Opponents of Critical Race Theory Are “Grooming Children to Be Racists,” Says “Anti-racist” Ibram X. Kendi
Kendi asserted, the real groomers weren’t gay ‘child predators,’ they were ‘white supremacists.’
If I Were Given the Stage In Canberra, Here’s What I’d Say…
The walls we build to protect ourselves today may well become the walls of cells that confine us and our children for generations.
No, It Is Not ‘Freedom Day’ in Melbourne – Not Even Close
“We need a prisoner swap here: Free all of us Victorians and lock up Andrews. Throwing away the key might be a good step as well.”
20 Top Books Examining Progressive Christianity and the Social Justice Movement
Here are some good critiques of the religious left and SJWs.
“We Are Being Lied To and It Is Far From Being a ‘Conspiracy Theory'”
The professionals I spoke with today assure me that we, as a nation are being railroaded, we are being lied to and it is far from being a “conspiracy theory”. As a nation, we are facing some very serious issues and time will expose them all.
Rand Paul’s Revolt: “We Will Make Our Own Health Choices!”
“I’ve been telling everyone for a year now, that Doctor Fauci, and other public health bureaucrats were NOT following the science; and I’ve been proven right time and time again.”
Police Launch New Strike Force, Vow to Charge “As Many People As Possible” Over Australia’s Freedom Rally
Officers have already charged 57 people and issued more than 90 infringement notices, many to protesters for not wearing masks and for travelling outside their local government area.
People Without A Mask Don’t Owe You An Explanation
“Regardless of an individual’s reasons for wearing or not wearing a face mask, do we really want to exist in a society where strangers feel they have the right to publicly demand explanations from individuals whose personal health choices they question?”
Evolutionary Biologist Calls Censorship of Ivermectin the “Crime of the Century”
Any low-cost, life-saving treatment is a distraction away from the vaccine rush cash-cow, and it involves “the deepest, most powerful opponents you can imagine.”
Mass Anti-Israel Protests Celebrated While Pastors Are Arrested for Holding Church Services
People can’t do Church. They can join a mass protest to hate on Israel because it’s part of the approved narrative – COVID rules need not apply.
Big Tech’s Iron Curtain Guillotine Comes for Rebel News and Project Veritas
There’s no room for self-reflection in a room full of self-righteous romantic revolutionaries.
Aboriginal Rape Culture Ignored by the “Everything Is Racist” Political Class
Platitudes of justice for (alleged and factual) “historical wrongs” cost less, than loving those in the here, and now, by helping them help themselves through the messy task of healing wounds, tending scars, changing culture, untangling battered communities, and defending the defenceless.
Cancel Culture Is About Control, The Grammys Just Proved It
Cancel Culture is not about censoring offensive content. It’s about control.
Margaret Court’s Critics Are the REAL Intolerant Bigots
Bigotry in the name of anti-bigotry is still bigotry, just with rank hypocrisy thrown into the mix.
Parler CEO and Family Forced Into Hiding After Receiving Death Threats, Security Breaches
Parler CEO John Matze and his family have been forced into hiding after receiving death threats and security breaches, a court filing from Parler’s legal team has revealed.
You and Your Family Are the Problem, According to Environmentalists
It is time to call out the environmentalist movement for what it is: a cover for an anti-human agenda.
Movies With Too Many Straight White People Will Be Disqualified From Top Oscar Award
To qualify for the top award, a movie must now cast more black, female, gay, transgender, or disabled characters or address themes relevant to their communities.
Victorian Police Arrest 15, Issue Over 150 Infringements at Anti-Lockdown Protest
Victorian Police have arrested 15 people and issued over 150 infringement notices during Saturday’s anti-lockdown protests in Melbourne.
Is It Time We Seriously Considered Homeschooling?
When I was in year 12 our school hired a trendy new Principal. She wore shapeless artsy clothes, a severe haircut and thick red-rimmed glasses. Her first act was to drag my entire year level out of their classes to a special assembly where she told us we were all “one big family”, then demanded we bow our heads, close our eyes and chant with her, “We belong at St Francis Xavier College”. I may have come from a broken home, and I may have been a depressive and moody teenager, but even I knew this woman was wrong: none of…
Has the present pandemic proven our pro-life proclivities?
A deadly plague has stolen the lives of some 17,500 people in Australia so far this year. That’s almost 200 people every day, or one every eight minutes. What plague could possibly be so deadly? It is the plague of abortion. We learn some important lessons when we compare this to how many Australians have lost their lives to the coronavirus so far—a national tally that currently stands at 28. First, it provides us with a much-needed perspective. This is no time for complacency, to be sure. But compared with other potential threats to life or the scale of what could…