1333 search results for "Trans"

In the midst of a “near-global pandemic,” the World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned negative words which fuel stigmatization and perpetuate stereotypes are more dangerous than the Coronavirus itself. As the global death toll surges past 3,000, WHO on Tuesday published a series of tweets, lecturing their 5.6 million Twitter followers about the “do’s and don’ts” when speaking of the virus. “When talking about COVID19 (Coronavirus), certain words and language may have a negative meaning for people and fuel stigmatizing attitudes,” WHO tweeted. “These words and language can perpetuate negative stereotypes or assumptions, strengthen false association between COVID19 and other…

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If advocates really want to help the “LGBTQ community”, they would do well to stop telling LGBTQ people that they are hated and despised by everyone who does not affirm the rainbow worldview.

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Australia’s ASIO security chief, Mike Burgess presented the Director-General’s Annual Threat Assessment on Monday. The assessment laid out ASIO’s “principle concerns” about national security, and the issues it views as threats to Australians both internally and externally. Burgess didn’t mess around, stating from the start that he wanted “to move beyond the bureaucratic language of annual reports and help everyone understand the significant threats we see directed at Australia and Australians.” The director spoke pointedly about the increasing challenges technology posed to the organization’s ability to do what it does successfully. Adding that ASIO seeks to find a balance between…

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ABC News suggests it’s time to disconnect menstruation from femininity and womanhood because men have periods too. In a piece published yesterday, the taxpayer-funded national broadcaster introduced readers to Lily Harrison, founder of Period Pack. According to the piece, Period Pack aims to “ease period inequality” by providing period products to “people of all genders” because “women are not the only people who menstruate.” Under the heading “The backlash to inclusivity was real”, Ms Harrison detailed how surprised she was to discover people in her own community “thought only women can menstruate and that if you don’t menstruate, you’re not a…

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George Soros sent in a brief letter to the Financial Times, calling for the removal of Facebook’s CEO and COO, Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg. Soros claims that Zuckerberg, who hasn’t followed Twitter in banning all political advertising, is helping Donald Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign in a ‘kind of mutual assistance arrangement with D.T.’ Soros goes on to demand Facebook take action stating, ‘Mark Zuckerberg should be removed from control of Facebook.’ The F.T. posted a copy and paste transcript of Soros’ proposition yesterday. Notably absent from the article was the lack of an introduction and commentary from FT staff.…

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It’s becoming more obvious with each passing year, and just about everyone in the West will agree: to be a Christian means to walk out of step with mainstream culture. It’s such a fixed feature of modern life that Christians have adapted a variety of solutions to this dilemma. Some believers relish the opportunity to cause unnecessary trouble. Others run scared—and in doing so, they compromise their stand for Jesus. Both extremes do damage to the cause of Christ. So how can we walk the middle road? The answer to this begins with properly understanding our calling as Christians. Why…

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A couple of years back during that infamous postal vote, Australians voted to legalise same-sex marriage. During the debate, many warned that if marriage was redefined, a host of injustices would follow. People of faith could lose their jobs, gender-fluid teaching might take over schools, and the freedom to hold a dissenting view would disappear. Those in favour of same-sex marriage dismissed this as fear-mongering. They insisted that the plebiscite was only about the freedom of loving couples to marry. It was a false ‘slippery slope’ argument, they said, to suggest that other negative consequences could follow. “Marriage Equality will…

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Australian retailer Bonds has released a new Pride range which includes LGBTQ-themed clothing for newborns, young children and even dogs. The underwear brand released the new rainbow range ahead of this year’s Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras and in support of the LGBTQIA+ youth organisation Minus 18. To coincide with the release, Bonds also launched an ‘Out Now’ campaign, celebrating the “coming out stories of queer Australians.” Back in November, Minus 18 issued a “casting call” for “out and proud queer people” who are comfortable being photographed in their underwear. The “casting call” specifically asked for families with a…

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Switzerland on Sunday voted in favour of new laws that would make ‘homophobia’ a criminal offence punishable by fines and up to three years imprisonment. More than 60 per cent of voters participating in the referendum were in favour of the new legislation which would extend anti-racism laws to include “discrimination,” “hate speech” and public “insults” aimed at individuals because of their “sexual orientation”. Mathias Reynard, a lawmaker from the Social Democratic Party of Switzerland who first proposed the law, said, “Homophobia is not an opinion. It’s a crime. “This victory sends a strong signal. I have already received hundreds…

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Scotland’s finance secretary has quit after it was revealed he sent up to 270 private messages to a 16-year-old schoolboy over a period of six months. Derek Mackay resigned from his senior government role last week after the Scottish Sun broke the story, along with a transcript of the entire six months worth of messages, which were sent through Facebook and Instagram. Soon after, Nicola Sturgeon confirmed in an address to MSPs that the 42-year-old had been suspended from the Scottish National Party (SNP) while further investigations were carried out. The transcript shows Mackay inviting the teen to dinner and…

