1333 search results for "Trans"

As of May 2019 persons who suffer transgender dysphoria or gender identity issues will no longer be referred to by medical practitioners worldwide as persons with a mental or behavioural disorder. The International Health Classification for ‘Transgender persons’ has officially been rebranded by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in an attempt to remove the stigma and negativity that can follow with labelling someone as having a mental disorder. According to WHO‘s recently updated International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), “The ICD is the foundation for identifying health trends and statistics worldwide and contains around 55,000 unique codes for injuries, diseases and…

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Gillette copped worldwide backlash earlier this year after releasing a short film calling out “toxic masculinity.” But it seems the global shaving brand isn’t buying the phrase, Get Woke, Go Broke, despite reports the video had a negative impact on sales. Toxic masculinity was just a warm up. Last week, Gillette released their latest advert featuring a father teaching his daughter how to shave facial hair for the first time since transitioning to male. “Whenever, wherever, however it happens – your first shave is special,” the caption read. The transgender Canadian teen commented on Gillette’s video, thanking the brand for “allowing…

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Converse, the latest brand to jump on the LGBTQ marketing train, last week launched a new line of footwear labelled the ‘Pride Collection.’ The 24-billion dollar company announced on Twitter that they had partnered with six individuals connected to the LGBTQ+ community who “show the power of expressing one’s true self.” We're happy to launch our Pride Collection, partnering with six individuals connected to the LGBTQ+ community who show the power of expressing one's true self. Contributions are supporting @ItGetsBetter @OutMetroWest & @FenwayHealth. https://t.co/N7VTHLhf98 pic.twitter.com/ip2GGhtCE9 — Converse (@Converse) May 6, 2019 The new line is designed to mark the 50…

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Women’s sports takes another hit with transgender athlete Mary Gregory winning nine from nine weight lifting events, smashing four world records in the process. Gregory, a biological male who identifies as female, competed last week at the RAW Powerlifting Federation where he broke the women’s records in Masters world squat, open world bench press, masters world deadlift and Masters world total. Following the event, Gregory took to Instagram in celebration of his victory, thanking officials for treating him like a female: “A huge thank you to [RAW Powerlifting Federation], from the bottom of my heart! As a transgender lifter I…

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UK Police have threatened to arrest a female journalist if she fails to appear for a taped interview following reports she “misgendered” someone’s transgender daughter. Caroline Farrow said she received a message from Guildford Police accusing the Catholic columnist of misgendering a transgender person on Twitter. “I don’t even remember said tweets! I probably said ‘he’ or ‘son’ or something,” Farrow tweeted in a string of posts detailing the incident. Farrow also went on to say, her family have been left terrified by activists harassing her family. According to Farrow, the group “doxed my children, made violent and sexual threats,…

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I once commented on a post put up by a friend, who was applauding the increasing number of people supporting DACA “dreamers”, and gun control in the United States. In the comments section I spoke plainly, saying that abortion has to be part of this debate and that any theologian who support people screaming, “punch a Nazi”, are hypocrites if they don’t include in their outrage, controls on the systematic slaughter of infants whilst they are still in the womb. I did this because as has been witnessed in the latter part of this week people have taken to hashtagging…

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A Finish bioethicist has argued that people should be allowed to change their legal age if it differs from their experiential age. In an essay published in the Journal of Medical Ethics, Joona Räsänen, from the University of Oslo, set out three cases in which an individual should be legally permitted to make themselves younger or older. Räsänen argued that age-changing should be permitted in three instances: First, if the person “genuinely feels his age differs significantly from his chronological age.” Second, if the person’s “biological age is recognized to be significantly different from his chronological age.” And third, if…

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An LGBTQ activist and Citizen of the Year has burned down her own house and killed her pets because she was ‘annoyed there was no prejudice to campaign against,’ according to police. Law enforcement charged Nikki Joly, a 54-year-old transgender man from Jackson, Michigan, after she allegedly set her house on fire, killing five of her pets who were inside at the time – two German Shepherds and three cats. The blaze was initially investigated as a ‘hate crime’, but police quickly turned their attention to Joly after they discovered she had bought $10 of gas at a local Marathon…

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Two transgender sprinters have finished in first and second place at the Connecticut girls indoor track championships. According to the Washington Times, transgender woman Terry Miller won gold in the 55-meter dash after setting a girls state indoor record of 6.95 seconds. Transgender woman Andraya Yearwood came in second place, finishing in 7.01 seconds. Coming in third place was a biological female who finished in 7.23 seconds. The two transgender athletes also topped the 100-meter state championships last year, and Miller won the 300 this season, the Washington Times reported.

