1333 search results for "Trans"

“Disney has developed tools and strategies for re-engineering what women should be interested in.” Jordan B Peterson has revealed a series of private messages that seem to confirm his claim that Disney’s Frozen is, in fact, “deeply propagandistic.” Peterson copped criticism earlier this month after bringing the charge against the popular children’s film. In an interview with Time, Peterson explained: [Frozen] attempted to write a modern fable that was a counter-narrative to a classic story like, let’s say, Sleeping Beauty – but with no understanding whatsoever of the underlying archetypal dynamics… There was an attempt to craft a moral message and to build…

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Earlier this week, Canadian born journalist, Lauren Southern, was detained by border police as she attempted to enter the UK. Authorities revealed, the 22 year old, was being held under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000. According to the National Council for Civil Liberties, Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000, “can be exercised without the need for any grounds of suspecting the person has any involvement in terrorism – or any other criminal activity. This means it can be used against anyone a police, immigration or customs officer chooses.” Like, critics of Islam, for instance. In fact, that’s…

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According to The Daily Mail, “thrilled primary school children” from Parsons Street Primary School in Bedminster, Bristol, were entertained by a drag queen on World Book Day. The school’s headmaster, Jamie Barry, reportedly invited the drag entertainer from Drag Queen Story Time in order to promote LGBTQ issues to their students aged from three to 11. Drag Queen Story Time’s stated aim is to, “capture the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of children and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.” One mother was quoted as saying, “Lots of parents at the school are not happy about…

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During question and answer time, Charlie Kirk, from Turning Point USA, is asked about the myth of “White Privilege.” You’re not any less right and you’re not any less correct just because you’re a white person or you’re a black person. Truth transcends color. Kirk’s full response can be viewed below.

What It’s Like is a series on ABC ME, a television station aimed at school children. The program is for young people “whose voices, stories and perspectives aren’t often seen or heard.” In each episode children learn what it’s like to be in somebody else’s situation. Episodes include, What It’s Like: To Be Transgender, and What It’s Like: To Have Same-Sex Parents.  This week, young viewers learned What It’s Like: To Be Queer. The episode includes children talking about their experiences with homosexuality. “We like being gay, lesbian, transgender, asexual, intersex. We like being who we are and we’re comfortable with it…

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Celebrities must think the rest of us are pretty stupid. Did the former host of The Man Show actually just lecture us on inappropriate conduct? During the opening monologue at the 2018 Oscars, host Jimmy Kimmel’s stated: But what happened with Harvey, and what’s happening all over, was long overdue. We can’t let bad behavior slide anymore. The world is watching us. We need to set an example and the truth is if we are successful here, if we can work together to stop sexual harassment in the workplace, if we can do that, women will only have to deal with harassment…

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Qantas has told their employees to use “gender appropriate” language to avoid offending the LGBTQI community. According to the Daily Telegraph, an information booklet, issued by Quanta’s People and Culture group executive Lesley Grant, asks employees to stop using potentially offensive words such as “honey, darling and love.” Terms such as “partner” are also to be used in place of husband and wife, and “parents” instead of mum and dad. Also frowned upon are gender-inappropriate words such as guys, mankind, or chairman. Language can make groups of people invisible. For example, the use of the term chairman can reinforce the idea that…

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Initially, I thought it may have been a prank. Perhaps a pro-life group created this love-heart frame to see how many mindless pro-aborts would take a photo while holding it. But no, it was no prank – they are really just that ignorant. The sign reads, “Pro-Choice: Everyone deserves the right to choose.” The right to choose what? The right to choose to end the life of your unborn child. And what of that child’s right to choose life? Apparently “everybody” doesn’t have the right to choose after all. So, are the pro-aborts at University of Sydney Women’s Collective just…

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Is radicalism in the Muslim world a tiny minority phenomenon? Many of our leaders seem to think so, and they often stress the point in order to dispel any ideas that Islam is in any way incompatible with the West. Take for example just a small sampling of comments made by Western leaders, often immediately following an Islamic terrorist attack. Malcolm Turnbull: Islam is an ancient religion of great scholarship. I mean for heaven’s sake, must of our learning and culture came to us from the Muslims… The idea that Islam is antithetical to learning or culture or scholarship is absurd.…

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Delaware is preparing to pass a rule that would allow students as young as five to ‘choose’ their own race and gender. Under Regulation 225, LGBTQ activists are pushing to make it a requirement for schools to provide students with access to bathrooms and sports facilities in accordance with their preferred gender – and that, without parental consent. The rule doesn’t require schools to inform parents of any change in gender, if they believe that the parents would not support the decision. Transgender activist, Mark Purpura said the rule is made in the “best interest of the child” as it helps…

