Hundreds of Thousands of Australians Rise up in Defence of Civil Liberties, Informed Consent and the Restoration of Good Government
“The massive wave of protests in Australia follows months of protests in France, and the rising wave of visible dissent in Austria, and Italy, as governments continue to pursue a hard-line authoritarian course further into the abyss of therapeutic totalitarianism.”
Thousands Join March for Life Queensland in a Stand for Good Government Against Lethal Legislation
On this firm basis, good government should push to emphasise curing disease, not killing people. Good government should seek to ease their suffering, not erase their humanity, nor the humanity of genuine healthcare providers.
Damning US Investigation Into COVID Response Finds Governments Did More Harm, Than Good
“These findings vindicate what I and other regular contributors to Caldron Pool have been saying since the COVID Communist crackdown turned the war on the virus into a war on the people.”
Government Overreach in the Name of the “Greater Good” Is Catastrophic for Liberty
“Any serious student of the 1930s is struck by the familiarity of the debate.”
U.K. Government: An Obstacle to Peace in Ukraine
“It’s been almost three years since Russia invaded Ukraine and, arguably, everything the U.K. Government appears to be doing is aimed at prolonging the war.”
Speaking Truth to Power – Keeping Government in Check
“A government without accountability and checks and balances is not a proper government but a tyranny.”
Good Grief, Now We Have a ‘Secretary for Men’s Behaviour’!
“The whole problem with identity politics as practiced by the left is that they always target the wrong groups. White, conservative, Christian males seem to ALWAYS be the problem – and no one else.”
QLD State Government Targets Homeschoolers
“Should these policy changes be ratified, there will be nowhere for non-conformist families to flee. You will be required to teach your child according to the requirements of the secular state.”
Inside the Christian Right Conspiracy to “Take Over Government”
“They’re on a not well-hidden mission to wind back the clock of landmark social progress such as marriage equality, gender theory, reproductive choice, completely decriminalised sex work and legalised voluntary assisted dying.”
Be Good or Be Accepted as Good
“We should be far more willing to suffer and do what is good rather than worry about being seen as good by our decadent society…”
NZ’s Libertarian Government Doubles-Down: It’s Sink or Swim Time for Democracies in Decline
“There’s been a cultural shift towards the idea that if there is a problem to be solved, or if life is to get better, the people in [government] will do it for us.”
The Role of Government in a Free Society: A Biblical-Critical Appraisal
“The fundamental values of the liberal tradition were in fact exemplified, formulated, and wrought into the texture of Western society by Christianity, not only as a school of thought but as a way of life and feeling: as a religion, in short.”
More Good News on the Weekend’s Dual Victories
“The majority of Australians told the government and the activists to take their Voice and shove it. They have had a gutful of these arrogant, power-hungry elites telling them what to do.”
WEF: Governments Can Program Digital Currency To Prohibit “Less Desirable” Purchases, Add Expiry Dates
“We’d do well to think long and hard about the implications of handing power over to people who so explicitly reject the idea that there is any power over them.”
Children Need Their Parents, Not Big Government
“I homeschool because I have seen the village and I don’t want it raising my child.”
The Truth About the One World Government and Global Conspiracies
“Through the forces of compelled multiculturalism, mass immigration, aggressive de-Christianization, and the degradation of biblical morals, our nations currently bear little resemblance to the world our grandparents once knew.”
Landmark Class Action Filed Against Australian Government Over Vaccine Injuries
“What has been frightening and quite distressing is that I continue to get emails daily from people with extremely severe, life-changing events: deaths, amputations, blood clots, gynaecological conditions,” Dr McCann said.
Day Care Industry Changes Will Turn Educators Into Orwellian Government Puppets
“What this turn towards 1984 looks like, is a seditious scheme to replace parents with parenting professionals.”
Say Goodbye to Religious Freedom
“They are looking to prohibit Christian schools from teaching, promoting, and adhering to the Bible’s teachings with which the LGBTQI+ does not agree.”
No, Secularism Is Not Good
“In the end, only one religion can take precedence over all others to promote justice and social harmony. The religion of secularism has sought to take that position from Christianity, and it has succeeded, even among Christians, by presenting itself as religiously impartial – as though that were a virtue.”