1333 search results for "Trans"

In case you didn’t think 2020 could get any more perplexing, there are now uncontrolled riots taking place in dozens of American cities. From coast to coast, cars and businesses have been set alight, numberless shops have been looted, vehicles have been driven into crowds, and mob violence has broken out on city streets. In the week since the rioting began, numerous people have lost their lives and thousands have been arrested. Many cities have imposed curfews and the National Guard has been deployed in over 20 states. The unrest started last week in Minneapolis after a video went viral showing the…

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An unmistakable optimism has returned to countries like Australia as lockdown restrictions begin to ease. Even the news cycle has begun to focus on issues other than the coronavirus, to our collective relief. For several months there was blanket news coverage of the pandemic. Media outlets kept feeding our insatiable appetite to know more about a crisis that so directly impacts our health, our livelihoods, and our loved ones. I remember seeing early reports suggesting that the death toll could approach 68 million. It is a relief, then, that as infection rates flatten in most countries, the death toll has been only…

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Most of us would remember the popular Christian arm bracelets with the acronym ‘WWJD?’ The initials stand for What Would Jesus Do? It was a question that was supposed to remind people to deal with every situation the way Jesus would. One comical response to the question was to suggest that “flipping over tables and chasing people with a whip was within the realm of possibility.” That is, after all, something Jesus did, right? But is it licence for us to do likewise? Is it OK for us to destroy other people’s property in the name of social justice? It’s…

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Facebook has fact-checked a church’s prayer, marking the post as “partly false information.” Saint Alban’s Anglican Church of Maryland posted the prayer, taken from the Book of Common Prayer, to their Facebook page on Wednesday, which included the words: “In Time of Great Sickness and Mortality. O MOST mighty and merciful God, in this time of grievous sickness, we flee unto thee for succour. Deliver us, we beseech thee, from our peril; give strength and skill to all those who minister to the sick; prosper the means made use for their cure; and grant that, perceiving how frail and uncertain…

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Sitting state Labor members defending the Communist Chinese Party, while simultaneously attacking their federal government colleagues is not a good look for Australian Labor. The attacks against Andrew Hastie, George Christensen, and Scott Morrison, reveal a party divided by arrogant far-left factions advancing Australia further into a social, cultural, moral, political and economic abyss. The reason why Labor governments in both Western Australia and Victoria warm to any “kiss and makeup” approach between the Australian and Communist Chinese governments, is because Labor has political capital invested in the relationship. Tapping into China’s flawed totalitarian powerhouse gives them the illusion of…

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I’ve been trying to put my finger on the reason why Trent Dalton’s book Boy Swallows Universe (HarperCollins, 2018) is so popular. For the first time in the history of the Australian Book Industry of the Year (ABIA), Dalton’s work won all four major categories: Book of the Year, Literary Book of the Year, the Matt Richell Award for New Writer and Audio Book of the Year. It also won the 2019 NSW Premier’s Award as well as the 2019 MUD Literary Prize. What’s more, it’s currently being turned into an international TV series which will surely only add to…

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David Limbrick MP yesterday asked an excellent science question of the Victorian Chief Health Officer appearing before the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee. When asked, “How do you make the decision between which activities should be prohibited and which shouldn’t?“ Victoria’s Chief Health Officer replied: In a sense, these are not easy decisions to make – there is some arbitrariness. That is why you’ll see an enormous variety across jurisdictions in Australia. Standing apart from many Christian commentators and leaders (though not alone), I’ve been an outspoken critic of the loss of liberty still being endured by Australians in the name of…

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Just how ‘tolerant’ is the homosexual movement? That’s the question many are currently asking since the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) used rainbow flags during COVID-19 to rally people’s morale. Apparently, the furore all started because an older gentleman flew a rainbow flag outside his window in support of the NHS and refused to acknowledge that it meant he was supporting people who are LGBTIQ. All of which led to his homosexual grandson tweeting: My grandad who is a staunch "I've got nothing against them, but I don't want to know about it" has put this up out front and…

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Facebook isn’t new to panel’s overseeing data collection and usage, customer conflict resolution, and moderation of user content. The company is monolithic. They have 70 offices worldwide, 15 data centres, 48,268 full-time employees and according to the digital marketing firm, Zephoria, ‘1.73 billion people’ using the site daily. Oversight committees are a staple for any socially responsible corporate entity. They’re also essential for good government because they’re a stabilizing force providing insight through transparency and accountability. For an operation as big as Facebook, whose sole product is providing a stable communications service, a polished exterior, and even cleaner interior, keeps…

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LEFTISTS have turned to alchemy to try to transform the Covid-19 pandemic into their fabled climate emergency. Former ABC journalist Quentin Dempster tweeted on Thursday: “Australia’s National Cabinet should stay on to coordinate decarbonising of energy/transport/manufacture to urgently mitigate climate change.” Well no, Quentin. If I wanted Daniel Andrews to run my life I would move to Victoria, lock myself in my home and vote for him. The National Cabinet, formed by the PM to help steer Australia through the pandemic by determining such things as whether or not we may see our mums on Mother’s Day, should be disbanded the moment the…

