplus over and over and over again but never delivered a single one. He retweeted this tweet in response to the Government’s new tax rates. That the office cleaner and the company executive will pay the same rate of tax while one takes home two or three or five times as much as the other, does not just entrench inequality, it masquerades the powerful’s exploitation of the powerless as “economic policy”#auspol“ This is either idiocy or willful ignorance. It’s simplistic propaganda to sell socialism, using sneaky and manipulative language…

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Israel Folau has graciously come to the defence of his latest critic Magda Szubanski, urging his followers not to attack her for her criticisms of Folau and Christianity but to continue the debate in love. “Hey everyone I totally agree with Julia Baird,” Folau tweeted on Sunday, “please stop the anonymous online attacks on Magda Szubanski who has entered this debate very respectfully. She is entitled to express her views – let’s all have this important discussion with love in our hearts.” Hey everyone I totally agree with @bairdjulia – please stop the anonymous online attacks on @MagdaSzubanski who has…

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Since the re-definition of marriage, no one is denying the validity of the “slippery slope” argument anymore. Instead, they’re simply shaking their heads and wondering, “Has the world  gone mad?!” It seems as though the world is hurtling down the slope faster than the Gadarene swine. According to The Australian, even Gillian Triggs, the former head of the Human Rights Commission, has accused the corporate sponsors of Maria Folau’s netball team of “bullying”. Media pundits, business leaders, as well as current—and former—sporting heroes all seem to be in front of the pack but, as Andrew Bolt rightly points out, one…

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US President Donald Trump has praised Australia’s ‘illegal immigration’ policy, sharing a series of Australian government advertisements published by the Department of Home Affairs designed to deter illegal immigrants. “These flyers depict Australia’s policy on Illegal Immigration. Much can be learned!” President Trump tweeted on Thursday. The adverts read: “No way. You will not make Australia home,” “If you come here by boat without a visa, you won’t be settled in Australia,” and “Australia’s borders are closed to illegal migration.” These flyers depict Australia’s policy on Illegal Immigration. Much can be learned! pic.twitter.com/QgGU0gyjRS — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 27,…

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The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission has been asked to investigate the Australian Christian Lobby over its role in helping Israel Folau raise more than a million dollars for his legal fight against Rugby Australia, the Sydney Morning Herald reports. But the ACL have not breached any rules for maintaining their charitable status, according to ACL’s Managing Director, Martyn Iles. In an interview on Sunrise today, Iles explained: “We got legal advice on this before we went ahead with it. But also, I think it’s just the latest thing… Our purpose is to advocate for changes in law and public…

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Israel Folau’s supporters have raised over $1.2million in just one day after GoFundMe shut down the former rugby star’s crowdfunded campaign to help with his legal battle with Rugby Australia. The Australian Christian Lobby set up the alternative donation website after GoFundMe removed Folau’s original campaign which raised more than $760k in four days. GoFundMe said they will refund all donations back to Folau’s supporters. Nicola Britton, regional manager for GoFundMe Australia said the campaign was shut down because they will not tolerate the promotion of discrimination or exclusion. “As a company, we are absolutely committed to the fight for…

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In a nation that worships our sport and our sporting elites, Liz Ellis is a beloved Australian sporting hero. Liz played 122 netball games representing Australia, four years of which were as captain. Her personality displayed in the media is down to earth, her relative modesty and unassuming humour make it easy to like her. She seems like she should be a voice of moderation. But yesterday Liz Ellis effectively accused Maria Folau of supporting or endorsing homophobia in a comment on Twitter. There are serious problems with Liz’s comments, problems which reveal a toxic practice of intolerance and bigotry against…

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The media and corporate elites are ramping up their attacks on Israel Folau, now accusing the former rugby star of “greed” after he started a Go Fund Me page to help with legal expenses in his fight with Rugby Australia. Numerous news stories have been published by mainstream media, scolding Folau for asking his supporters to back him, suggesting instead he ought to sell his own properties and fund his legal action himself. Former teammate and Rugby commentator, Drew Mitchell, was praised by elites such as Peter FitzSimons for accusing Folau of greed, bizarrely suggesting that Folau thinks he deserves…

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Incredible footage has been shared of a senior police detective tackling a man mid-press conference. The video, captured by 9News, shows the man running from an angry father who claimed the individual had been inappropriate to his teenage daughter. The Sunshine Coast detective spear tackled the man as he attempted to flee past the conference while they were filming. The officer appears to have sustained a minor head injury during the tackle. WATCH: A police press conference was cut short on the Sunshine Coast when a senior detective tackled a man who allegedly made inappropriate comments to a teenage girl…

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