1333 search results for "Trans"

The results of the same-sex plebiscite were announced on 15 November 2017, and a few weeks later Australia became the 26th nation in the world to legislate for same-sex marriage. The Prime Minister was beside himself, as he punched the air, like an Aussie batsman who had just scored a century against the old foe, England. ‘Australia has done it,’ he proclaimed, ‘What a day for love, for equality, for respect.’ Step aside Neville Chamberlain who was overjoyed at guaranteeing peace in our time in 1938. Here is Malcolm Turnbull in 2017: ‘This belongs to us all. This is Australia…

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Winston Churchill once said, “When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.” Any comfort that thought may bring cannot last long for Westerners. Outside, there are no shortage of enemies, but inside, it’s more evident each day that there is no shortage of those who wish to destabilise national unity. Today, much of Western culture operates according to the ideology of Social or Cultural Marxism. The philosophy of Marxism is inherently divisive, and the form in which it is popularly expressed today is certainly no exception. Also known as Political Correctness and Multiculturalism, this ideology can…

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Australian Labor Senator Katy Gallagher accuses colleague Senator Mitch Fifield of “Mansplaining.” She was not at all prepared for his response. I just find it extraordinary, Senator–I just find it extraordinary that you, or any Senator at this table would seek to invoke gender in impugning how a Senator is responding. “Mansplaining.” Let the record show that Senator Gallagher thinks it’s appropriate to refer to a Senator as “Mansplaining”… Take a good look at yourself. I mean, sitting here and saying to a male Senator, “You’re Mansplaining” — If I said to a female Senator, “You are Womansplaining” there would…

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There are calls for sexual harassment lessons to be added to the school curriculum with experts warning the #MeToo movement will be a major talking point when class resumes. In the video below Dr Justin Coulson says: Why not bring this broader social movement, or the #TimesUp movement, or any of those things that are going on right now into the conversation. It makes it relevant for kids. And kids are talking about it. They can see that it’s happening… We want to teach consent and respect from a young age, from primary school and even younger. Once we start…

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According to LifeSiteNews, “Church groups must support abortion as part of their ‘core mandate’ in order to receive summer student job grants…” “Justine Trudeau’s Liberal government changed the application process for Canada Summer Jobs after vowing last year to stop pro-life groups from receiving grants through the federal program. “Employment Minister Patty Hajdu added the requirement that employers sign an attestation that their ‘core mandate’ supports reproductive and transgender ‘rights.’” The new clause in the grant application demands applicants check a box that says: My organisation’s core mandate respect individual human rights in Canada… these include reproductive rights and the…

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Tens of thousands of people gathered in Washington D.C. yesterday for the 45th March for Life,  the largest annual pro-life event. For the first time in history, a sitting president addressed the gathering. “Americans are more and more pro-life,” said President Trump. You see that all the time. In fact, only 12% of Americans support abortion on demand at any time. Under my administration, we will always defend the very first right in the Declaration of Independence, and that is the ‘right to life.’ President Trump’s full speech can be viewed below. The full transcript can be read at LifeSiteNews.

Spotify has removed the Australian Conservatives #AC100 Australia Day playlist after it was deemed “inappropriate and/or offensive.” An email from the streaming service states: We’ve received notice that your uploaded content has been reported as including inappropriate content and violates our Profile and Playlist Image Guidelines. We’ve removed it from Spotify. Music for everyone – unless you're a conservative.@SpotifyAU has deemed our festive #AustraliaDay playlist of 100 Aussie classics 'too offensive'. Disagree? Join our Australia Day campaign at https://t.co/IbA3nt8GW0 pic.twitter.com/FXu6XcnNKN — Aust Conservatives (@AuConservatives) January 18, 2018 The removal of the playlist follows criticism from singer Darren Hayes who warned…

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Australian singer/songwriter, Darren Hayes has threatened Cory Bernardi and the Australian Conservatives after Bernardi included his music in a Spotify play list. A Tweet by the Australian Conservatives says, the play list was launched by Bernardi as “an alternative to Triple J’s ‘Hottest 100’ after they abandoned Australia Day.” .@CoryBernardi launches the #AC100, an alternative to @TripleJ “Hottest 100” after they abandoned #AustraliaDay. Click to listen to the @spotify playlist and vote for your favourites: https://t.co/qlknkhHH5j #auspol #ABetterWay pic.twitter.com/GHy6GDe659 — Aust Conservatives (@AuConservatives) January 17, 2018 Hayes responded by saying, “I do not want to be associated with you, your party…

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The Queensland Government no longer requires a person’s gender to be displayed on their driver’s licence. According to an internal document obtained by The Courier Mail, the move to make driver’s licences genderless followed complaints from the LGBTI community who argued the mandatory gender identification was discriminatory. The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) confirmed the move towards genderless licences was due to the need to make driver’s and marine licences compliant with new anti-discrimination laws. According to the document: TMR has received complaints and suggestions from members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex community about displaying…

