Why the Church’s Greatest Threat Is From Within
“How many sheep are outside, how many wolves within!”
Really, Karl? You’re Going To Lecture a Rugby Player on Hurting Other People’s Feelings?
Really, Karl… you’re going to lecture a rugby league player on not hurting other people’s feelings?
Understanding Why Christians Will Never Affirm LGBTQ Ideology
We’ve witnessed a rise in anti-Christian hostility in recent months, particularly when it relates to the Christian view of sexuality.
Family Doctor Suspended After Sharing Christian Beliefs Online
A family doctor has been suspended from medical practice in Australia after sharing his Christian beliefs online.
Mark Latham Says Political Indoctrination of School Kids Has to End
“The role of schools is to serve the family, not the other way around…Teaching kids that boys can be girls and girls can be boys is political indoctrination and it’s got to end.”
It’s Not a Sin to Be Cautious of the COVIDSafe App
I took some serious heat recently, after raising questions about the usefulness, function, role and consequences of using the Australian Government’s recent COVIDSafe app. I outlined two areas of concern, then was forced to address a third. My primary point was about precedent. The second concerned emotional manipulation; peer pressure, and the third, data security. Objections to this included asinine responses such as “it’s un-Christian not too”, that I wasn’t’ “loving my neighbour” and that “people will die if I don’t” sign up for the app. The more astute arguments included “Romans 13 and how it commands us to submit…
Despite What Mainstream Media Says, a Christian Prime Minister Is a Cause for Hope, Not Fear
FROM the moment Pentecostal church-going Scott Morrison became Prime Minister his Christian faith has been the subject of hot debate. Commentators on the ABC’s The Drum wondered if Morrison might try to turn Australia into a theocracy, forcing everybody to memorize the Bible and speak in tongues. Twitter lit up with people worried that Australia’s most famous church, Hillsong, might suddenly control the whole country, swamping the nation with positivity and catchy tunes. That the church Scott Morrison and his family attend is not part of Hillsong was completely missed on social media where the comfort of opinion is rarely,…
It’s Hell for Everyone When Politicians Play Theologians
A STRANGE thing happened at the last Federal election. Labor politicians demanded to know whether or not the PM believed gays would go to hell. Israel Folau, a deeply religious and outspoken footballer, had posted on Instagram that homosexuals (among others) would go to hell unless they repented. Labor wanted to know if our deeply religious Prime Minister agreed. But Labor did not go far enough. It is all very well for the political class to establish that gays are safe from eternal damnation, but what about the rest of us? We, too, need our political leaders to provide assurances…
The Safe Space Where Cultures Go to Die
When Catholic Archbishop of Hobart Julian Porteous wrote a booklet entitled “Don’t Mess with Marriage”, it never occurred to him that the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner was about to mess with him. The Catholic bishop was merely doing what Catholic bishops do. He wrote a booklet outlining Catholic doctrine for Catholic parents interested in Catholic teaching. That’s when a transgendered activist and federal Greens candidate stepped in. The activist complained to the Commission that the booklet was insulting. As well as an apology, she demanded that Catholic Education implement a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex awareness program for all staff…
Don’t be a dumb-ass: What French donkeys can teach Australians panic-buying toilet paper
Alongside the nonsensical Australian frenzy over toilet paper, and its bizarre connection to the Coronavirus, sits news about French farmers, living on the Atlantic coast, who are utilising donkey’s to keep their sheep safe from wolves. The Times reported that the breed of donkey being used is the Poitou; “one of the largest types of donkey, long prized by farmers for its ability to fight off wolves by biting and striking out with its powerful front hoofs.” In its report, The Australian cited Benoit Biteau, a donkey breeder in the Poitou-Charentes region, who said: [The] donkey has a very protective…
Two Years On, Where Has Same-Sex Marriage Taken Australia?
