226 search results for "catholic"

From the day Donald Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, I was sceptical. He was a mogul from liberal New York, unfaithful in marriage, divorced twice, and verbally ruthless towards his opponents. None of that has changed. And while there is still lots to dislike about Trump’s persona, his performance has surprised me. I’ve lived in America for the last six months. I’ve heard lots of perspectives on Trump, and I’ve kept a close eye on the media. I’ve explored Washington DC, visited the Capitol Building, and I even got to see Trump speak at a live event. For a…

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Netflix has sparked outrage after releasing a new “Christmas special” depicting Jesus as a gay man in a homosexual relationship. The film, The First Temptation of Christ, shows a gay Jesus introducing his boyfriend Orlando to his parents, Mary and Joseph, during his 30th birthday. According to Pink News, this is now the second Christmas special produced by the Brazilian troupe, Porta dos Fundos, meaning “back door”. Last December the five-person group released its first Netflix film, The Hangover, which won an International Emmy for best comedy of the year. The film reportedly “follows the adventures of Jesus’ disciples after…

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Many conservative Catholics are deeply concerned with a moment of unfettered pagan idolatry at their Youth Festival in Perth in recent days. I recently interviewed Mark Powell about his article regarding the use of indigenous protocols in Christian services and events and the danger of mixing Aboriginal religion with worship of the One True God. Little did we know such an explosive example of the worst kind I have ever seen would happen so soon following our discussion. This wasn’t at a government or secular event where ignorant obeisance to political correctness can be expected and maybe even suffered in silence…

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I want to address the black-pillers out there, and not just the black-pillers but those who have friends, or family or people in their lives who are black-pillers. The Western world is assailed on all sides. Not only has Christendom failed to maintain its glory, but we have also imported all the pagan ideologies which enslaved the peoples of the rest of the world. We converted the Vikings, we made devil worshippers and human sacrificing heathen, who raped and pillaged the coastlines of Europe into the builders of the great northern European churches and castles. We did a lot of…

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It’s a peculiar thing to see Australians, who naturally have a caustic view of Americans, along with contempt and suspicion of any kind of pageantry and ceremony, embrace American cultural traditions which involve pageantry, and ceremony. If the irony fits, wear it. None of what I’ve just said is untrue. Remember the hate and mockery thrown at Tony Abbott when his government reinstated knights and dame honours for Australians? Only to have Malcolm Turnbull ditch it, after he led the takedown of Abbott’s reign as Prime Minister, and was himself enthroned as Prime Minister in a bloodless coup. Should Australians completely…

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Is anyone else having trouble distinguishing a difference between the Extinction Rebellion activists in London—as well as the rest of the Western world—and the latest goings on in the Roman Catholic Church? Because as The Mocker rightly asks in The Australian, it has become almost impossible to discern just exactly where the climate Catholics and the religious environmentalists differ.  Yep, the Pope has gone woke. For some bizarre reason, he has embraced the spirit of the South American rainforest by including animistic religious rituals in the opening of the recent pan-Amazon Synod. It has many people seriously asking the…

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Following global protests demanding action on climate change, Greta Thunberg and 15 other young activists filed a complaint with the U.N. against Germany, France, Brazil, Argentina and Turkey for not taking enough action to ward off global warming. During a press conference with the teens, Greta, the 16-year-old climate activist, was asked what message she was hoping to communicate to world leaders. But without her script, Greta didn’t seem too certain what message she was trying to deliver. Some have labelled Greta the inspirational leader the world desperately needs. Others have suggested she’s being exploited by the adults around her,…

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Thousands of pro-life families gathered at Sydney’s Hyde Park on Sunday afternoon to take a stand for the lives of the most vulnerable members of our society. The ‘Stand for Life’ rally, which reportedly attracted 10,000 people, was organised in response to one of the most radical abortion bills in the country. The Reproductive Healthcare Reform Bill 2019, as it’s euphemistically named, will legalise abortion on demand, by any method, up to 22-weeks. Beyond that point, right up until birth, all that is required for an abortion is the consent of two abortion doctors. The bill even prevents an aborted…

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In a sign of just how far Western Civilisation has declined, the most dangerous place for a child to be is in her mother’s womb. Similarly, if the rest of Australia follows the leftist fad being currently pursued in states such as Victoria, then euthanasia laws will slowly erode our sense that life is sacred, as well as the belief that doctors should protect our lives. In the midst of this moral crisis, one group, in particular, seems to be somewhat selective in their moral outrage. Mainstream Christians—most of whom identify as Protestant—are often reluctant to speak out publicly in…

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To use an old Labor slogan, ‘It’s Time’. It’s time that all of the MP’s in NSW who claim to be religious but support the killing of unborn children should be asked to leave. They’re obviously not going to go of their own accord, so it’s especially beholden upon the likes of Anthony Fisher, the Catholic Archbishop of Sydney, to excommunicate them. Yes, it really is that serious. The My Community Partnership grants will be released this week. And there will be dozens of photo opportunities for proud MP’s to have their pictures taken outside various sandstone buildings. But if…

