139 search results for "double standard"

If Australia’s Prime Minister is serious about fairness, he’ll preserve the right to a conscientious objection to SSM; the right for people to hold the view, and teach their kids that marriage is between a man and a woman; and that those children have a right to equal access to their biological father and mother. As I have hopefully made clear in the written contributions I’ve made to this national debate, I see the issues as a matter of social justice. The “no” vote has been about defending truth, liberty, fraternity, science, and even equality, from unbalanced ideological servitude. The State wants…

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If the facts cannot be squeezed into a meme the level of attention those facts receive is reduced. Attention to detail is overlooked for what will best attract a view, a like, a follow or a share. Information is seen purely as a commodity.

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Two women have said they were denied service at a restaurant in New York for wearing pro-Trump hats and t-shirts displaying the phrase, “Make America Great Again.” “We originally walked inside and asked for a table for two and he said that the wait was 2-hours because of our hats,” the women explained in a video posted on Twitter. “So, we got turned down – two Jewish women got kicked out of a restaurant in New York.” It’s one thing to have the freedom to refuse to create and advance a message you’re fundamentally opposed to, such as in the…

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According to the Oxford Dictionary, a Social Justice Warrior is ‘a person who expresses or promotes socially progressive views.’ The online Urban dictionary offers a more substantial explanation: A pejorative term for an individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in arguments on social justice on the Internet, often in a shallow or not well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation. A social justice warrior, or SJW, does not necessarily strongly believe all that they say, or even care about the groups they are fighting on behalf of. They typically repeat points from whoever is the most…

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“What does it say about the state of free speech when a Western nation arrests the founder of one of the few platforms that refuses to bow to government censorship?”

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“She didn’t yell, didn’t shout, spoke to one police officer about nothing memorable, and saw no violence or vandalism.”

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“Dave Kelly should recognise freedom of choice, even if it doesn’t suit his own political agenda.”

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“A clear majority of Americans consider the Biden administration to be taking the country in the wrong direction.”

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“Rodrigo Ivan Cortes and Gabriel Quadri were accused, tried, and convicted of ‘gender-based political violence’ after criticising transgenderism online.”

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“Too many Christians have some very foggy notions about what the Bible in general and Jesus, in particular, have to say about wealth, work and economics.”

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“The Special Agent, turned FBI whistle-blower, inferred that he was punished for opposing the ‘FBI’s deviation from normal case-management protocols.’”

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“Targeting those concerned about Woke school boards pushing Critical Race Theory, and LGBTism falsehoods onto their kids, Garland repeatedly referred to concerned mums and dads as ‘threats.’”

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“His alleged crime? Kneeling to offer a 15-second, quiet personal prayer in the centre of the field after three games.”

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“Profits from the song will go directly to helping families of those held for political reasons regarding January 6.”

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“The proposed changes have the potential to use a man’s or a woman’s politics, faith, social media use, church affiliation, and ideological leaning to deny them employment.”

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“As a result of this push to get women into the workforce, we have a generation of children being raised predominantly by institutions rather than mothers.”

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“French MEP, Nicholas Bay, has had his rights revoked after speaking out against the building of the Great Mosque in Évreux, Normandy.”

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Detroit’s school board has cancelled acclaimed neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben Carson, based upon claims “his name was synonymous with having Trump in blackface.”

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“Right now, I’m quietly confident in making this prediction, however ghastly it may be.”

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“Biden’s comments come a month after his administration dismissed reports Musk was under a national security review.”

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