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In an article sure to sort the sheep from the goats, Dr Michael L Brown (who is about to tour Australia & New Zealand as part of the Church And State Summit) has written a sober perspective on why Christian conscience compels him to vote for President Trump again. BROWN: President Trump’s State of the Union message, coupled with the Democratic response, reminds me of why I voted for Trump in 2016. And why I plan to vote for him again in 2020. The contrasts are just too extreme. I am conscience-bound to vote against the radical left and to vote for…

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A 13-year-old schoolgirl has applied for judicial review, claiming the Oxfordshire County Council’s ‘Trans Inclusion Toolkit for Schools 2019‘ compromises her safety and violates her right to privacy. The young girl has said the 65-page guide for students questioning their gender poses a risk to children by allowing boys and girls to share private spaces, including toilets, changerooms and sleeping dorms. The council’s guidance to more than 300 schools in Oxfordshire states: “Children and young people are supported through the Equality Act 2010 to access the toilet that corresponds to their gender identity; so trans girls because they are girls,…

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After nine months off the field, former Wallaby Israel Folau is set to return to rugby league with a France-based club. The Catalans Dragons have been widely criticised for signing the one-year deal with Folau after the former Australian rugby star was sacked for posting a paraphrased Bible verse on his Instagram account. Catalans chairman Bernard Guasch said his club does not share or condone Folau’s Christian beliefs, but wanted to give Folau a “new opportunity to shine on the pitch.” “We do not believe that those views should be publicly expressed, especially by a high-profile sports person,” Guasch said.…

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“One cannot help but wonder if Mr Graham is the canary in the mine, with his demise being an early warning of the coming death of religious liberty in the UK.”  At least five venues in the United Kingdom have cancelled events featuring Rev Franklin Graham after his Christian beliefs were deemed “discriminatory,” “repulsive” and “hateful”. Graham, the eldest son of the famous American evangelist Billy Graham, has been met with opposition from UK’s LGBTQ+ activists and authorities since his eight-city tour of the UK was announced. The 67-year-old evangelist was due to preach at the ACC Liverpool on June…

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In a speech for the National Press Club on Wednesday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison delivered the equivalent of a State of the Union address. From its content to his delivery, it was obvious that the Prime Minister was addressing the nation, not just the top end town. His address didn’t present a government in damage control, but a government that is in control. Morrison was right to not use the opportunity to give ground to noisy dishonest critics on social media. Many of whom come across as detached from everyday Australia, and seem to exist only as a deliberate distraction…

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A 19-year-old with Asperger’s syndrome has been placed under house arrest and fined over £500 after asking a transgender police officer if they were a boy or girl. Police support officer, Connor Freel, said she was left feeling “upset and embarrassed” when Declan Armstrong asked in a loud voice, “Is it a boy or is it a girl?” The incident, which occurred in October last year, in Mold, North Wales, was said to have left the 25-year-old transgender officer reluctant to undertake foot patrols alone. Although Armstrong denied making the comments, he was convicted of an offence under the Public…

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A 23-year-old man convicted of a myriad of sex-crimes will be released from an Iowa prison after claiming he now identifies as a woman. According to the Storm Lake Times, Iowa officials determined that Joseph Matthew Smith’s reduction in testosterone levels following his ‘transition’ puts him at a lower risk of re-offending. Smith, who was convicted of molesting a fellow student at Midwest Christian Services, also reportedly molested up to 15 children under the age of 13 before being sentenced to prison in 2015, the Iowa Sex Offender Registry reveals. At the time, the report found that Smith had a…

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The late, great, Roger Scruton once articulated that one of the most successful lies of the 20th century is the idea that the ‘far-left’ is nothing like the ‘far-right.’ Scruton noted that: The success of Communist propaganda could be found in how it has persuaded so many people that fascism and communism are polar opposites and that there is a single scale of political ideology stretching from ‘far-left’ to ‘far-right’. Thus while communism is on the ‘far-left’, it is one stage along the road one must go in order not to be contaminated by fascism. However: Communism, like fascism, involved…

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Few would disagree with the fact that if you reward bad behaviour you get more of it. But how often do we see Socialist-type politicians and governments doing that very thing? In our society, if you work hard and do the right thing, you own the government money. But if you don’t work at all, then the government owes you money. The issue here isn’t that Socialist-types fail to understand this reality. They get it! Sometimes better than the vast majority of the public. They know that if they reward bad behaviour it will increase dependency upon the state. Increased…

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The Journal of Medical Ethics has published a paper calling for fetal pain to “be considered as part of a humane approach to abortion”. Whenever a paper or professional reaches a conclusion which is inconvenient to the profitable abortion industry or contradicts pro-abortion-choice propaganda, inevitably the attack will turn, not on the argument or evidence, but on the credibility of the critic. Unfortunately for America’s largest corporate abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, they have previously hired this paper’s lead author, Professor Stuart Derbyshire, as a consultant. Pretending now they have no confidence in him or his research will be more transparently dishonest than…

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