COVID-19 Measures Are Killing Cancer Research
“If cancer research can be halted, and risk being sent backwards, for a virus that’s become more about politics than healthcare, it can be halted for other political reasons.”
Compliance Cards and Five Bizarre COVID Vaccine Sales Pitches
While free stuff is a better option than mandatory vaccinations, it shouldn’t be an either/or option.
Mass Anti-Israel Protests Celebrated While Pastors Are Arrested for Holding Church Services
People can’t do Church. They can join a mass protest to hate on Israel because it’s part of the approved narrative – COVID rules need not apply.
Virtue Signalling Budget Blowouts Sell Off Australians to the Cult of “Wokeness”
Either the 2021 budget shows that Scott Morrison’s prowess in outplaying leftists is pure genius; or he’s a sell-out, playing quiet Australians for all their worth.
What If We Were Wrong About Free Speech?
“So here is my mea culpa on free speech, I was wrong to ever defend it.”
Yale Academic Claims Christian Homeschooling Is Breeding White Supremacy
“In the end, the contempt for Christian homeschoolers isn’t about people, it’s about politics, sex, and power.”
The Only Way to Separate Religion and Politics Is to Kill Civil Rights
“The only way to separate religion and politics in a country with millions of religionists, and many who wish to go into politics or political lobbying, is basically by removing the civil rights of religious people, and removing any possibility that they can have any influence in politics at all.”
Telling the Truth About Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
Significantly, the vast majority of Aboriginal deaths in custody are experienced by those with pre-existing health conditions, rather than anything to do with police violence or ‘systemic racism’.
Melbourne Limits ANZAC Attendance the Same Day They Host the Biggest Sports Crowd in the World Since Coronavirus
Michael O’Brien, Victoria’s leader of the opposition, said: “Not what they fought for. Not fair to our veterans. Not respectful of ANZAC day. Not bloody good enough.”
Australian Academics Take Aim At Cancel Culture
I’m confident in saying that it is one of the most important books I’ve read in a while.
Influencers Offered “Thousands of Dollars” to Post Selfies While Getting Vaccine
“I received two vaccine campaigns paying thousands of dollars to go and get the vaccine and record it and take a selfie while getting the vaccine,” Rife said.
Is Submission to the State Absolute, or Is There a Place for Resistance?
Is it ever right to disobey the state? If so, when and why? Is there a right to rebel against authority?
European Rights Court Backs Compulsory Vaccinations for Children
According to reports, Thursday’s ruling is the first time a European rights court has ruled on compulsory vaccinations.
Karl Marx’s Promethean Monstrosity Is a Mass Murderer
The overbearing weight of being governed by a government that has confused the Creator with the creature is inevitably unjust, corrupt, and self-destructive.
Lil Nas X and the Threat of Therapeutic Totalitarianism
We are on the cusp of what could be labelled as ‘therapeutic totalitarianism’.
Don’t Miss the Irony of Feminists Calling on Big Brother to Restrain a Free-Sex Society
Feminism hasn’t delivered a utopia for women, it’s in fact bought them a ticket on the Titanic.
Aboriginal Rape Culture Ignored by the “Everything Is Racist” Political Class
Platitudes of justice for (alleged and factual) “historical wrongs” cost less, than loving those in the here, and now, by helping them help themselves through the messy task of healing wounds, tending scars, changing culture, untangling battered communities, and defending the defenceless.
Veterans Lives Matter: Craig Kelly Calls for Royal Commission Into Veteran Suicides
The member for Hughes explained his disappointment at the Government’s handling of the Brereton report, stating that the LNP didn’t just throw Special Forces Veterans under the bus, they threw them under a tank.
China Is Smarter Than Us
Rather than watch the slow erosion of their burgeoning society by the feminization of their men, China is actively seeking to push back against it, from within high levels of their government.
We Created a Society Where a Dad Can Be Jailed for Refusing to Refer to His Biological Daughter as a Boy
If your government doesn’t kneel before King Jesus, you will inevitably kneel before your government.