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Ligonier Ministries has just launched Ask Ligonier, a website where you can ask biblical and theological questions 24 hours a day, six days a week. The website says, “Well-trained team members across various continents and timezones are ready to answer your biblical and theological questions.” Maybe you’re leading a Bible study tomorrow. Maybe you’re just beginning to dig deeper. It’s good to know that you can always ask Ligonier. For more than forty-five years, Christians have been looking to Ligonier Ministries, the teaching fellowship of R.C. Sproul, for clear and helpful answers to biblical and theological questions. Now you can ask…

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Volunteers for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games are being told to use gender-neutral words to avoid causing offense. The eighty-eight page training guide says, “swapping gendered words for gender-neutral ones can make everyone feel inclusive, this also demonstrates our understanding that not everyone identifies as heterosexual or cisgender.” Gender specific titles, such as mother, father, boyfriend, girlfriend, policeman and police woman, are to be avoided and replaced with gender neutral titles, like parent, partner and police officer. The document, which was handed to 15,000 volunteers, goes on to say: “We can avoid using words like: guys, girls, ladies, gentlemen,…

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According to the Daily Mail, a 10-year-old from Brooklyn, New York, is launching Haus of Amazing, the “first and only drag club for kids.” Desmond Napoles, whose drag name is, ‘Desmond the Amazing,’ claims to have been “doing drag since [he] was two years old.” In an interview with Out, Desmond revealed: “Ever since day one… ever since I was able to walk, I used to take my mom’s towels and take her heels and clomp around the house. [I’d] put the towel on my head, wrap a towel around my body and walk the runway down my house.” When…

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According to new data obtained from the Treasury through Senate Estimates, the average taxpayer pays $11,427 in income tax, and almost half of that is given to welfare. Senator Eric Abetz said: With more than half the budget being spent on health and welfare, it is clear that our current fiscal situation is unsustainable and we need to see if we can deliver the same outcomes while spending less money. Further, the fact that each taxpayer is paying $474 towards interest on our national debt once again highlights how important it is to reduce the debt burden on future generations.…

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California has become the first state to approve LGBT-inclusive textbooks for use in primary schools. Ten textbooks for kindergarten through to eighth-grade, were approved by the California State Board of Education last month. The Fair, Accurate, Inclusive, and Respectful Education Act is a California law which mandates the inclusion of the political, economic, and social contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people into educational textbooks and social studies curricular in California public schools. The California State Board of Education also rejected two textbooks published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. The textbooks were rejected because they failed to address the sexual orientations…

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What is Cultural Marxism? You may have never heard the term before, but you’ve certainly been exposed to the ideology. Andrew Breitbart said, “we experience [Cultural Marxism] on a day to day basis, by that I mean a minute by minute, second by second basis. It’s political correctness and it’s multiculturalism.” Where Classical Marxism was concerned with the class warfare between the wealthy and the working class, Cultural Marxism shifts the focus to the conflict between an oppressive, privileged majority, and oppressed, under-privileged minorities. Whether an individual is oppressed or an oppressor depends on certain aspects of that individual’s identity,…

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If good and bad are ultimately defined by culture, then the moral relativist must grant that there is always a circumstance in which every act, even the most heinous, can be justified.

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We’re told, it didn’t start with marriage and it won’t end with marriage, and neither should our efforts to protect our children. Marriage Equality Rally, Sydney 2017: “We are on the verge of winning this, and then we can pour our energy into other pressing things, like making sure transgender rights in the military are not rolled back, and that Safe Schools becomes a reality for all school children, in every state, public or private schools. It didn’t start with marriage, and it won’t end with marriage – but still, what a sweet celebration that promises to be.” 

What do you think of transgender programs for children? Are they helpful or harmful? Many children with Gender Dysphoria are being prescribed puberty blockers. Dr Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians says, it’s “institutionalized child abuse.” According to Cretella: The American Academy of Pediatrics recently came out with a report that urges pediatricians to caution teenagers about getting tattoos, because tattoos are essentially permanent and can cause scarring. But this same AAP is 110 percent in support of 16 year-old girls getting a double mastectomy, even without parental consent, so long as the girl insists that she…

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Last year News.com.au posted an absurd article titled, My dog is just as important as your kid. The piece contains some real zingers, like: If there was a fire and I had to choose between saving my dog or your son, I’d save my dog. I’ve had people tsk-tsk me, giving me crap for paying for doggie daycare one day a week… So why the hell are dog owners treated like second-rate citizens in this so-called pet-loving country of ours? Our puppers aren’t allowed in so many places, like on public transport, even though the ratio of well-behaved and clean dogs to…

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Since the Australian Parliament decided to thumb its nose at God by legalising same-sex “marriage,” I have been asked numerous times how we as Christians should respond. As I pondered this question I have found myself coming up with six ways in which I will personally respond to this embracing of darkness. 1. Be Family Focused I am convinced that family is the building block of society. If we want to see our community strengthened then we need to have strong, godly and moral families.  As such, I will be seeking to love my wife as Christ loves the Church…

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