Children as young as five will be taught lessons on homosexuality and transgenderism after the UK “Conservative” government finalized a new curriculum. According to RT, the lessons, set to roll out across UK schools next year, will be mandatory for all students, making it illegal for parents to remove their children from the classroom for the lessons in secondary school. Over 100,000 signatures have been gathered in a petition opposing the move, demanding the choice to opt-out of the lessons be retained for the length of the child’s school education. “We believe it is the parent’s fundamental right to teach their…

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Daily Mail: Tennis star Martina Navratilova has claimed transgender women in sport are ‘cheating’ unless they have irreversible surgery to change their anatomy. The nine-times Wimbledon champion, 62, says she is happy to address transgender athletes by whichever pronoun they desire, but would not be happy to compete against them unless they have fully transitioned. This is the second time Navratilova has spoken out on the subject, following a furious Twitter row with transgender female cycling champion Rachel McKinnon at the end of last year. Read the full story.

A man, who identifies as a woman, has been given a community sentence after sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl in a supermarket female-only bathroom. According to The Scotsman, 18-year-old ‘Katie Dolatowski’ sexually assaulted the young girl after grabbing her by the face and forcing her into a toilet cubicle in Morrisons in Kirkcaldy. Dolatowski told the girl there was a man outside who would kill her mother if she did not remove her pants. The youngster managed to escape her attacker only after punching him in the face, stomach, and groin.  One month prior to the attack, Dolatowski was caught attempting to film…

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The Australian reports: Up to 300 refugees and asylum-seekers on Manus Island and Nauru have obtained recommendations from treating doctors to enable them to be transferred to Australia under the new medivac legislation. Advice to the government has warned that the paperwork for refugees and asylum-seekers in offshore facilities was prepared ahead of yesterday’s passage of the medivac bill and would be “ready for lodgment” as soon as the changes became law. Read the full story.

A 38-year-old mother has been arrested hours after she “misgendered” a transgender woman on Twitter. Police detained Kate Scottow at her home in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, on December 1 following an online exchange with transgender activist Stephanie Hayden. Scottow was then taken to the station where she had her photograph, DNA and fingerprints taken before being placed in a cell for up to seven hours. Scottow detailed her experience on parenting forum Mumsnet: “I was arrested in my home by three officers, with my autistic ten-year-old daughter and breastfed 20-month-old son present. “I was then detained for seven hours in a cell with…

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The United Kingdom is seeing a record number of children, under the age of 16, identifying as transgender. According to the UK Deed Poll Services, in the past five years there has been a surge of parents seeking to change their child’s title from Miss to Master and vice versa. The rise in transgender children now averages at least one child making the switch every single day. Louise Bowers, a senior deed poll officer, told The Sun: “We used to issue a couple every couple of months — but now it’s seven to ten a week.” According to Bowers, most…

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TransKids was established when sex-shop owner Searah Deysach saw the need for an online store focused on transgender children and their “unique needs.” The Chicago-based mother who says she likes to, “spread the good word about sex toys and masturbation” came to the realisation “after years of helping adults find high-quality gender expression gear.” One particular product sold on the website is a silicone penis, handcrafted by an “artisan” to help young girls experience the sensation of having a bulge between their legs. “Most trans boys don’t start packing until they are teens or older,” the website states. “Sometimes young kids want…

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A furious transgender woman has threatened a GameStop employee who accidentally called him “sir” instead of “maam.” The incident, which took place in a store in Albuquerque, New Mexico, was filmed by a bystander and later uploaded to social media. “Motherf***er…. take it outside if you want to call me sir again. I will show you a f***ing sir,” the transgender woman said before kicking over a box display. WATCH:

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer or Rudolph the Marginalized Reindeer? The 1964 children’s Christmas classic is “seriously problematic,” according to HuffPost. A video posted on Twitter claims, viewers are noticing the tale may not be so jolly after all. Two random individuals are then quoted, with blue verification check marks, although the first account is not currently verified, and the second, doesn’t exist. “Yearly reminder that Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer is a parable on racism and homophobia with Santa as a bigoted exploitative pr-ck,” the first tweet read. “Santa’s operation is a HR nightmare and in serious need of diversity…

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A school in Brighton has 76 students, aged between 11 and 16, who identify as transgender. According to a survey conducted at Dorothy Stringer School, 40 of those children said they do not identify with their birth sex, while 36 claimed they were ‘gender fluid.’ In the U.K., the number of children being referred to gender identity clinics quadrupled in the space of just five years. In 2012-13 there were 20 children aged between three and seven who were referred to gender clinics. By 2016 that number jumped to 84, while referrals for children under the age of 10 also…

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Tasmania’s lower house has passed new transgender laws which will require parents to “opt-in” to having their child’s sex recorded on birth certificates. The amendments will also make it easier for teens as young as 16 to change their gender by simply filing a statutory declaration. Anti-discrimination laws were also broadened making it illegal to offend, insult or discriminate against someone on the basis of their “gender expression.” Refusal to use an individuals preferred pronoun will be regarded as “hate speech.” Martyn Iles, Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby, called it “Unhinged, total madness. We think we are gods.”…

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