1333 search results for "Trans"

What do you do when there is no celebrity news? Fake it. Media Watch has revealed how popular Women’s Magazines are misleading their readers with fake photos. You can watch the segment below.

Carlson asks: With Assad gone, who would run it? Do we have another strongman to install? Or is our hope that a stable democracy will magically appear in the wake of civil war? And who exactly are these “moderate rebels” you hear so much about, the ones we’re supporting? The city where the chemical attack just occurred is mostly controlled by the Army of Islam, a radical group that has called for establishing an Islamic state under sharia law in Syria. We’re supposed to wage a new war on their behalf? Why?

A Melbourne father was stabbed in the neck in an Islamic State-inspired attacked which was carried out in front of his five year old daughter. The attacker was a 24 year old, female Bangladeshi student, who had only moved in with the family two days prior as part of a student placement program. According to the victim, the woman screamed “Allahu Akbar” moments before the attack. 9 News reports on the incident in the video below.

Reflecting on the reality that God was sovereign over his life, Israel Folau sought to reason this point to others on Instagram and Twitter. Speaking to others in this new marketplace of ideas where pithy soundbites win, he was queried, “May we know how homosexuals fit within this teaching that you are presenting?” He responded: “HELL… Unless they repent of their sins and turn to God.” Eleven words was all it took. Many scorned, and the nation was inflamed against Folau. Well, not the nation, but certainly that which touts itself as the proverbial mouthpiece of the nation – the…

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It’s like a scene from a movie. A gang of machete-wielding thieves have smashed their way into a Watches of Switzerland store on Oxford Street in London. The incident took place last week and was captured on video by a bystander. The footage shows the thieves ransacking display cabinets in broad daylight before making their escape on mopeds. Recently the Daily Mail revealed there is one machete crime committed every 90 minutes in Britain. It was also revealed that police dealt with 15 attacks per day in the last two months of 2016. Just another day in Sadiq Khan’s lawless…

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Abolish Human Abortion has shared disturbing footage of a pro-life advocate being assaulted in the street by a deranged woman. The footage shows a man, holding a pro-life sign, in discussion with three members of the public. At about the 39 second mark, a woman can be seen knocking the man to the ground as she rips the sign from his hands. Things only escalate from there. You can watch the video below. Language warning.

If you haven’t read Peter FitzSimons’ column lately, you’re not missing much. Last week, FitzSimons took a swipe at Israel Folau for suggesting homosexuals will go to hell unless they repent. Now, naturally, FitzSimons was deeply concerned about all those poor homosexual people who might read the rugby star’s “homophobic comments” and feel bad about themselves. Solution? Heap ridicule on all Christians, because you know, tolerance and inclusion, and what not… In his piece titled, Folau’s comments are an anathema to the greatest of rugby values, FitzSimons ironically claims: “the greatest of all rugby values is inclusion. We want everyone on…

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Live Action has shared an amazing speech by Dr Kathi Aultman, a former abortionist turned pro-life advocate. The speech can be viewed below: I continued to do abortions without reservation, even while pregnant. But after my delivery, I made the connection between fetus and baby. The fact that the baby was unwanted was no longer enough justification for me to kill it and I could no longer do abortions… I don’t believe a woman can remain unscathed after killing her child. At some point, usually after child birth or the inability to get pregnant, the realization of what she did…

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The ABC continue to pump out garbage at the taxpayer’s expense. Here’s a recent skit from Tonightly with Tom Ballard ridiculing widely accepted Christian beliefs. I wonder if they’ll treat Islamic teachings with such scorn next week? Probably not. That would bring a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘laughing your head off.’ No doubt they’ll cowardly stick to mocking the religion that teaches its followers to turn the other cheek – and the taxpayer will keep paying them to do so…

President Donald Trump’s migration warning to the United States has racked up millions of views across social media. Some love it, others hate it. What do you think? It’s hard to look at the state of things in Europe and think their immigration policies have made the region better. We know that immigration cannot solve world poverty, so what’s the goal? What does it achieve apart from dividing a nation? Watch the video below and decide for yourselves.

Lest you think academics are the bright ones… This, from Tucker Carlson, not the Onion. Universities are rolling out rules on gender-neutral pronouns. Do you know how to use ‘Ze’, ‘Zer’, ‘Xie’ and “Hir’ in sentences? Did ze enjoy zerself at the party? Ze cooks dishes using ingredients ze has grown in zer yard. Yo better leave now if yo want to make yo’s flight on time.

