688 search results for "good government"

Rev John Brown Gribble was born September 1, 1847, in Cornwall, England. As a young man, the reverend moved to Australia, where he worked as a missionary among the indigenous people in New South Wales, Western Australia, and Queensland.

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The Daily Mail Australia is reporting Wilson Gavin died after suffering critical injuries in suicide about 7am this morning at Chelmer Railway station. I am, was, friends with Wilson. He has nothing to apologise for and is a hero we all should take notes from. He hated no one, and dearly loved his Roman Catholic Church, taking his religion very seriously. He loved the Queen and our Commonwealth, and passionately advocated for conservative principles as the best ideas for all of his fellow Australians. Like the stranger in the parable of the Good Samaritan, he thought it his Christian imperative to practically…

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Greens candidate Tom Raue is set to host a workshop designed to teach climate activists how to counter police equipment when they come into conflict with the authorities. The workshop, ‘Countering Police Equipment – from Handcuffs to Tear Gas’,  is part of a weeklong event for ‘Students of Sustainability 2020‘ (SoS) which is being held at the University of Sydney from January 12. SoS describes itself as an “annual grassroots convergence and critical education space that empowers new and diverse generations of people to participate in the climate justice movement.” A Facebook event advertising Raue’s workshop states: “As climate change…

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It’s become quite fashionable with the advent of social media for rank amateur theologians to posture as experts on Christian living, doctrine and to even claim confidence of what the historical Jesus Christ would support or oppose. Ironically many personally reject any authority or validity of Scripture in their personal lives – it’s just something they pretend has authority when they ignorantly assume it supports their position. The most common example is easily people who quote the first two words of Matthew 7, “Judge not”, without reading the rest of that very chapter or Gospels or Bible which teaches Christians…

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An article in The Australian titled, “Amended religious freedom bill ‘deeply flawed’, says Law Council”, reports the Law Council of Australia president Arthur Moses SC is highly critical of the second exposure draft of the Religious Discrimination Bill (RDB2). The planned legislation is an attempt at the fulfilment of promises by the Turnbull Government which undefined marriage without building in the necessary protections for those whose deeply held convictions were suddenly at conflict with the official, novel beliefs about marriage. That failure is in a legal environment where radical fringe activists have increasingly sought to weaponise anti-discrimination tribunals against people…

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The recent bushfires across the eastern coast of Australia have been a national tragedy. They have claimed many lives, destroyed hundreds of houses, and have decimated literally hundreds and thousands of hectares of bushland. Everyone agrees that we are overwhelmingly indebted to the fire-fighters who have been tirelessly waging war against nature — they have done a tremendous job, in the face of a seemingly insurmountable task. Whilst the cataclysmic nature of the inferno is unanimous, there seems to be a chorus of Australians who have hastened to the conclusion that global warming is the cause, and CO2 emissions are…

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This real-world scenario is a great thought experiment to test our thinking on religious freedom. Do we believe the radical secularist view that there should be freedom from religion and zero tolerance of public expressions thereof, do we believe that someone should be able to do absolutely anything if a sincerely held religious belief, or if somewhere between those extremes: exactly where? An elderly couple had just won a Christmas ham in a raffle at their local club where they’d gone out for the night, and responsibly booked an Uber to take them home at about 10pm. The Muslim driver asked them…

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From the day Donald Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, I was sceptical. He was a mogul from liberal New York, unfaithful in marriage, divorced twice, and verbally ruthless towards his opponents. None of that has changed. And while there is still lots to dislike about Trump’s persona, his performance has surprised me. I’ve lived in America for the last six months. I’ve heard lots of perspectives on Trump, and I’ve kept a close eye on the media. I’ve explored Washington DC, visited the Capitol Building, and I even got to see Trump speak at a live event. For a…

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Wherever you look, socialism is sexy again. In the UK this week, Jeremy Corbyn is seeking election as the nation’s Prime Minister on a proudly socialist platform. In the USA, socialist Bernie Sanders is making a second run for President, and he has the endorsement of “the Squad”—a group of socialist Congresswomen which includes the famous firebrand freshman AOC. You may not have noticed yet, but the climate strikes taking place the world over also have strong socialist undercurrents. If the word socialism is new to you, it’s basically the idea that society’s wealth should be redistributed and shared by everyone. (Be sure to do your…

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Many conservative Catholics are deeply concerned with a moment of unfettered pagan idolatry at their Youth Festival in Perth in recent days. I recently interviewed Mark Powell about his article regarding the use of indigenous protocols in Christian services and events and the danger of mixing Aboriginal religion with worship of the One True God. Little did we know such an explosive example of the worst kind I have ever seen would happen so soon following our discussion. This wasn’t at a government or secular event where ignorant obeisance to political correctness can be expected and maybe even suffered in silence…