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Covington student, Nicholas Sandermann’s $250 million defamation case against The Washington Post was dismissed late last month, after a federal judge ruled that the Washington Post hadn’t slandered Sandermann in its reporting of the infamous, so-called “standoff” between himself and Native American, Nathan Phillips on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Saurabh Sharma of the Dailycaller said the “judge threw out the case” saying that The Washington Post didn’t defame the Covington students, but were irresponsible with their use of “loose, figurative,” and “rhetorical hyperbole”. [i] This is despite The Washington Post, along with some Twitter users and others within…

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Kristina Keneally is hopelessly muddled about how freedom works, specifically freedom of speech and freedom of religion. I’m sure she’s had it explained to her before, but inexplicably comprehension yet eludes her – an alarming observation to make of a Federal Senator. I think leftists are often so mired in the prejudice of their anti-freedom propaganda they often end up shadow boxing, fighting against things no serious person believes. Take, for example, yesterday’s eleven-part Twitter challenge to the Prime Minister doubling down on her insistence that someone who tweeted something vile he then regretted, deleted and apologised for three years…

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A retired Christian school teacher was gang-raped and tortured for nine hours before being stoned to death by the Islamic militant group that kidnapped her from her home in Idlib, Syria earlier this month. Suzan Der Kirkour’s body was found by a church friend the day after she went missing from her home in the mainly-Christian village of Al-Yacoubia, the Barnabas Fund reported. A Christian leader from the area told the Barnabas Fund, attacks against Christians, mainly Christian women and girls, are frequent, but this one, in particular, has shocked the community. Suzan was an unmarried lady and a respected…

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The world’s largest furniture retailer has fired an employee for quoting Bible verses after staff were told to participate in a gay-pride event. The long-term employee, known only as Tomasz K, was sacked by IKEA after he refused to withdraw critical comments he posted on the company intranet which included quotes from the Bible. The store had posted a notice on its intranet asking staff to join in celebrating International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. Staff were also allegedly asked to pay attention to people’s preferred pronouns and engage in positive conversations with LGBTQ people about their gay partners and…

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In a recent interview with Andrew Denton, Madonna has said that she wants to challenge the Pope regarding the Catholic Church’s opposition to abortion. Not only that, but she double-down and said that Jesus would support a woman’s right to choose. Is it just me, or is Madonna looking and sounding like the product of a computer-generated deep fake? But there’s a fundamental problem with her approach here, and it’s that it betrays the underlying feminist rhetoric of #NoUterusNoOpinion. Because both the Pope and Jesus are men. So, doesn’t that mean that their opinions should be automatically excluded? For example,…

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Pro-lifers grow accustomed to all sorts of insults, the most unimaginative being ‘Fascist’ or ‘Nazi.’ But this pro-abortion writer takes the prize for being the biggest tyrant of all when he applauds abortion for wiping out the ‘undesirables’. His fairly bizarre article appeared in Quadrant this week, singing the praises of abortion, but also – surprisingly – of eugenics. The author, William D Rubenstein, apparently lives in Australia but used American statistics to prove his point that killing babies is good for society. Especially when those babies belong to underprivileged mothers. Rubenstein’s article makes three points: that abortion has long-term demographic consequences…

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Since releasing a redacted version of the famed Mueller report, America’s current attorney general, William Barr, has been at the centre of much speculation and contention. The drama centers on the fact that Barr has so far refused to release an un-redacted version of the Mueller report. Barr, 68 and a Roman Catholic, was nominated by Donald Trump in December and confirmed as Attorney General in January, after a grilling Senate vetting process involving both Democrats and Republicans. He isn’t a novice to how politics works.[note]The New York Times, op-ed by Sharon LaFraniere, Charlie Savage & Kate Benner, ‘Who is…

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Anti-Christian persecution is spreading geographically and increasing in severity, a report commissioned by the British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt revealed. According to the findings, Christians are the most widely persecuted religion in the world. In some regions, persecution is so severe, that it’s arguably coming “close to meeting the international definition of genocide, according to that adopted by the UN.” In some parts of the Middle East, Christians are facing the possibility of extinction. The number of Christians in Palestine is now below 1.5 percent. The number of Christians in Syria has declined from 1.7 million in 2011 to below 450,000,…

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Bill Shorten is un-Australian. This may seem like a big statement to make. I mean after-all unlike some of our previous Prime Ministers like Tony Abbot and Julia Gillard, Bill Shorten was born and bred in Australia. He has strong roots in the workers union movements, which have a long history in Australian tradition, and he speaks with that nasally Aussie accent that us younger Australians brought up on too much American TV can’t help but notice and sometimes even grate at. So, in many ways, Bill Shorten is a product of and representative of Australian people and our history.…

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On Sunday a group of about 20 to 30 militant Muslims opened fire in a small church in Burkina Faso, murdering six Christians, including a priest and church elders. “Towards 9:00 am, during mass, armed individuals burst into the Catholic church,” Dablo mayor Ousmane Zongo told AFP. “They started firing as the congregation tried to flee.” “They killed five of them. The priest who was celebrating mass was also killed,” he said. The attackers then set fire to the church, burning it to the ground, before setting fire to several nearby shops and a small cafe. A local health centre…

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