A couple of years back during that infamous postal vote, Australians voted to legalise same-sex marriage. During the debate, many warned that if marriage was redefined, a host of injustices would follow. People of faith could lose their jobs, gender-fluid teaching might take over schools, and the freedom to hold a dissenting view would disappear. Those in favour of same-sex marriage dismissed this as fear-mongering. They insisted that the plebiscite was only about the freedom of loving couples to marry. It was a false ‘slippery slope’ argument, they said, to suggest that other negative consequences could follow. “Marriage Equality will…
Female astronaut breaks women’s record; NASA, WaPo, ABC inadvertently affirm there are only two genders
NASA’s social media news feeds were flooded with images of astronaut, Christina Koch, today, as NASA celebrated her return to earth. The American astronaut landed safely via the Soyuz MS-13 capsule in Kazakhstan. Koch, 41, spent a record 328 days in space, marking the longest ever spaceflight achieved by a woman. U.S. Navy Captain and former Astronaut Scott Kelly broke the men’s record in 2015, spending a total number of 340 days on the International Space Station. On her official Twitter page yesterday, before leaving the I.S.S, Christina said that the thing she’ll miss ‘the exquisite beauty of the planet…
CNN settles defamation lawsuit with Covington schoolboy, Nick Sandmann, after mass media vilification and bullying
Round one of consequences for the mass slandering of the Covington Catholic schoolboys may have seen The Washington Post skip past go with a get out of gaol free card when a judge dismissed the lawsuit last year. Cable Network News (CNN) didn’t get off as easily. The media giant has decided to settle with Nick Sandmann after a defamation lawsuit was also brought up against the organisation. The Washington Post’s, Paul Farhi, noted that L. Lin. Wood, lead lawyer for Sandmann, was also lead lawyer in the lawsuit filed by Richard Jewell against CNN after he was “vilified by journalists”,…
Law Council of Australia Opinion is what’s “Deeply Flawed”
An article in The Australian titled, “Amended religious freedom bill ‘deeply flawed’, says Law Council”, reports the Law Council of Australia president Arthur Moses SC is highly critical of the second exposure draft of the Religious Discrimination Bill (RDB2). The planned legislation is an attempt at the fulfilment of promises by the Turnbull Government which undefined marriage without building in the necessary protections for those whose deeply held convictions were suddenly at conflict with the official, novel beliefs about marriage. That failure is in a legal environment where radical fringe activists have increasingly sought to weaponise anti-discrimination tribunals against people…
Christianity Today, where is the consistency?
If Christianity Today is to remain at the top of its game after their recent support for the full impeachment of Donald Trump, on what is already widely agreed to be manufactured political maneuvering by Leftists, they’ll now need to give voice to a broader theological critique. Australia’s Eternity News also seemingly plopped itself onto the bandwagon, defending what looked like its own giddy, veiled applause with the dismissal that “reporting the news is not the same as supporting the contents of it.” This is despite individuals calling the article “brave.” Readers of both Eternity News and Christianity Today would…
LGBTQ activists campaigned for ‘diversity’, now they want to make diversity of opinion a crime
LGBTQI+ advocacy group Equality Australia has released a video on social media, essentially warning the public that the Coalition’s ‘Religious Discrimination Bill’ will give people a licence to express a Christian view of sexuality, leaving LGBTQ people vulnerable to diverse ideas. The video, featuring an LGBTQ activist who said he sometimes wonders if he’d “hate-f*ck all the anti-gay MPs in parliament” just to get the “homophobia out of their system,” warns the bill will “take away your rights at work, at school, and in hospitals…” How will the bill accomplish this? According to the video, your “rights” will be taken…
Mark Latham says, Australians were lied to during the same-sex marriage debate: this is ‘chilling for all religious preachers and freedoms’
One Nation NSW leader Mark Latham has said Australians were lied to during the same-sex marriage debate after voters were repeatedly assured the legalisation of gay ‘marriage’ would not result in a loss of freedoms. Mr Latham made the comments in a post on Facebook today, following news that the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board had accepted a complaint from an LGBTQ activist accusing Israel Folau of “homosexuality vilification”. Campaigner Garry Burns took issue with the former rugby star’s “controversial” April Instagram post which warned hell awaits sinners who refuse to turn to Jesus for forgiveness, including homosexuals. Mr Latham described the NSW…
Peter FitzSimons condemns Christians at Christmas
There’s only one Person the pirate from Neutral Bay despises more than the Queen of the Commonwealth, and that’s the King of the Universe who was born in a manger. Anyone daring to respectfully repeat His Words will be the target of Pirate Pete’s unbridled condemnation and vilification. Margaret Court and Israel Folau have been the criminals he’s persecuted relentlessly with his right to hate speech. Their crimes? They had the audacity to suggest God’s design for marriage was exclusive and that rebellion against God is likely to result in His judgement. “Is it not a tad presumptuous as to…
Scottish pastor suspended for tweets after publicly questioning Jeremy Corbyn
Scottish Pastor, Richard Cameron, was suspended by church officials this week, until further notice, after “heckling” openly socialist, U.K. Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn. Corbyn, who has the potential of becoming the U.K’s next Prime Minister in the December election, was day two into his campaign trail in Glasgow, when according to The Scottish Sun, Cameron, a 60-year-old Church of Scotland minister, approached the Labour leader. Referring to Corbyn’s tartan scarf and his criticism of the United States actions against the late ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Cameron stated: I thought you’d be wearing an Islamic jihad scarf. Do you think…
Christians will no longer be tolerated: Quoting the Bible puts other people’s lives at risk, says ARLC chairman
The new Australian Rugby League Commission chairman has said he has no tolerance for people like Israel Folau, who put other people’s lives in danger by quoting the Bible. During an official press conference, ARLC chairman Peter V’landys said he will not welcome Folau back into the game, suggesting publicly expressing a biblical view of sexuality will result in gay-bashings. This game is inclusive. Israel’s comments are not inclusive. When I was a kid and kids used to get bashed up because they were different, I used to go and defend them. And a lot of them, it’s because their…
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