Twitter Reverses Ban on Sidney Powell’s Lawsuits, Slaps A Warning Label Instead
Twitter has reversed their decision to censor the website of attorney Sidney Powell, claiming the link was mistakenly marked as unsafe.
Hillsong Staffer’s Trump-Hating Twitter Gaffe: “Mute the Bully!”
Criticisms of the “gaffe” were met with a similar amount of fiery criticism for the apology.
Twitter Brands Star of David ‘Hateful Imagery’ Then Backtracks
Left-leaning, Jewish online news organization, Jerusalem Post reports that Twitter have blocked accounts which feature the Star of David, branding the symbol “hateful imagery.”
Twitter Bans QAnon, Allows Discussion of ‘Attraction To Minors’ and Some Nude Depictions of Kids
Regardless of what you think of QAnon, it’s hard to see how these targeted sweeping bans won’t cause many within those circles to assume that they may have hit a little too close to the truth.
Twitter Suspends Stefan Molyneux A Week After YouTube Deleted His Channel With Almost 1-Million Subscribers
Stefan Molyneux has been suspended from Twitter just one week after YouTube banned the Canada-based philosopher from their video-sharing platform. In a video published following the suspension, Molyneux said “As far as I understand it, Twitter says they kicked me off for spam and platform manipulation. Specifically, operating fake accounts.” Molyneux said on Parler he received the ban just after promoting an essay detailing what he believes about issues including the state, race, men and women, and the family. Twitter’s suspension follows YouTube’s move last week to delete Molyneux’s channel which contained thousands of videos, attracted over 250-million views, and…
Twitter Says, Pedophiles Are Permitted to Discuss ‘Attraction Towards Minors’ and Share Some Depictions of Nude Children
Social media giant Twitter has updated their terms of service to allow their users to discuss adult attraction to minors as well as share artistic depictions of nude children. The updated policy states: “Discussions related to child sexual exploitation as a phenomenon or attraction towards minors are permitted, provided they don’t promote or glorify child sexual exploitation in any way.” Follow Caldron Pool on Facebook, Twitter, and Parler! Twitter went on to allow for nude depictions of minors in certain instances, stating: “Artistic depictions of nude minors in a non-sexualized context or setting may be permitted in a limited number of scenarios e.g., works…
Twitter follows Facebook in banning Avi Yemini, this time for calling out Climate Change Greta’s parents
Avi Yemini was banned from Twitter after a tweet addressed to climate change activist Greta Thunberg was flagged as being in breach of Twitter’s EULA. Yemini’s criticism wasn’t without merit. He was responding to Greta’s widely publicised, scripted speech, performed before the UN summit on Climate Change. Her performance appeared manufactured and forced. Emotionally distraught, Greta appeared to be intimidated and scared. She repeated the words ‘’How dare you” as part of her claim that the UN (aka the world) had “stolen her dreams and childhood with empty words”, and that “people are suffering, people are dying” and that “entire…
Twitter are now preventing people from following pro-life film ‘Unplanned’ on their platform
The decision to temporarily suspend the official Twitter account of the pro-life film Unplanned backfired yesterday with the account gathering over 200k followers after it was restored. Today, Twitter has responded to the overwhelming support by preventing people from actively ‘following’ Unplanned’s twitter page. “I was following Unplanned Movie, but Twitter has removed them from my follow list,” one user said. “Click follow, hit home and then go back to Unplanned’s twitter page. You won’t be following anymore,” another said. WATCH: Same problem here. I hit Follow. Everything seems OK. Refreshed page. Suddenly not following anymore. Follow again. Looks OK.…
Decision to ban pro-life film on Twitter backfires marvelously
The decision to suspend the official Twitter account of the pro-life film Unplanned has backfired marvellously, with the page gathering tens of thousands of followers since the suspension was lifted. Twitter has offered no explanation as to why the account was removed during the weekend of the film’s theatrical release, but the move resulted in the account attracting over 30,000 followers. We would like to thank the people who maliciously and falsely reported UnplannedMovie to @Twitter.Notice followers before and after.Your move… #unplannedreaction — UnplannedMovie (@UnplannedMovie) March 30, 2019 The film’s official Twitter account also pointed out blantant censorship in the…
Journalist banned on social media after saying ‘Women aren’t men’ files lawsuit against Twitter.
Life Site News: Feminist writer Meghan Murphy has filed a lawsuit against Twitter because she was banned by the social media giant after she criticized so-called transgender people. A Canadian, Murphy frequently writes on gender politics and is the founder of Feminist Current, an influential feminist website. In 2017, she spoke before the Senate of Canada and described her reasons for opposing transgender ideology. On Facebook and YouTube, she explained the reasons for the lawsuit. Murphy wrote that Twitter “allows porn, as well as accounts that enable sex trafficking, on their platform, but ban women who speak the truth about material reality…
Mother arrested in front of children after ‘misgendering’ a transgender woman on Twitter
A 38-year-old mother has been arrested hours after she “misgendered” a transgender woman on Twitter. Police detained Kate Scottow at her home in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, on December 1 following an online exchange with transgender activist Stephanie Hayden. Scottow was then taken to the station where she had her photograph, DNA and fingerprints taken before being placed in a cell for up to seven hours. Scottow detailed her experience on parenting forum Mumsnet: “I was arrested in my home by three officers, with my autistic ten-year-old daughter and breastfed 20-month-old son present. “I was then detained for seven hours in a cell with…
Laura Loomer permanently BANNED from Twitter for “hateful conduct” after criticising Muslim Congresswoman.
