Jihadist Kills Three Men in Broad Daylight, One Week Later It’s Forgotten
I’m amazed at how some news items disappear as quickly as they arrive – and it’s rarely by accident. If you coughed you may have missed the news last month that three Brits had been stabbed to death in broad daylight by a Libyan refugee yelling “Allahu Akbar”. It later emerged that the dead, killed as they socialised in a Reading park, were all homosexuals. CNN tweeted: “A UK stabbing incident that left three people dead and several injured is declared a terrorist incident by police.” UK stabbing incident. Kind of like that New York jet plane incident back in…
Putin Mocks U.S. Embassy For Flying Rainbow Flag: “Reveals Something About The People That Work There”
Vladimir Putin has mocked the United States Embassy in Moscow for flying the rainbow flag in celebration of LGBTQ+ “Pride Month.” The Russian President said on Friday the embassy’s decision to raise the rainbow flag “reveals something about the people that work there.” Putin made the remarks following a nationwide vote on constitutional reforms that included amendments to affirm God and enshrine the definition of marriage specifically as a union between man and woman. “It’s no big deal though. We have spoken about this many times, and our position is clear,” Putin said. “Yes, we passed a law banning the…
July 4 Celebrations Banned, Protests Permitted: Patriots in California Defy Governor
California’s Governor Gavin Newsom delivered a proclamation marking the 244th year since the Revolutionary War that officially severed the 13 Colonies feudal cord with the British Empire. While Newsom’s ‘Independence Day’ proclamation was framed by the American national holiday, his message was more a short treatise on stopping the spread of the Wuhan COVID-19 virus. In an inversion of the American Revolutionary goal of independence, liberty from a tyrannical government, fraternity, equality and self-determination under God, Newsom called for obedience to the state, as he gave special exemptions to protestors, and enforced compliance with his government’s “emergency” COVID-19 counter-measure decrees…
The CCP’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ Debt Slaves Help Genocidal Chinese Communists Hide Human Rights Abuses
Last week Ben Packham wrote in The Australian that ‘China scored a victory in its campaign to prioritize its national interests over human rights, securing support for a UN resolution that would make individual rights a matter for “mutually beneficial co-operation.” [i] In other words, individual rights are solely contingent on an individual’s total subservience to and acquiescence with the Marxist/Maoist state. The individual must bow to the deified state in toto – mind, body, soul and strength. This is the Chinese Communist Party’s theocratic claim of possession over individuals, which is, outside good governance genuinely lived out under God,…
Woke Healthcare Workers Lose Their Wokeness When Asked If Black Lives Matter in the Womb
An African American man questioning healthcare workers about abortion is making its way around the internet. The group were lined up outside either a healthcare clinic or Hospital, brandishing placards in a show of “woke” solidarity with Black Lives Matter. As one of the healthcare workers moves forward to kneel, the man in the video asks the group whether “all black lives matter or just some black lives?” The crowd responds in unison, “all black lives matter.” The unknown individual then asks “the black lives killed by black men matter right?” Again, in unison, the healthcare workers respond, “yes! Oh,…
African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ‘Democrats Hate Black People.’