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A mother in Dallas, Texas has been jailed for a week and fined $7,000 for keeping her business open despite coronavirus restrictions demanding the closure of “non-essential businesses.” The sentencing comes after the same county released a thousand hardened criminals for fear of them contracting COVID-19 in prison. Shelly Luther, the owner of Salon à la Mode appeared in court on Tuesday where a judge said she could avoid jail if she apologised for being selfish, closed her business, and paid a fine. Judge Eric Moyé told Ms Luther that she must “see the error of her ways and understand…

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New Zealand’s Prime Minister will meet with Australia’s COVID Cabinet in a bid to discuss, and secure a plan, allowing restricted travel to and from New Zealand into Australia, and vice versa. They’re calling the plan a “trans-Tasman bubble”. The idea is designed to help reestablish contact with other nations, and give New Zealand’s COVID-19 counter-measure shattered, tourism-dependent economy a reboot. Nine News reports that the heavily policed measure should be operational in time for New Zealand’s September ski season. According to the report, “almost 40 per cent of international arrivals to New Zealand are from Australia, heavily contributing to…

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In 1982, renowned thinker, philosopher, theologian and author, Dr Francis Schaeffer delivered a speech on the television program, Old-Time Gospel Hour. During the speech, which was titled The Christian Manifesto, Dr Schaeffer pin-pointed a significant cultural change that brought about many, if not all, of the troubles our society is now faced with. That change was a broadly accepted shift in worldview, and it stands as evidence that bad worldviews birth bad ideas, and bad ideas result in bad consequences. So, what was this ideological shift that is responsible for “everything that is troubling our culture”? In the following short…

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JUST YESTERDAY a university degree in gender studies was valuable. Today a job at the supermarket is valuable. Yesterday a share portfolio was prized. Today a stash of toilet paper, hidden away in a bathroom cupboard, is prized. Yesterday all a woman wanted was Chanel. Today all a woman wants is hand sanitizer. Yesterday we dreamed of taking a holiday in Italy. Today we just hope the Government will let us out of our homes. Yesterday we dreamed of being CEO of a major corporation so as to dominate the business world. Today we dream of hosting a Zoom meeting…

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RENOWNED English novelist Ian McEwan lamented the fact that atheists don’t speak out more about the value of their philosophy. The implication being that their silence is evidence of apathy or even fear of persecution. McEwan, whose book Atonement was turned into a major motion picture nominated for six Oscars, told The New Republic: I think it is important that people with no religious beliefs speak up and speak for what they value. It is a bit of a problem, the title ‘Atheist’ – no one really wants to be defined by what they do not believe in. But it…

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I took some serious heat recently, after raising questions about the usefulness, function, role and consequences of using the Australian Government’s recent COVIDSafe app. I outlined two areas of concern, then was forced to address a third. My primary point was about precedent. The second concerned emotional manipulation; peer pressure, and the third, data security. Objections to this included asinine responses such as “it’s un-Christian not too”, that I wasn’t’ “loving my neighbour” and that “people will die if I don’t” sign up for the app. The more astute arguments included “Romans 13 and how it commands us to submit…

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THE Covid-19 epidemic has completely changed the world, including the way we speak. Words that only yesterday meant one thing now denote something entirely different. This helpful Lexicon will give you the vocabulary to successfully navigate your way through the crisis. Airline: A company that owns lots of planes that don’t fly anywhere. Celebrity: A multi-millionaire who sits in a mansion telling you not to complain about being stuck at home with no job. Climate Change: A term you might vaguely remember from a distant past. Covid-19: A virus charged with doing to Trump what neither CNN, the Democrats, nor…

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The government’s contact tracing app is finally here. As part of Scott Morrison’s plan to allow us back our God-given right of liberty, the government would like you, and everyone you know, or at least 40% of you, to put this tracing app on your phones. Will you do it? Well, that is up to you. The government has promised that unlike overseas versions of similar apps, used in places like South Korea and elsewhere, that this app will not use geo-location. They will only upload the data if you have tested positive for Covid-19, and this data will only…

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Michael Moore’s, The Planet of the Humans is currently one of the top trending videos on YouTube. Just in time for the Wuhan Virus lockdown, Moore has released his latest documentary for free! And in less than a week it is quickly closing in on a massive, two-million views. The great battle over global warming has always been identified as the authority of science. But now, Moore’s documentary reveals that the science is secondary to the question of religion. And as such, this is probably Moore’s most valuable work to date. Planet of the Humans makes for at times excruciating…

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“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…” – US Declaration of Independence I have been intending to write a series of serious articles on the topic of equality for some time now. A few things held me back. 1) I wanted to read some top scholars on the subject first. 2) I have shared many of my thoughts in various forums at different times with people, seeking to sharpen my thoughts on this subject. 3) I have read some other posts written by other people on this topic, and frankly, I considered their efforts…

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