1656 search results for "twitter"

From the day Donald Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, I was sceptical. He was a mogul from liberal New York, unfaithful in marriage, divorced twice, and verbally ruthless towards his opponents. None of that has changed. And while there is still lots to dislike about Trump’s persona, his performance has surprised me. I’ve lived in America for the last six months. I’ve heard lots of perspectives on Trump, and I’ve kept a close eye on the media. I’ve explored Washington DC, visited the Capitol Building, and I even got to see Trump speak at a live event. For a…

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Diversity Council Australia is urging businesses to stop using the word “Christmas” because it might offend and discriminate against non-Christians. According to The Herald Sun, employers are being told to drop the Christian terminology from their end-of-year celebrations, and instead use more inclusive language, such as “holiday greetings.” Lisa Annese from Diversity Council Australia told The Herald that Christmas celebrations should effectively be less Christian by being more inclusive of other religions. There's a push to scrap the word "Christmas" from festive celebrations at Aussie businesses for fear of upsetting non-Christians. Do you agree? #9Today pic.twitter.com/YgetVXrB1A — The Today Show (@TheTodayShow)…

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LGBTQI+ advocacy group Equality Australia has released a video on social media, essentially warning the public that the Coalition’s ‘Religious Discrimination Bill’ will give people a licence to express a Christian view of sexuality, leaving LGBTQ people vulnerable to diverse ideas. The video, featuring an LGBTQ activist who said he sometimes wonders if he’d “hate-f*ck all the anti-gay MPs in parliament” just to get the “homophobia out of their system,” warns the bill will “take away your rights at work, at school, and in hospitals…” How will the bill accomplish this? According to the video, your “rights” will be taken…

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It was once said that if there is no God, everything is permitted. Every day, our post-Christian culture is demonstrating that to be true. The reason for this is because, without God, our culture has no moral ‘oughts’ and ‘ought-nots’. Actions and behaviours have no meaningful moral basis to conform to if concepts such as ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ only exist within our minds. If there is no God, then we are merely an unintentional and meaningless chemical by-product of time and chance working on matter. ‘Morality’ is ultimately incompatible with such a worldview. What one chemical does to another is…

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A primary school in Austin, Texas invited a drag queen to spend the day with the school’s young children, despite having a criminal conviction for male prostitution. According to the Family Research Council (FRC), Blackshear Fine Arts Academy allowed David  Richardson, drag name “Miss Kitty Litter ATX”, to visit the elementary school and spend time with the young students fully aware of the fact that Richardson had a criminal record. Internal communications between Richardson and the school librarian Roger Grape show Richardson admitting that he might not pass the school background check. “The guidelines for submission automatically disqualify me if…

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The gender-neutral, non-binary pronoun “they” has been announced as Merriam-Webster’s 2019 “Word of the Year”. The company made the announcement on Monday in a post on Twitter, saying, “The word ‘they’ – was looked up 313% more this year than last. – had a new sense added in September. – is increasingly common in both public and personal communication. ‘They’ is our 2019 #WordOfTheYear.” The word ‘they’– was looked up 313% more this year than last.– had a new sense added in September.– is increasingly common in both public and personal communication. ‘They’ is our 2019 #WordOfTheYear.https://t.co/i7QlIv15M3 — Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster)…

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Many conservative Catholics are deeply concerned with a moment of unfettered pagan idolatry at their Youth Festival in Perth in recent days. I recently interviewed Mark Powell about his article regarding the use of indigenous protocols in Christian services and events and the danger of mixing Aboriginal religion with worship of the One True God. Little did we know such an explosive example of the worst kind I have ever seen would happen so soon following our discussion. This wasn’t at a government or secular event where ignorant obeisance to political correctness can be expected and maybe even suffered in silence…

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UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson just released a new election advertisement parodying the 2003 British rom-com ‘Love Actually.’ In the video, Johnson imitates Andrew Lincoln’s character by holding up cards encouraging a woman, imitating Keira Knightly’s character, to vote conservative on December 12. Johnson posted the video to social media on Tuesday along with the caption, “Brexit, Actually.” So, what do you think? Cheesy or brilliant? WATCH: Brexit, actually. pic.twitter.com/4ryuh19c75 — Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) December 9, 2019

British public broadcaster Channel 4 sent an adult entertainer to a school in the UK to talk with young children about homosexuality and cross-dressing. Reuben Kaye, whose own website describes his act as “filthy-humoured”, took to Twitter on Monday to promote the video and mock Christians in the process, tweeting: “The wonderful people at Channel 4 sent me back to school to ask kids how they feel about drag. Me, a gay man talking to kids and God didn’t turn up and send us all to hell!! She must be busy.” According to Kaye’s website and promotional copy, his adult-only…

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Islamic militants have shot dead 14 Christians during a Sunday morning church service in Komondjari Province, south-east Burkina Faso. According to the Barnabas Fund, the December 1 attack left 14 members of the Ouba family dead, including five boys, 16-years and younger. The pastor of the church, Tchitchiéba Ouoba, was also killed. It was reported that the jihadist attackers slaughtered all but one male member of the congregation, while several women, and possibly young children, were said to have been left wounded. The Barnabas Fund said the leader of the church’s denomination, Tambougou Adjima, cried uncontrollably for ten minutes while…