An African-American woman has been filmed preaching to protesters within CHAZ, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, telling them that only Jesus can save them, not Black Lives Matter or the Democratic Party. Bevelyn Beatty, a pro-life advocate, entered the area to expose fake news reports about the movement currently occupying approximately 6-9 blocks in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighbourhood. Video of the event, which was live-streamed to Beatty’s YouTube channel, shows the woman calling out the Democrats as harmful to the black community, suggesting a vote for Joe Biden would have a devastating impact on African-Americans. “Fake news? You see, this…
The Cancer of Cancel Culture: Demands to Fire Southern Baptist Seminary President Albert Mohler
Dr Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Seminary in the U.S, is the latest victim of ‘cancel culture’. Religion News Service (RNS) is reporting that over 10,000 people have signed a petition to have Dr Mohler fired because of a supposed “racist” and “homophobic” podcast on June 3. (A full transcript of what was said can be found here) So, what precisely was Dr Mohler’s thought crime? It was that he failed to unequivocally affirm the violent riots around Black Lives Matter protest, and instead “…equated evangelical anger over the Episcopal Church’s embrace of LBTQ rights with the national outrage…
Disney+ Introduces First Homosexual Main Character for Kids
Disney Pixar released a short film for young viewers on Friday, featuring the company’s first homosexual main character. The story, titled “Out”, follows a homosexual adult male named Greg as he struggles to tell his parents that he’s in a relationship with another man. After his parents pay a surprise visit to his apartment, Greg frantically tries to hide the evidence of his homosexual relationship, only to realise that he shouldn’t have to hide who he truly is. According to NBC News, Walt Disney Studios, the parent of Pixar and a subsidiary of the Walt Disney Company has been stepping…
Field Hospital Shut Down Because Volunteers Are ‘Bigoted’ Christians: ‘Their Continued Presence Here Is an Affront to Our Values’
WE are continually warned that doctors who believe in traditional marriage might deny medical treatment to gay patients. Amazingly, the New York City Council has turned this on its head and decided to deny gay patients to doctors who believe in traditional marriage. That’ll teach the bigots! New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson announced at the weekend that it was “time for Samaritan’s Purse to leave NYC”. He tweeted: “Their continued presence here is an affront to our values of inclusion, and is painful for all New Yorkers who care deeply about the LGBTQ community.” Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian…
From Valuing a Degree in Gender Studies to Valuing a Job at the Supermarket: COVID-19 Has Changed Things Overnight
JUST YESTERDAY a university degree in gender studies was valuable. Today a job at the supermarket is valuable. Yesterday a share portfolio was prized. Today a stash of toilet paper, hidden away in a bathroom cupboard, is prized. Yesterday all a woman wanted was Chanel. Today all a woman wants is hand sanitizer. Yesterday we dreamed of taking a holiday in Italy. Today we just hope the Government will let us out of our homes. Yesterday we dreamed of being CEO of a major corporation so as to dominate the business world. Today we dream of hosting a Zoom meeting…
College Cancels Graduation for Everyone Except LBTQIA+ Students and Minority Groups
Under the already oppressive cloud of the Coronavirus crisis, graduates at St. Olaf College, in Minnesota, are currently being denied an official graduating ceremony, unless they’re part of the graduating student body who “self-identifies as a person of colour”, International or LGBTQAI+. Though the College’s website states that “due to COVID-19, 2020 Commencement festivities are postponed until late May/June 2021”, the College’s Centre for Equity and Inclusion, has sent out an email invite, saying that it will be hosting virtual graduation ceremonies for minority students. Minnesotan based Alphanews, published a copy of the invitation, written by Dr Maria C. Pabon…
Mark Latham Takes on the Thought Police: “Activists Are Using the Legal System to Try to Destroy Their Opponents Financially”
NSW One Nation leader, Mark Latham, is taking on the ‘thought police’ with a bill to protect free speech online. Mr Latham’s amendment seeks to (1) Empower/Make further provision for the President of the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board to decline certain complaints; and (2) Remove the requirement for the President to refer declined complaints to NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal. According to a post on Facebook: “The bill also exempts interstate residents making their public comments interstate and ensures complaints cannot be accepted against people who have exemptions in other parts of the Act.” Bernard Gaynor, a former Major in the…
Is Christianity Harmful?
