1657 search results for "twitter"

If you wanted any more evidence as to the decay of Western Civilisation, then you need only to consider the following example reported by The Daily Wire. As you can see below, In the American city of Seattle, the statue of George Washington has recently been pulled down by rioters and desecrated whereas the statue of Lenin remains untouched. Washington Lenin statue in statue in Portland Seattle pic.twitter.com/ohZAszRYQf — The Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) June 19, 2020 Like me, you might be shocked and more than a little surprised that there is even a statue of Lenin in Seattle. I had…

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“When the British eventually abolished the slave trade, the move was met with fierce opposition, not only from European slave traders but also from African rulers who had immensely profited from the business of selling their captives to the Europeans and Arabs.”

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An African American man questioning healthcare workers about abortion is making its way around the internet. The group were lined up outside either a healthcare clinic or Hospital, brandishing placards in a show of “woke” solidarity with Black Lives Matter. As one of the healthcare workers moves forward to kneel, the man in the video asks the group whether “all black lives matter or just some black lives?” The crowd responds in unison, “all black lives matter.” The unknown individual then asks “the black lives killed by black men matter right?” Again, in unison, the healthcare workers respond, “yes! Oh,…

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City of Beverly Hills officials have issued an indefinite order banning gatherings of no more than 10 people in residential areas. The ‘civil emergency order’ is a response to violent Black Lives Matter protesters disturbing the ‘peace and tranquillity’ of the “home of the stars”. The order cites, one ‘group called “Occupy” staging loud protests at night using bullhorns and loud music in residential areas’, with Vanity magazine adding that the ban also coincides with an earlier curfew put in place after ‘Beverly Hills was hit by violence, and property damage as looting began in the area, particularly around Rodeo…

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A teenager waiting for a train in Melbourne has been brutally beaten by a gang of approximately eight African girls. The shocking assault, which was captured on video and later posted to social media, took place at Southern Cross Station on Sunday afternoon. According to the victim’s mother, the teen suffered broken ribs, black eyes, a swollen temple, and bruising. The girl was also reportedly dragged to the ground and stomped on by the attackers. Despite the assault being captured on video, Victorian Police said they will not take action unless the victim makes a statement, according to 7News Melbourne.…

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An African-American woman has been filmed preaching to protesters within CHAZ, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, telling them that only Jesus can save them, not Black Lives Matter or the Democratic Party. Bevelyn Beatty, a pro-life advocate, entered the area to expose fake news reports about the movement currently occupying approximately 6-9 blocks in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighbourhood. Video of the event, which was live-streamed to Beatty’s YouTube channel, shows the woman calling out the Democrats as harmful to the black community, suggesting a vote for Joe Biden would have a devastating impact on African-Americans. “Fake news? You see, this…

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Chair of Lambeth Independent Police Advisory Group and community activist Lorraine Jones said she wasn’t sure if the statue of former Prime Minister Winston Churchill should be removed because she hasn’t ‘personally met him.’ Lorraine Jones appeared on Channel 4 News yesterday to speak with presenter Cathy Newman about the recent protests and counter-protests across London. Ms Jones suggested it’s time for the government to reexamine the historic statues around the city and promptly relocate any ‘that shouldn’t be there’ to a museum. “I think that what needs to happen, which I know has already started, we need to look…

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Dr Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Seminary in the U.S, is the latest victim of ‘cancel culture’. Religion News Service (RNS) is reporting that over 10,000 people have signed a petition to have Dr Mohler fired because of a supposed “racist” and “homophobic” podcast on June 3. (A full transcript of what was said can be found here) So, what precisely was Dr Mohler’s thought crime? It was that he failed to unequivocally affirm the violent riots around Black Lives Matter protest, and instead “…equated evangelical anger over the Episcopal Church’s embrace of LBTQ rights with the national outrage…

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Update: Google has restored the image and issued a statement. Google has removed the photograph of Winston Churchill from appearing in search results after ‘Black Lives Matter’ rioters branded the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom a “racist.” Search results for “British Prime Ministers” return photos of all Prime Ministers from Andrew Bonar Law in 1922 to Boris Johnson in 2019. Noticeably absent from the list is the photograph of Churchill (1951-1955), who is credited as Britain’s greatest prime minister following the defeat of Nazi Germany during World War II. Ironically, the tech giant has chosen not to give…

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CNN has criticized President Trump’s economy by appealing to data collected prior to his election. Host Chris Cuomo used statistics collected during the Presidency of Barak Obama to suggest Trump’s economy demonstrates systemic racism. The segment shows data collected by the Pew Research Center, showing the 2016 wealth gap between white households and black households. “White people make more money than blacks do, period,” Cuomo said. “Even if they have the same level of education. Even if they’re in the same jobs. In fact, that fundamental divide is as wide now as it was the year Dr King was shot.…