Laura Loomer has been permanently banned from Twitter after she criticised Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. According to Twitter, Loomer was suspended for violating the platforms rules against “hateful conduct.” The offending tweet read: “Isn’t it ironic how the twitter moment used to celebrate ‘women, LGBTQ, and minorities’ is a picture of Ilhan Omar? Ilhan is pro Sharia, Ilhan is pro-FGM (Female Genital Mutilation). Under Sharia, homosexuals are oppressed and killed. Women are abused & forced to wear the hijab. Ilhan is anti-Jewish…” Update: Just spoke with her. Here is the message @LauraLoomer received from Twitter following her permanent suspension…
Muslim Labor MP following Hamas organisations on Twitter links followers to KKK leader.
How hateful do you have to be to get expelled from the Party of Diversity? We’ll find out today, depending on whether NSW Opposition Leader Luke Foley removes Shaquette Moselmane as the Labor Party’s Chief Whip in the upper house. Moselmane has form for antisemitic tweeting, as NSW Treasurer pointed out in Question Time yesterday. But his dissemination – at 10pm Wednesday night – of a Jewish conspiracy article is a new low, even for him. It’s more a ramble than an article – the familiar trope about Israelis controlling Australian foreign policy – but what makes it interesting is…
Twitter permanently bans Alex Jones and InfoWars.
Twitter seemingly missed the memo when tech giants booted Alex Jones and InforWars off their platforms. Last month the controversial commentator copped a permanent ban from Facebook, Apple, Youtube and Spotify, to name a few. Well, it seems today Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has finally caught up. Alex Jones and InfoWars were permanently suspended from Twitter, one day after Dorsey testified to two congressional committees about Twitter censorship and bias. A spokesperson for Twitter said, “Today, we permanently suspended Alex Jones and InfoWars from Twitter and Periscope. We took action based on new reports of Tweets and videos posted yesterday…
Alex Jones banned from Twitter after posting a video about censorship on social media.
Alex Jones has copped a seven day ban on Twitter for sharing a video about censorship on social media. The video titled “Trump Must Take Action Against Web Censorship” apparently “violated Twitter’s rules against abusive behavior.” The ban comes one week after InfoWars was permanently mass-banned from Facebook, Apple, iTunes, YouTube, Spotify and other social media platforms. Whatever you think of Alex Jones and InfoWars, his enemies sure know how to make a martyr out of him. Hi @jack – your website has been ruined by brigades of professionally offended mobs who abuse the platform to silence anyone they disagree…
The Tweet that reportedly got Gavin McInnes permanently banned from Twitter.
In yet another wave of political censorship, Gavin McInnes and his organisation Proud Boys have been permanently banned from Twitter. The accounts were shut down for violating the company’s policies prohibiting violent extremist groups, a Twitter spokesperson told Buzzfeed. According to Breitbart, “the left-leaning magazine Variety drew a link between the bans and the upcoming Unite The Right 2 rally in Washington D.C., organized by alt-right activists. Yet both McInnes and the Proud Boys have disavowed the alt-right.” OAN correspondent Jack Posobiec shared a screenshot of a Tweet McInnes sent just prior to his deletion. “It goes without saying,” McInnes…
Court rules Donald Trump cannot block anyone on Twitter as it violate their free speech
A New York judge has ruled President Donald Trump cannot legally block offensive or trolling Twitter users because it violates their right to free speech in a “public forum.” I sued the President, and I won. — RPBP (@rpbp) May 23, 2018 United States district judge Naomi Reice Buchwald said, “The president presents the @realDonaldTrump account as being a presidential account as opposed to a personal account and, more importantly, uses the account to take action that can be taken only by the president as president.” The Knight First Amendment Institute, representing seven plaintiffs who had been blocked, brought…
Undercover: Twitter staff admit to censoring content
An undercover investigation by Project Veritas has revealed Twitter censors political content they don’t like. In the video below, eight current and former Twitter employees are on camera explaining the steps taken to down rank and even censor right-leaning content. You may even be censored without warning or notification. Former software engineer, Abhinav Vadrevu, explains “shadow banning,” as a means of banning someone without notifying them. “They don’t know they’ve been banned, because they keep posting, but no one sees their content. So the just think that no one is engaging with their content, when in reality, no one is…
“Eat Sh-t Lyle” now trending on Twitter
The Australian Parliament votes in favour of redefining marriage and how do same-sex marriage supporters celebrate? By taking to their Twitter feeds and tweeting, “Eat sh-t Lyle.” The phrase has been tweeted so many times that it’s now trending globally. And given the behaviour of the YES supporters during the course of the survey, I don’t think anyone is even slightly surprised. "Now I am become Lyle, the eater of shit." — Benjamin Law ? (@mrbenjaminlaw) December 7, 2017 Eat shit, Lyle. — Clementine Ford (@clementine_ford) November 14, 2017 eat shit lyle — dan nolan (@dannolan) December 7, 2017 eat…
Walsh: “America Is Distinctly Christian and European”
“Western civilization is the unique product of Christianity’s centuries-long sanctifying effect on the European people and their nations.”
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