Earlier this month during the “Not Ashamed” conference, hosted in Adelaide by Australian Christian Lobby, Dr Stephen Chavura addressed one of the biggest issues facing Christians today. According to Dr Chavura, recent LGBTQ issues, such as same-sex marriage and transgenderism, signify a cultural shift that has taken place over the past 50 years. Attitudes towards Christianity have changed. The critique is no longer that Christianity is irrational, but that it is harmful to people’s mental health, and the LGBTQ “community”, in particular. “This is the shift that we’re seeing happening right now,” Dr Chavura said. “That is the argument that…
Canada introduces a bill to make it a CRIME to help children overcome gender confusion and same-sex attraction
The Canadian government introduced a bill on Monday that would criminalise any efforts to change a child’s sexual orientation or gender identity. The bill will add five new crimes to the Criminal Code, making it the most “progressive and comprehensive law in the world,” according to Justice Minister David Lametti. Lametti, who tabled the bill, said the legislation will make it a criminal offence to: (1) cause a minor to undergo conversion therapy; (2) remove a minor from Canada to undergo conversion therapy abroad; (3) cause a person to undergo conversion therapy against their will; (4) profit from providing conversion…
Disney’s new gay character censored in Russia, banned in the Middle East, boycotted in the U.S.
Disney-Pixar’s latest animated release “Onward” has been censored in Russia, banned in some Middle Eastern countries, and boycotted in the U.S. after introducing the first openly gay character in an animated feature film. The character, voiced by actress Lena Waithe, appears in just one “vital” scene in the middle of the film. During the scene, the female character, named Specter, makes mention of her lesbian girlfriend. However, according to a report from the Russian film website Kinopoisk.ru, the Russian dubbed version changes the word “girlfriend” to “partner.” “Presumably, Disney’s Russian branch tried to avoid unnecessary problems with the anticipated project’s…
Bill passes mandating sex education classes for kindergartners in public schools
A bill mandating sex education classes for all K-12 students in Washington public schools has passed the Washington State House of Representatives. The measure passed on Thursday with the House voting 56-40 after nearly six-hours of debate. Opponents of the bill said the curriculum reviewed by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction is too explicit, especially for children below the seventh grade. “I’m not sure why we’re rushing to remove the innocence from our youth,” Rep. Mike Steele said against the bill. “We put so much on them already.” Rep. Vicki Kraft, who also opposed the bill, cited a…
Mardi Gras, Climate Alarmism and Cultural Marxism
This year’s Mardi Gras parade was the quintessential expression of Cultural Marxism as forces united to attack their common enemy: Western civilisation in general, and mainline Christianity in particular. For those who thought Mardi Gras was purely about gay rights, this year’s event was more political than ever and revealed the true colours of the LGBTQI movement. Protestors mocking Scott Morrison with shirts labelled ‘The Department of Homo Affairs’ were dragged off by police, with a sizeable number of floats devoted to climate change. The theme was ‘What Matters,’ as the Mardi Gras website explains: This Mardi Gras season focuses…
“Woman of faith” AOC gets Sunday Schooled after accusing religious freedom advocates of “weaponizing” the Bible, like white supremacists
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she’s tired of religious liberty advocates “weaponizing” the Bible to “justify bigotry,” just like white supremacists, slave owners and segregationists did. The New York congresswoman, who described herself as a “woman of faith”, made the comments during a Thursday House Oversight Committee hearing about the Trump administration’s “religious liberty assault on LGBTQ rights.” Ms Ocasio-Cortez retweeted a video of her speech on Sunday, saying: “There’s a long history in the US of abusing scripture to advance the causes of bigotry & discrimination. Slaveholders did it. Segregationists did it. White supremacists do it. And it continues. Yet…
Studio10 Says If You Have A Problem With the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras You’re A Hateful Radical Extremist
If advocates really want to help the “LGBTQ community”, they would do well to stop telling LGBTQ people that they are hated and despised by everyone who does not affirm the rainbow worldview.
Disney introduces first openly gay character in children’s animated film
Disney Pixar will feature their first openly LGBTQ character in an animated movie in the upcoming film Onward. The film, set to release March 6, is set in a suburban fantasy world and introduces a gay cyclops cop named Specter. The character, voiced by actress Lena Waithe, reportedly appears in just one scene in the middle of the main characters’ quest, however, the character is said to be “vital” to the storyline. According to Yahoo Entertainment, the scene shows “Officer Bronco” complaining about his girlfriend’s kids and the difficulty of being the new guy in their mother’s life. The lesbian…
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