The Role of Government in a Free Society: A Biblical-Critical Appraisal
“The fundamental values of the liberal tradition were in fact exemplified, formulated, and wrought into the texture of Western society by Christianity, not only as a school of thought but as a way of life and feeling: as a religion, in short.”
Climate Change: The Pretext to Decarbonise the Planet
“The environmental movement is really about controlling the human population, to depopulate, read ‘decarbonise’, the Earth with Malthusian methods.”
1,600 Experts From 59 Countries Declare: There Is No Climate Emergency
“There’s much more to the story of global temperature change than ‘humans are warming the earth.'”
Voice Scandal: The Secret Pages of the Uluru Statement
“The Uluru Statement from the Heart is 26 pages long, not one. That is a fact, notwithstanding insults from the Prime Minister, hyperventilating from his cabinet, a rewrite of history by Indigenous activists, and outright lies from The Guardian.”
The ABC Ditches Musk’s Free X-Change of Ideas for Meta’s Marxist Utopia
“Musk fired back, ‘Well of course they prefer censorship-friendly social media. The Australian public does not.'”
Kennedy Backs Musk’s Legal Stoush Over Far-Left Libel
“Robert F. Kennedy Jnr. says he’s happy to join Elon Musk’s lawsuit against libellous ‘hate watchers.'”
COVID Wars: Shoddy Science and Medical Malpractice
“Increasingly we are being vindicated. Barely a day goes by when we do not learn even more about just how wrong so much of the ‘science’ was, how dictatorial and totalitarian our governments were, and how much medical fascism was allowed to take place.”
Facebook Now “Fact-Checking” Your Interpretation of the Bible
“The policing of thought, appearances, and speech, is proof that the concept of governing bodies making themselves the ‘single source of truth’ isn’t a future possibility, it’s already a reality.”
U.S. Supreme Court Buries Forced Speech in Massive Free Speech Win
“The First Amendment protects an individual’s right to speak his mind regardless of whether the government considers his speech sensible and well-intentioned or deeply ‘misguided,’ and likely to cause ‘anguish’ or ‘incalculable grief.'”
Is This the End of Free Speech in Australia?
“As always, the term is so broadly defined and so nebulous that no one will know if they are guilty of hate or not.”
Australians Slam Proposed “We’ll Be Your Single Source of Truth” Legislation
“The legislation would bestow on the government the absolute power to silence political opponents.”
Orwellian Nightmare Ahead for Australians
“On George Orwell’s birthday, the Australian federal government declared it would trample over freedom of speech by giving a government agency new powers to combat what it deems as ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ online.”
Curing the Corruption of Medicine: Dr Aseem Malhotra’s Australian Tour
“After the past few years of mandates and now emerging injuries, this topic is crucial and the timing critical.”
Walking Together? A Response to the Australian Bishops
“…what Walking Together really does is oppose the Church’s traditional covenantal theology, assert that the Gospel evangelists’ depictions of the Pharisees are wrong, and blame Catholicism for the holocaust.”
COVID Mea Culpas and Back-Flips
Of course, for daring to suggest that medicine had been politicised and much of this was simply a grab for more power and control by our petty dictators, we were mocked, scorned, vilified and treated like scum. But finally, it seems almost on a daily basis now there are some who are willing to put up their hands and admit that we got things wrong – massively.
We Tried To Warn You
“Just how many things that we warned about have now come to pass?”
‘Anti-Social CCP’ Directive Bans TikTok From All U.S. Government Tech
“By the very fact two versions of TikTok exist – one for Chinese audiences, another for the West – it’s clear the Chinese Communist Party know TikTok is toxic.”
DeSantis Floats Digital Bill of Rights in Big Tech Fight
“If Big Tech censors enforce rules inconsistently, to discriminate in favour of the dominant Silicon Valley ideology, they will now be held accountable.”
Ardern’s Arrivederci a Boon for Life, Limb, and Liberty
“The coronavirus crisis was a unique opportunity for politicians. They get to seize absolute power, silence opponents, gag freedom of speech, and have the populace applaud them for doing so.”
Robert Kennedy Jr. Launches Landmark Legacy Media Lawsuit Over COVID Censorship
“The lawsuit will impact small news organisations that’ve been at the back-hand of Silicon Valley censorship for presenting reasoned viewpoints which question the hegemony’s prevailing political narrative.”