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Democracy is a very old word. It comes from the Greek words demos meaning ‘the people’ and kratos meaning ‘power’. The opposite of democracy is aristocracy, the power of aristos, your ‘betters’ or, in other words, the nobility. History has repeatedly been shaped by the endless struggle between the strong who abuse power and the weak who resent it. In the 1800s, for instance, France had a people’s revolution. The commoners rioted. They killed a whole bunch of nobles. They burnt things. Overall they successfully de-fanged their aristos, thus ushering in a new era where the government would be for,…

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If you live in a major city in Australia, you’ve most likely come across a ‘Gonski’ advertisement. If you’re anything like me, you will have stopped to ask the question: “Why are those on the political left so insistent on providing a free education?” After all, if Gonski is ‘good for our kids’ and ‘great for our nation,’ why wouldn’t you support it? The idea of providing everyone with a ‘free education’ seems a benevolent goal. Nonetheless, what many do not know is that the promotion of ‘free’ education has played an essential role in the unfolding of Marxism in…

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Following the news that an LGBTQ activist was suing Israel Folau for $100,000 over his “controversial” Instagram post back in April, Caldron Pool received a comment we thought worth republishing. The comment was posted by Nicholas Butler, a “bisexual man on the left” and a law student at Monash University. While we obviously don’t agree with everything said, Nicholas offers an interesting perspective on anti-vilification complaints that folks on the Left would do well to consider. Nicholas’ comment was titled, ‘Why I, a bisexual man on the left, don’t support the anti-vilification complaint against Israel Folau’: While what he said…

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Fr. Daryl McCullough—and Aboriginal Anglican priest from Western NSW—has written a turgid 4,000-word opinion piece in Eternity responding to my original 800-word article as to why Christian organisations should not engage in the use of indigenous protocols. He raises a number of significant concerns which I thought would be helpful to provide a response to help further clarify the issue (Proverbs 27:17). At its recent General Assembly, the Presbyterian Church of Australia discussed the use of Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country protocols. I was one of a significant number who expressed their personal concerns about doing so. The…

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Social media giant Twitter has updated their terms of service to allow their users to discuss adult attraction to minors as well as share artistic depictions of nude children. The updated policy states: “Discussions related to child sexual exploitation as a phenomenon or attraction towards minors are permitted, provided they don’t promote or glorify child sexual exploitation in any way.” Follow Caldron Pool on Facebook, Twitter, and Parler! Twitter went on to allow for nude depictions of minors in certain instances, stating: “Artistic depictions of nude minors in a non-sexualized context or setting may be permitted in a limited number of scenarios e.g., works…

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Update: SBS restored the article, but added a notice at the top of the piece, stating: Speaking earlier this week, Mr Packham confirmed his position on what is causing the current severe bushfire conditions. Addressing the matter on Sky News, he said fuel loads remain the core issue. “The most important (factor) is the dryness of the fuel, which comes from the hot dry weather,” he said. “It’s not behind the lot of it, it’s behind all of it. The theory is as solid as the universal theory of gravitation.” SBS has attempted to contact Mr Packham on whether he…

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I’ve lost count of the reasons for why I don’t solely rely on the ABC for information. Monday night’s Q&A panel discussion ranks among them. The panel was a dismissal display of the feminist critique. The misandry fest squawked a lot about killing and being killed, in regards to “whiteness” and “the Patriarchy”, but didn’t include their own matriarchal tyrannical bloodletting against their own children, or any discussion on where that violent tyranny leads. The panel exemplified the fact that female supremacist ideology threatens legitimate feminist criticisms. This is militant feminism preaching a hatred that is no different to what…

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If you own a screen, chances are you’ve heard about this week’s climate strikes in a city near you. Chances are you were also recently introduced to a 16-year-old called Greta Thunberg. So what’s all the hype about? The protests have been organised by Extinction Rebellion (XR), whose website states: We are facing an unprecedented global emergency. Life on Earth is in crisis: scientists agree we have entered a period of abrupt climate breakdown, and we are in the midst of a mass extinction of our own making. Greta Thunberg, a Swedish school student, spoke at the group’s ‘Declaration of Rebellion’ held in London…

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The Australian Psychological Society (APS) has labelled climate change the “greatest health threat of the 21st century.” Thus, according to the APS website, “climate change is as much a psychological and social problem as it is an environmental or ecological catastrophe.” In fact, approximately 30% of people affected are said to be at risk of suffering mental health problems, such as, “PTSD, depression, complicated grief, followed by substance use, and other anxiety disorders.” Naturally, one must wonder just how much of this climate debate we should be heaping on the backs of young, vulnerable children. In recent weeks, we’ve seen…

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What evils have provoked the Lord to bring judgment on our community? That question was asked in 1679 by the General Court of Massachusetts Colony. Not long after, political and religious leaders gathered together in Boston to formulate a response and uncover the root of the issues plaguing the new community. The synod offered up fourteen reasons why judgment had fallen on the colony, one of those being defects in family government in the home. “There are many families that do not pray to God constantly, morning and evening,” the council wrote. “And many more where the Scriptures are not…

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