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A new $80-million vertical high school in Queensland is the first school in the state to be designed specifically without boys’ and girls’ separate toilets. When Fortitude Valley State Secondary College opens in 2020, young students will only have access to 50 lockable ‘floor to ceiling’ gender-neutral toilet cubicles with shared basin areas. The only exception will be two male and female toilets in changeroom facilities which won’t open until later in 2020. Queensland Teachers’ Union president Kevin Bates said the new design was about “inclusion and accessibility,” arguing that gender-neutral toilets aren’t that “unusual” because “every toilet in our…

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An Australian LGBTQ youth support organisation has issued a “casting call” for “out and proud queer people” who are comfortable being photographed in their underwear. A post on the Minus18 Youth’s social media profiles said: “Casting Call: for out an proud queer people… We’re looking for a diverse range of INDIVIDUALS and COUPLES in the LGBTQIA+ community to be part of a truly inclusive national underwear campaign.” Pals! If you've loved the recent @BondsAus ads as much as we have, you might be interested to know they're casting individuals, couples and families for their new campaign! Deets in pic, go…

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The largest youth gender clinic in Australia wants to perform mastectomies on gender-confused girls under 17-years of age. According to The Australian, clinic director, Dr Michelle Telfer from the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne told the state’s mental health royal commission in July that mastectomies improved the mental health of trans boys and are “an integral part of the transition process.” The Telfer clinic, which treats children and adolescents up to 17-years, does not currently offer surgery, however, according to Dr Telfer “many” girls who identify as boys are asking for “chest reconstructive surgery.” Dr Telfer has called for surgery to…

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel has given an unusually emotional speech about people having the freedom to articulate ideas she doesn’t like. The German leader warned, “We have freedom of expression in our country. For all those who claim they can no longer express their opinion, I say this to them. If you express a pronounced opinion you must live with the fact that you will be contradicted. Expressing an opinion does not come at zero cost. But freedom of expression has its limits. Those limits begin where hatred is spread. They begin where the dignity of other people is violated.…

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Scottish Pastor, Richard Cameron, was suspended by church officials this week, until further notice, after “heckling” openly socialist, U.K. Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn. Corbyn, who has the potential of becoming the U.K’s next Prime Minister in the December election, was day two into his campaign trail in Glasgow, when according to The Scottish Sun, Cameron, a 60-year-old Church of Scotland minister, approached the Labour leader. Referring to Corbyn’s tartan scarf and his criticism of the United States actions against the late ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Cameron stated: I thought you’d be wearing an Islamic jihad scarf. Do you think…

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In the absence of Australian consumers having any actual influence on historical global climate variations, Greens MP for Melbourne Adam Bandt has decided to justify his incessant outrage and reframe our national guilt as “the third largest exporter of climate pollution in the world.” To confirm his outrage, he typed the last three words in all capitals – “IN THE WORLD”. There’s room to escalate though as he refrained from an exclamation mark or three. If climate pollution was an Olympic sport, Scott Morrison would be on the podium with a medal. PM can’t admit Aust is the 3rd largest…

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Izzy Folau is in the news again for saying something offensive. This time it’s not because of something he posted on social media but what he said in church. If you haven’t done so already, take the time to listen to his twelve-minute sermon before reading any further… However, this time it was not only those in the unbelieving media who were quick to pour scorn n Folau, but many within the Christian Church were eager to distance themselves as well. Everyone from the Prime Minister Scott Morrison—who said that Folau’s comments were “appallingly insensitive”—to Brian Houston who wrote on…

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The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) says it’s working with creatives and decision-makers in Hollywood to “change the narrative of Islam” through film and television. In a video posted to social media, MPAC director Sue Obeidi said the organisation’s Hollywood bureau is engaging with the film industry to increase positive portrayals of Islam and Muslims in an effort to change hearts and minds in the Western world. In a 2017 piece penned for Variety, Obeidi said, we’re beginning to see a shift in the entertainment industry, but the “normalization” of Islam needs to “speed up”. “It’s going to take a…

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The story goes that a student of philosophy was asked in an exam to prove a chair which had been placed where everyone could see it at the front of the exam hall did not exist. Students were expected to discuss the 20th-century philosophers who posited ideas about subjective human existence and questioned our relationship with reality. But this two word complete response, if the urban legend is to be believed, received top marks for its reflection of the possibility the chair was an illusion of the examiner’s mind. If you’re a person who tends to vote right of centre…

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A school teacher has said, parents should not have the final say when it comes to adult entertainers spending time with school children, as some parents don’t know what’s best for their kids. Anthony Lane, an English teacher at Willis High School, in Texas, defended the school’s decision to invite an adult male entertainer who performs at strip clubs to spend the day with young school children. Oh Miss Lynn Adonis, how we thoroughly enjoyed your company today! Laughs all day and memories we’ll never forget. So thankful for you! pic.twitter.com/Y7GjPziQsJ — Willis High School Cosmetology (@willishscosmo) October 18, 2019…

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