1333 search results for "Trans"

A conversation captured on a hot mic prior to the White House press briefing on Monday has gone viral on social media overnight. The footage reportedly shows Fox News’ John Roberts and New York Times photographer Doug Mills discussing the coronavirus pandemic and suggesting the mortality rate is about a tenth of what it seems to be. “What do you know, buddy?” Mills asks Roberts. “You can take off your mask,” Roberts replied. “The case mortality rate is like 0.1 to 0.3. That’s according to the USC.” Mediaite, who was first to report on the video, notes that Roberts was…

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In 2001 Professor Neil Ferguson, professor of mathematical biology and director of the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College London, predicted up to 150,000 could die in the U.K. alone from mad cow disease. Panicked politicians and ballistic bureaucrats ordered the culling of over 6 million animals and economically vandalised rural Britain. Only 177 people died. Professor Michael Thrusfield of Edinburgh University claimed Professor Ferguson’s model made incorrect assumptions about transmission. This government expert’s model was criticised as “not fit for purpose” and “severely flawed”, and established a history of wildly overestimating death rates through his prediction models. Nevertheless, when President…

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There’s a scene in the HBO mini-series, Chernobyl, that bears an uncanny similarity to the current communist cover-up involving COVID-19. The context is just after the nuclear explosion at Chernobyl on Saturday 26, April 1986 and the local apparatchiks who are trying to mitigate the panic that is about to occur when the true gravity of the disaster is revealed.  Note in particular what is said by the oldest member of the communist nomenclature bringing his other comrades to a standing ovation: Now the State tell us the situation here is not dangerous. Have faith, comrades. The State tell…

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We’ve been sold a bill of goods by global agencies and national and state governments, aided by a media ever salivating for sensation. We’ve been compliant little citizens, setting aside our cultural scepticism of authority and replacing our freedom and ability to think for ourselves with government “experts”. Social freedoms have been hard-won in world history through violent revolutions shaking off the shackles of tyranny. When our founding fathers surveyed the best political systems in the world they enshrined ideals which were strong enough to survive the ravages of global pandemics, wars and financial crises and upon which to build…

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If COVID-19 has taught us anything in 2020, it’s that we have to address the two-hundred-pound gorilla (er panda) in the room. Namely, that the CCP is an expansionist regime which is totalitarian, corrupt and never to be trusted by the international community. This is because by falsifying information on a massive scale China ultimately facilitated the global spread of the virus. Putting aside Kevin Rudd’s defence of the WHO—Chinese Communism’s (aka Lenin’s) ‘useful idiot’—in also failing to prevent the spread of the disease, we have now been given an authentic, picture-perfect vision of the CCP’s insidious self-protectionism. I realise…

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When Catholic Archbishop of Hobart Julian Porteous wrote a booklet entitled “Don’t Mess with Marriage”, it never occurred to him that the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner was about to mess with him. The Catholic bishop was merely doing what Catholic bishops do. He wrote a booklet outlining Catholic doctrine for Catholic parents interested in Catholic teaching. That’s when a transgendered activist and federal Greens candidate stepped in. The activist complained to the Commission that the booklet was insulting. As well as an apology, she demanded that Catholic Education implement a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex awareness program for all staff…

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One of the most significant revelations to arise out of COVID-19 is The World Health Organisation’s relationship with the Chinese Communist Party. In a stunning Facebook post, Martyn Iles, the director of The Australian Christian Lobby, has written: WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus had his bid for the role funded by the Chinese Communist Party. He is a member of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front – a Marxist liberationist party with links to the former Soviet Union. It is listed by the Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium as a left-wing terrorist organisation, responsible for 10 acts of terror between 1975…

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The executive director of the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said authorities will need to enter homes and remove family members in order to stop the spread of coronavirus. Dr Michael Ryan said during a press conference this week that authorities will need to “go and look” in people’s families for individuals who may be sick and remove them, presumably by force. “Most of the transmission that’s actually happening in many countries now is happening in the household, at family level,” Dr Ryan said. “In some sense, transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units.…

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Escaping persecution and daily threats to our freedoms and rights under a suppressive Communist government, as a refugee family, we so appreciated the liberties that Australia afforded to us on our arrival. That’s why it is so painful for me, as a legal academic and lobbyist, to watch the current violations of our freedoms taking place, which are slowly corroding our fundamental freedoms and rights – all in the name of fear. As rational, thinking fee citizens involved in upholding the rule of law and engaging in political rights, it is important to take a step back as a nation…

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Whatever support Nigel Farage had for Britain’s total lockdown, now appears to be wavering. Although the Brexit mastermind was an early supporter of the anti-coronavirus, “stay home, save lives” policy, Farage is now asking the same questions, we here at Caldron Pool have been asking, in regards to government overreach and the absence of any assurance that civil liberties are being safeguarded. In his latest vlog, the chief architect of Brexit commented on the increasing ‘ridiculous, lacking in common sense interpretations of social distancing’ being applied in a heavy-handed repression of civil liberties by Western governments, saying that this repression…