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Candace Owens has accused Black Lives Matter of being a shell company to an organisation that has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to Democrats running for President. Owens shared a video on social media on Thursday, demonstrating that funds donated from the Black Lives Matter website go directly to a group called Act Blue, a political action committee that has donated hundreds of millions to Democratic presidential campaigns of Bernie Sanders ($186 million+), Joe Biden ($119 million+), Elizabeth Warren ($93 million+), Pete Buttigieg ($78 million+), among others. “Wow this video is really important and every person needs to watch…

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Australian political history has a lesson for any American politician who chooses to leap before they look, and act on radical calls to abolish law enforcement. Last week, ex-Labor, Gillard-era government minister, Joseph Ludwig was found to have acted with ‘misfeasance’ (‘the wrongful exercise of law’; or in laymen’s terms: an abuse of power) when in June 2011 – with his approval, and under his oversight – the Gillard government put a blanket ban on live cattle exports. Ludwig’s decision was a ‘response to public outcry over footage collected by activists and broadcast on the ABC’s Four Corners, which [appeared…

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Slavery has been a universal institution for thousands of years, as far back as you can trace human history. We’re looking as if slavery was something that happened to one race of people in one country, when in fact, the spread of it was around the world.

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Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey (D) attended a protest on Saturday following the death of George Floyd, but things took an unexpected turn when the mayor was asked if he would commit to defunding the police department. Frey told the crowd that he believes the department must undergo “structural reforms” and that “systemic, racist system needs to be revamped.” The speaker responded: “We don’t want any more police, is that clear? We don’t want people with guns in our communities, shooting us down. Do you have an answer? It is a yes or no?” Frey responded by saying he doesn’t support…

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America rapper Ice Cube is fighting racism against black people by posting racist, anti-Semitic caricatures of Jews on social media. Ice Cube, whose real name is O’Shea Jackson, on Saturday tweeted, “F*** THE NEW NORMAL UNTIL THEY FIX THE OLD NORMAL!” The image attached to the tweet was a photograph of a mural depicting Jewish caricatures, which has been widely condemned for resembling Nazi-style propaganda. FUCK THE NEW NORMAL UNTIL THEY FIX THE OLD NORMAL! pic.twitter.com/wNN3uwOb4K — Ice Cube (@icecube) June 6, 2020 Even The Guardian in 2018 condemned the mural as “offensive,” “antisemitic,” “full-blown Nazi” propaganda when it was…

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George Floyd’s cruel murder is sparking much-needed conversations about justice and racial harmony in America and beyond. The ripple effect has already reached us Down Under, with protests planned for Australian capital cities this weekend. Yesterday I spoke with a friend who has ministered among Indigenous Australians for decades. He told me that in some regional jails he has visited, Aboriginal men made up over 70% of the prison population. Whatever landed them there, this is a deeply troubling picture. In a recent survey, 10% of Australians said they would tell jokes about Indigenous Aussies. 10% said they wouldn’t employ…

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It’s been estimated that about 12,000 people gathered in Sydney on Saturday to take part in the Australian “Black Lives Matter” protest, after a Minnesota police officer in the United States, a country on the other side of the world, caused the death of a black American. Protesters chanted “f**k the police” and “Too many coppers, not enough justice” as they rallied near Town Hall. Anti-police rhetoric has dominated recent “Black Lives Matter” protests, with the abolition of law enforcement and prison high on the list of demands. The Movement 4 Black Lives states first and foremost: “We are Abolitionists:…

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An African American police officer in Austin, Texas has been surrounded and attacked by a group of violent Antifa thugs. Footage of the assault, which was posted on social media on Saturday, shows masked protesters screaming “F**k you!” at the officer before attempting to wrestle a bag from his hands. According to Forbes, the protests that followed the death of George Floyd have thus far resulted in hundreds of injuries and at least 12 deaths, many of whom were African Americans. And we’re supposed to think these thugs truly believe “black lives matter”? WATCH: #TexasAntifa Thugs in full swing as…

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There’s a claim going around that Australian prisons are 82% filled with Indigenous Aussies. That figure is false. The actual number is 28%. According to the most recent ABS figures, 11,849 of 42,974 prisoners are Indigenous. 23,124 (or 53%) are Aussie born Non-Indigenous. The rest are from overseas, totaling 8,001 (18.6%). To make the case to justify a statement such as “Indigenous Australians are over represented in Australian prisons” the figures have to be bling’d out with shock and awe percentages, then wrapped in jargon. Allison Wong, in ‘Build Communities, Not Prisons’ written for activist group ANTaR, illustrated that in…

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In case you didn’t think 2020 could get any more perplexing, there are now uncontrolled riots taking place in dozens of American cities. From coast to coast, cars and businesses have been set alight, numberless shops have been looted, vehicles have been driven into crowds, and mob violence has broken out on city streets. In the week since the rioting began, numerous people have lost their lives and thousands have been arrested. Many cities have imposed curfews and the National Guard has been deployed in over 20 states. The unrest started last week in Minneapolis after a video went viral showing the…

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