“The biggest illusion is that sending your kids to a government school is free. It’s the most costly thing you could ever do.” R.C. Sproul Trigger warning! Is it time to give up on public education? Should Christians be offering a more affordable alternative? Jeff Durbin from Apologia Church has offered seven reasons why he thinks public schools ought to be abandoned. What would you add to the list? 1. Public schools specifically teach a worldview that is antithetical to the Biblical worldview. 2. Public schools indoctrinate children with a perspective on origins, ethics, art, truth, math, logic, and history…

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In contrast to Google, who refused to acknowledge Easter, US President Donald Trump offered quite an impressive message. Well said, Mr President. For Christians, we remember the suffering and death of God’s only Son and his glorious resurrection on the third day. On Easter Sunday we proclaim with joy, Christ is risen… In America, we look to the light of God to guide our steps. We trust in the power of the Almighty for wisdom and strength. And we praise our Heavenly Father for the blessings of freedom and the gift of eternal life.

Anders Borg, the former Swedish Minister of Finance, once said that he hoped in ten years time Sweden would look less like Sweden and more like Africa. Unfortunately, Borg’s sentiment is shared by many European leaders today. Europe now has little desire to reproduce itself, fight for itself, or even take its own side in an argument. Often attempts to preserve the people or the culture are met with the charges of intolerance and racism. As the following video explains: What had been Europe, the home of the European peoples, gradually became the home of the entire world. The places…

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If you haven’t already heard, ABC ME recently removed their entire Facebook page. The decision to pull the page came in response to the backlash they received from a video titled, ‘The Privilege Song.’ The clip, originally aired during a program on ABC ME, was designed to introduced children to “white privilege.” Yesterday, the ABC responded to the whole incident again. This time with another rap video, even worse than the first. The sequel/spoof, called ‘The Internet Song,’ follows the original video by comparing two stereotypical characters. The first is a woman named Carol. Like all women, Carol uses the internet to…

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Fr Rod Bower, the “priest” at Gosford Anglican Church has changed his church sign to read, “Dutton is a Sodomite.” In a post on Facebook, Fr Bower explains, “the sin of Sodom is greatly misunderstood by those who usually choose to do so, it has nothing to do with homosexuality, it is all about hospitality, or more to the point lack there of, and particularly about the condition of the heart that leads to inhospitable behaviour.” Is Fr Bower correct? The story of Sodom and Gomorrah’s destruction begins in Genesis 18, when Abraham is met by the LORD and two…

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Does Australian law favour the criminal and punish the victim? Should the law change to allow individuals to carry non-lethal self-defense items? Senator David Leyonhjelm today said: Police and others in the security industry can carry items to protect themselves, why can’t fellow citizens? When you need the police in seconds, they are minutes away. Not everybody can win a fight unarmed. Sydney Watson explains, “the reality is that criminals who set out with the intent on causing harm are probably going to be armed. What disturbs me more than anything is the fact that Australians are completely unable to…

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Rev Dr Gavin Ashenden was the Honorary Chaplain to the Queen from 2008 until his resignation in 2017. In the video below, Rev Dr Ashenden explains what’s behind the push for same-sex marriage and the gender revolution currently taking over the West. We’ve also transcribed some of Dr Ashenden’s noteworthy points. Undoing Marriage: The strange thing is, the effect of being just and kind and generous and protective to the small minorities is to begin to undo marriage. Then when you listened to them, they give it away… A famous Canadian author said we don’t want marriage, we don’t like…

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Malcolm Turnbull, the Prime Minister of Australia, has just lost his 29th Newspoll. One more loss and he will equal Tony Abbots score before Turnbull knifed him, stating “It is clear the people have made up their mind.” Perhaps that was the only chance Turnbull had of ever becoming Prime Minister. Even as Shadow Treasurer he seemed a little unhinged. Flashback to 2008, when Police raided an exhibition in Sydney by “artist,” Bill Henson. Numerous pornographic “artistic” images were seized by Police, including naked photographs of children. Turnbull, the then Shadow Treasurer, came to the defense of the explicit photographs,…

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When Lauren Southern conducted a social experiment suggesting “Allah is gay,” the experiment was quickly shut down by UK police for being offensive to Muslims. As a result of the experiment, Southern was banned from entering the UK a second time. Now watch UK police refuse to take any action after a British woman tries to make a complaint against Muslims waving terrorist flags in public. What makes Southern’s message more offensive than a call to annihilate an entire nation?
