155 search results for "canada"

Can a nation of enervated porn addicts produce the virtuous men necessary for resisting the ever-increasing threat of tyranny? As always, the fight against the enemy without begins by conquering the enemy within.

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Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?

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As world leaders congratulate former vice president Joe Biden for ‘winning’ the 2020 U.S. election, Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has said he will not congratulate a winner until all legal proceedings are concluded.

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Disney has accused itself of racism by slapping warnings on its classic films such as Peter Pan, Dumbo, The Aristocats, Lady and the Tramp, Song of the South, and The Jungle Book.

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The United Nations is urging men to avoid “mansplaining” to women by assuming females are smarter and waiting for consent before providing a woman with information.

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A mother has allegedly been threatened with arrest and a flight cancelled after authorities attempted to force a “hysterical” 19-month-old baby to wear a mask on a WestJet flight.

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Democrats in California have reopened salons a day after video of Democrat speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi sucker-punched voters, in lockdown since March.

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Stefan Molyneux has been suspended from Twitter just one week after YouTube banned the Canada-based philosopher from their video-sharing platform. In a video published following the suspension, Molyneux said “As far as I understand it, Twitter says they kicked me off for spam and platform manipulation. Specifically, operating fake accounts.” Molyneux said on Parler he received the ban just after promoting an essay detailing what he believes about issues including the state, race, men and women, and the family. Twitter’s suspension follows YouTube’s move last week to delete Molyneux’s channel which contained thousands of videos, attracted over 250-million views, and…

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Stefan Molyneux has had 14-years of work deleted after YouTube decided to ban the Canada-based philosopher from the video-sharing platform. Molyneux’s YouTube channel contained thousands of videos, attracted over 250-million views, and had close to 1-million subscribers before it was completely removed for allegedly inciting violence and hatred. Follow Caldron Pool on Facebook, Twitter, and Parler! In Molyneux’s words, “YouTube just suspended the largest philosophy conversation the world has ever known.” In a video posted to Twitter, the Free Domain host said: “The accusation is the usual one, that I’m fomenting violence and hatred, and so on – which is not true at…

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Slavery has been a universal institution for thousands of years, as far back as you can trace human history. We’re looking as if slavery was something that happened to one race of people in one country, when in fact, the spread of it was around the world.

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Bolstered by the apparent reluctance of the Morrison federal government to answer growing concerns over the Victorian government’s secretive ‘belt and road’ deal with the Chinese Communist Party, China’s Communist propaganda machine went full Hanoi Hannah, in an attempt to stir up fear of a potential American withdrawal from its long-standing partnership with Australia. In response to what America thought about the deal, U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, a frequent whipping boy of China’s Global Times, told Sky News that he didn’t know the ‘nature of the projects’, but asserted that the United States will do everything it can…

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If COVID-19 has taught us anything in 2020, it’s that we have to address the two-hundred-pound gorilla (er panda) in the room. Namely, that the CCP is an expansionist regime which is totalitarian, corrupt and never to be trusted by the international community. This is because by falsifying information on a massive scale China ultimately facilitated the global spread of the virus. Putting aside Kevin Rudd’s defence of the WHO—Chinese Communism’s (aka Lenin’s) ‘useful idiot’—in also failing to prevent the spread of the disease, we have now been given an authentic, picture-perfect vision of the CCP’s insidious self-protectionism. I realise…

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When future generations ask, who started the war? Remember that the seeds for the current war of words between the Chinese Communist Party and the United States were sown in February, when, Cui Tiankai, the Chinese Communist Party ambassador to the United States, claimed that anyone calling the COVID-19 outbreak by virtue of its origin, such as the Wuhan Virus, would be inciting racial discrimination and xenophobia. The World Health Organization, and the United Nations, along with the usual list of names from the perpetually angry Leftist Twitter echelon, backed the Communist narrative, declaring that use of the term “Wuhan…

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Police in Canada have threatened to arrest a journalist for referring to Qassem Soleimani as a “terrorist”. David Menzies of Rebel Media was in Toronto covering an organised vigil for the now former leader of the Revolutionary Guard Corps when he was confronted by the officers who warned him not to use the word “terrorist” in such an environment. “If I hear any more complaints about using the word ‘terrorism’ I’m going to be back here,” the officer said. “So, I can’t call a terrorist a terrorist?” Menzies responded. “Not in this sort of environment,” the officer said. “No, you…

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A man in the US has been sentenced to at least 15 years in jail after burning an LGBTQ pride flag that was stolen from a church building. Adolfo Martinez, a 30-year-old from Ames, Iowa, was sentenced to 15 years on Wednesday after being found guilty of committing a “hate crime”. He was also sentenced to one year for reckless use of fire and 30 days for harassment. Martinez reportedly stole the flag, which was hanging at Ames United Church of Christ, and burned it outside the Dangerous Curves Gentleman’s Club, a strip club two blocks away from the church.…

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Inciting people to rage against their neighbour in the name of the environment, or because of concerns about the climate, has been a constant part of human society’s obsession with who’s to blame for acts of God, or natural disasters. In the pagan tribal cultures of the Americas, a bad crop meant another child sacrifice. Described by Cortez as ‘the most horrid and abominable custom; where many girls and boys and even adults, and in the presence of these idols they open their chests while they are still alive and take out their hearts and entrails and burn them before…

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It’s a peculiar thing to see Australians, who naturally have a caustic view of Americans, along with contempt and suspicion of any kind of pageantry and ceremony, embrace American cultural traditions which involve pageantry, and ceremony. If the irony fits, wear it. None of what I’ve just said is untrue. Remember the hate and mockery thrown at Tony Abbott when his government reinstated knights and dame honours for Australians? Only to have Malcolm Turnbull ditch it, after he led the takedown of Abbott’s reign as Prime Minister, and was himself enthroned as Prime Minister in a bloodless coup. Should Australians completely…

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Ottawa’s largest school board is planning on collecting demographic data from all its students, including the sexual orientation and gender identity of children as young as 4-years-old. Starting November 26, all Ottawa-Carleton District School Board students will be asked for their personal information, including details relating to their race, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity. Jacqueline Lawrence, the board’s diversity and equity coordinator, said the information will help administrators and teachers better understand the students and their needs. Speaking to CBC Radio, Lawrence said, “If we don’t understand the specific types of support that students need, then we’ll not be…

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The Trudeau era and its burgeoning “progressive” totalitarianism got an extension this week as Canadians voted. Consequently, Canadian Liberals were reinstated, winning 157 seats, against the Conservatives who secured 121. Conservatives scored a narrow loss, winning the popular vote at 34.4%, but not securing enough seats to win a majority. [i] In an opinion piece for Crisis Magazine, Canadian Professor Emeritus at St. Jerome’s University, Donald, DeMarco, presented a grim analysis of Canada’s Trudeaun landscape. DeMarco expressed concern about apathy, and a general lack of awareness at the slow erosion of hard-won, tried and true, classical liberal freedoms, stating that…

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The Sun reported last week that UK Army chiefs will reconsider a ban on male soldiers wearing make-up after they were accused of double-standards for allowing make-up to be worn by female soldiers only. A leaked document showing guidelines on “equality, diversity and inclusion” for British soldiers in Canada said that for men “make-up is not to be worn”, however for women, make-up is permitted provided it’s “inconspicuous.” A British Army spokesperson told The Sun: “As an inclusive employer that recognises the diversity of its personnel, we are currently in the process of revising our guidance in this area to…

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