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The world needs to remember the Christian faith and remarkable courage of Dr Li Wen Liang, who worked at Wuhan Central Hospital and was one of the chief whistleblowers regarding COVID-19. Dr Wen Liang himself died of the virus. He was only thirty-four. Australia’s Sixty Minutes provides a concise summary in the pivotal role that Dr Wen Liang played in uncovering the scandal, as well as how the Communist Chinese Government is now trying to “re-write history and [falsely] claim that it was transparent all along”: But another aspect to Dr. Li Wen Liang that should not be overlooked is…

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There’s a thin line between governments waging a war against a crisis, and governments waging a war against people caught up in that crisis. It’s the crossing of this line; the potential, and perhaps eventual, overreaction through disproportionate measures, that have sparked an increasing number of centrist and conservative thinkers to question these heavy-handed measures, along with anything, and everything, labelled “the new normal”. The more we learn about the coronavirus, the more important it is to question whether the heavy-handed measures being taken against the coronavirus are proportionate to the fight against it. Peter Hitchens was the first to…

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Through the past two weeks, Christians throughout the West have had to wrestle with the problem of how to conduct the Lord’s Day Service—whether it should be held, or whether it should be postponed, or whether it ought to be even relocated online. Considering the rising rate at which the Coronavirus, also referred to as COVID-19, is being spread, Christians must, rightly, ask as to how they can apply best practice in dealing with the virus, and how to avoid the local church being a den of malaise. Should the church shutter its doors like certain businesses, sports, and other…

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In all the media turmoil surrounding COVID-19, you may have missed the passing of Dr. Catherine Hamlin, aged ninety-six. Dr. Hamlin’s gynaecological work in treating Ethiopian women suffering from obstetric fistula was so remarkable that even The Sydney Morning Herald referred to her as “the saint of Addis Ababa”. Julie White, Chair of Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation said: “Catherine has lived an incredible life having made an enormous difference to the lives and health of thousands upon thousands of women in Ethiopia. Her passionate commitment to women and maternal health through her trust and belief in fulfilling God’s work with…

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Ahmed Shaheed, lecturer and volunteer adviser to the U.N., is advocating that religions conform to an eventual universal, “progressive” law. In his latest report for the U.N, the religious freedom advocate provides an argument for a blueprint, which will outlaw any theological critique or practice, unless it has first been approved, or established by LGBTQAAI+ activists, radical feminists and academics who advocate from a Leftist worldview. Steve Warren from CBN news rightly noted that recent ‘Report of the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief’ (available as a Word Document here), makes no distinction between who and what religion…

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A New York-based Muslim activist has urged Egyptians to deliberately spread Coronavirus to government officials and employees. According to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Bahgat Saber, a Muslim Brotherhood activist in New York, said that any Egyptian with flu-like symptoms should “exact revenge” by intentionally going to police stations, public prosecution offices, courthouses, embassies and consulates to spread the infection in hopes of “toppling” the government. “Whoever has flu-like symptoms – cold, fever, sneezing – should pay a visit to his ‘friends’ who work for Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi’s government,” Saber said, according to a translation by MEMRI. “The…

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When future generations ask, who started the war? Remember that the seeds for the current war of words between the Chinese Communist Party and the United States were sown in February, when, Cui Tiankai, the Chinese Communist Party ambassador to the United States, claimed that anyone calling the COVID-19 outbreak by virtue of its origin, such as the Wuhan Virus, would be inciting racial discrimination and xenophobia. The World Health Organization, and the United Nations, along with the usual list of names from the perpetually angry Leftist Twitter echelon, backed the Communist narrative, declaring that use of the term “Wuhan…

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Earlier this month during the “Not Ashamed” conference, hosted in Adelaide by Australian Christian Lobby, Dr Stephen Chavura addressed one of the biggest issues facing Christians today. According to Dr Chavura, recent LGBTQ issues, such as same-sex marriage and transgenderism, signify a cultural shift that has taken place over the past 50 years. Attitudes towards Christianity have changed. The critique is no longer that Christianity is irrational, but that it is harmful to people’s mental health, and the LGBTQ “community”, in particular. “This is the shift that we’re seeing happening right now,” Dr Chavura said. “That is the argument that…

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A pro-abortion feminist has accidentally hurled a Molotov cocktail at fellow protesters during an International Women’s Day rally in Mexico City. The Sunday demonstration which reportedly attracted around 80,000 participants took a violent turn with protesters vandalizing public structures, private businesses and church buildings. Video uploaded to social media shows a group of female protesters rallying around police officers standing guard at the Mariana Door of the National Palace. A female protester is then seen attempting to throw a Molotov cocktail at the officers. Her efforts fell short, however, and the firebomb landed immediately in front of her and into…

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A bill mandating sex education classes for all K-12 students in Washington public schools has passed the Washington State House of Representatives. The measure passed on Thursday with the House voting 56-40 after nearly six-hours of debate. Opponents of the bill said the curriculum reviewed by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction is too explicit, especially for children below the seventh grade. “I’m not sure why we’re rushing to remove the innocence from our youth,” Rep. Mike Steele said against the bill. “We put so much on them already.” Rep. Vicki Kraft, who also opposed the bill, cited a…

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