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In less than two minutes, Ben Shapiro from the Daily Wire, explains why socialism is a failed, tyrannical form of government. Capitalism is good because capitalism is freedom. Socialism is bad because socialism is tyranny… The statement of socialism is that your labor is owned to the society. The notion of socialism is that you do not own your own freedom, you do not own your own time, you do not own your own labor, you do not own your own work, you do not own the products of your own work. The basic notion of capitalism is that you…

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The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has released a touching tribute to Billy Graham following news of his passing on Wednesday. The six minute tribute can be viewed below. President Donald Trump also issued a statement, saying: Billy’s unshakeable belief in the power of God’s word to transform hearts gave hope to all who listened to his simple message: “God loves you.”  He carried this message around the world through his crusades, bringing entire generations to faith in Jesus Christ. In the wake of the September 11th attacks in 2001, America turned to Billy Graham at the National Cathedral, who told us,…

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It’s truly remarkable that there is a marketing team out there that thought it would be a good idea for ANZ Australia to take sides in one of the most divisive national debates of our time. Of the 12.7 million Australians who voted in the Same-Sex Marriage survey, 38.4% of votes fell on one side, 61.6% fell on the other. At the risk of offending 4,873,987 potential Australian customers, ANZ Australia has introduced the GAYTM. Yes, they’ve managed to sexualise a bank transaction, although they look more like something from the set of George Clooney’s, Batman and Robin. AGL Energy…

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“We should measure welfare’s success by how many people leave welfare, not by how many people are added.” Ronald Reagan Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute, was right when he said, “Our goal should never be to make poverty less miserable. Our goal must be to make poverty more escapable.” Brooks went on to point out, “getting things without working for them is a very hard habit to break. Getting things without working for them can become a way of life.” Australia, like many other nations, continues to prove this to be the case, as the number of…

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Paul Murray from Sky News, a proponent of Same-Sex Marriage, has recently conceded, “Cory Bernardi and others were right.” During his show, Paul Murray Live, Murray stated: I believed that the YES vote was the right case and I believed it for a long time… But Cory Bernardi and others were right. It wasn’t just about a vote about marriage. In fact, it would be about rolling back the way the system currently works for religious organisations to decide whether or not they can hire people based on their sexuality, whether they can decide to marry people based on their…

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Would it disturb you to find out that Google is always watching? It knows where you go. Whether you’re in a car or whether you’re walking. Flight Mode or not, Google is keeping track of you. Watch the following video for proof.

“It seems tragic that a woman would bring a child into the world for no reason other than she couldn’t afford to have a termination.” Plibersek Morally bankrupt Labor politicians, Tanya Plibersek and Catherine King, penned a piece for the Sydney Morning Herald lamenting the fact that Australian women cannot kill their unborn children with equal convenience. “Every Australian should have access to the health services they need… Abortion is one of the most common medical procedures that Australian women will experience in their lives.” But due to Australia’s “patchwork of abortion laws” women who wish to end the life of their…

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A young father has asked the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, how returning ISIS fighters are going to benefit Canada, and how he will ensure the safety of future Canadians. The questioner asked: I just want to know how your stance on ISIS is going to help Canadians in any way. I need to know how you’re going to protect future Canadians like my young daughter, in ten, fifteen, twenty years from now, when you’re letting people in with an ideology that just does not conform to what we’re doing here. Trudeau responded by suggesting all immigrants are resisted…

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Peta Credlin brutally destroys former Prime Minister of Australia and Labor politician, Kevin Rudd. Excerpt and video below: You’d be hard pressed to find anyone, Liberal voter or not, who’d think your defeat of John Howard was anything other than a backward step for Australia. You inherited 50 billion in the bank. No net debt. And surplus budgets as far as the eye could see. When you were turfed out of office in 2013 debt had ballooned to almost 300 billion. And that surplus you promised, year after year after year never turned up. An economic conservative? Give me a…

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According to Breitbart, a campaigned called #120db has been launched by a group of women in Germany, seeking to lend a voice to women who have been physically or sexually attacked as a result of mass migration policies. This week the group shared a video listing some of the names of the victims of violence committed by asylum seekers. The women in the video reference the recent case of a young girl called Mia, who was stabbed to death by her former asylum seeker boyfriend in the German city of Kandel, as well as Maria Ladenburger, who was raped and killed allegedly by migrant who lied about…

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