189 search results for "all white people are racist"

Slavery has been a universal institution for thousands of years, as far back as you can trace human history. We’re looking as if slavery was something that happened to one race of people in one country, when in fact, the spread of it was around the world.

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SATIRE: Since we know that only racists would say they are not racists, it is necessary to prove you are not a racist by acting like you are guilty of racism, even when you feel no actual guilt. Doing this enables you to experience an incredible sense of self-righteousness since, by apologizing for racism, you prove that you are not a racist like those people who refuse to apologize for the racism they are not guilty of; which is itself a form of racism. Racists argue that we don’t have to apologize for racism since Australia is no longer a…

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America rapper Ice Cube is fighting racism against black people by posting racist, anti-Semitic caricatures of Jews on social media. Ice Cube, whose real name is O’Shea Jackson, on Saturday tweeted, “F*** THE NEW NORMAL UNTIL THEY FIX THE OLD NORMAL!” The image attached to the tweet was a photograph of a mural depicting Jewish caricatures, which has been widely condemned for resembling Nazi-style propaganda. FUCK THE NEW NORMAL UNTIL THEY FIX THE OLD NORMAL! pic.twitter.com/wNN3uwOb4K — Ice Cube (@icecube) June 6, 2020 Even The Guardian in 2018 condemned the mural as “offensive,” “antisemitic,” “full-blown Nazi” propaganda when it was…

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In July 2017, Australian, Justine Damond (nee Ruszczyk) was gunned down by Minnesotan police officer, Mohamed Noor. Damond was fatally shot in the stomach after calling 911 in response to a woman screaming in an alley near her home. After a second call to 911, police responded. As Justine approached the vehicle, Noor shot her, later claiming he was defending against what he had determined was an ambush. Noor was found guilty and sentenced in 2019. Over the course of that year instead of the media lamenting the murder of Justine, or calling for the reform of Minnesotan law enforcement…

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Planned Parenthood, an organisation that performs a third of all abortions in the United States, has taken to Twitter to lament “white supremacy.” A post on the organisation’s official Twitter page says: “We’re devastated, grieving, and outraged by violence against Black lives. We must continue to demand accountability, justice, and an end to the inequality that continues to define every moment of life for Black America from the racist institutions that uphold white supremacy.” We're devastated, grieving, and outraged by violence against Black lives. We must continue to demand accountability, justice, and an end to the inequity that continues to…

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To anyone who thinks that the recent race riots in the US is about racial justice and not police brutality then watch the following video: A woman in Baltimore just punched a cop in the face twice. Don’t think she was expecting to get clocked in the head from behind… pic.twitter.com/XQMCLL3RHe — Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) May 30, 2020 To anyone who thinks all—or even majority of—cops are racist against all blacks, then read Roland Fryer’s, African American Professor of economics and sociology at Harvard University, study on proportionate police violence and brutality between races. To anyone who thinks that the…

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There are few things left in our society that the woke progressives haven’t deemed “racist” or “oppressive.” One might imagine that something as seemingly unbias and absolute as mathematics might be safe from their life-draining claws. But where there’s reality untouched, these folks will somehow find a way to infuse their corrosive influence. Students from K-12 could soon be taught that math has become a racist instrument of white supremacy, used in systems of power and oppression to disenfranchise people of color, according to a new curriculum proposed by the Seattle school district. The preliminary Math Ethnic Studies framework document,…

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Covington student, Nicholas Sandermann’s $250 million defamation case against The Washington Post was dismissed late last month, after a federal judge ruled that the Washington Post hadn’t slandered Sandermann in its reporting of the infamous, so-called “standoff” between himself and Native American, Nathan Phillips on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Saurabh Sharma of the Dailycaller said the “judge threw out the case” saying that The Washington Post didn’t defame the Covington students, but were irresponsible with their use of “loose, figurative,” and “rhetorical hyperbole”. [i] This is despite The Washington Post, along with some Twitter users and others within…

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Award-winning Australian journalist, turned writer, Jana Wendt took a pounding on Twitter this week after the world was reminded of an interview Wendt hosted with the late African-American literary giant, Toni Morrison, in 1998. Desperate to keep the ‘we have a white supremacist crisis’ narrative alive following the Eco-Fascist mass shooting in El Paso, and the slogan’s quick demise after the mass shooting in Dayton by a Leftist Antifa supporter, many on the Left appear to be using the interview to keep their narrative alive. Their weapon of choice in an attempt to regain control of the discourse: the false…

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There is a new narrative being diligently spun by the leftist media complex, despite all evidence to the contrary. Apparently, white supremacists are responsible for all the mass shootings since Trump got elected. Of course, the Democrat Presidents who previously oversaw the epidemic of violence in America bore no responsibility whatsoever. And journalists are never ever biased or bigoted. Our country is under attack from white nationalist terrorism, inspiring murder on our soil and abetted by weak gun laws. If we are serious about national security, we must summon the courage to name and defeat this evil. — Pete Buttigieg…

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Robots with a black exterior are the latest victims of racism, according to an article recently published by CNN. In a study conducted by the Human Interface Technology Laboratory in New Zealand and published by the country’s University of Canterbury, researchers suggested people perceive physically human-like robots to have a race and therefore apply racial stereotypes to white and black robots. According to the article: “The bias against black robots is a result of bias against African-Americans,” lead researcher Christoph Bartneck explained to The Next Web. He told CNN, “It is amazing to see how people who had no prior…

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Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King Jnr came out swinging against Trump haters and manipulators this week when she took on the Leftist bureaucratic dragon’s fiery attempt to make the racist tag finally stick to Donald Trump. Calling Trump a racist has been part of the political narrative designed to remove him from office since 2016. This week the narrative resurfaced when the President used Twitter to call out Clinton supported, African-American ‘political adversary, Elijah Cummings D-Md’, for his biased party-line [ii] criticism of the Trump administration’s “America first”, border policies. Trump called Cummings a “bully,” then targeted…

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An alleged Google email leaked to investigative journalist organization Project Veritas, claims to show Google employee, Liam Hopkins, labelling PragerU, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro among others, as Nazis. The Washington Times reported that the message was part of an ‘apparent chain to the company’s transparency and ethics group’. The alleged email from within Google states: Today it is often 1 or 2 steps to nazis, if we understand that PragerU, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro et al are nazis using the dog whistles you mention in step 1 […] I can receive these recommendations regardless of what I’m looking at, and…

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The tally of the Sri Lankan bombings on Resurrection Sunday now stands at 290 people with around 500 more wounded (many of that number include Sri Lankan Christians). CNN reported that ‘two suicide bombers perpetrated the attacks hitting three churches and four luxury hotels.’  The Wall Street Journal noted official statements from the Sri Lankan government, who said that the attacks were perpetrated by an Islamist group known as National Thoweeth Jamath. Apart from some formal condemnations from countries such as Indonesia, the Muslim world remains largely silent. While there are live updates from news organizations, including CNN, there’s no…

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Media reports are confirming what many have speculated over the past week. American actor, Jussie Smollett has been charged with staging the anti-LGBT, race-hate attack, which he claimed to be a victim of back in January. As this was breaking, Twitter users were worked up into a frenzy over snippets of a John Wayne interview with Playboy magazine in 1971. This resurfacing of Wayne’s, “racist, anti-LGBT remarks”, strangely coincided with the breaking news about Jussie Smollett. While some of the criticism is defensible, the timing of the “news”, and the “viral” reaction to it is a convenient red herring. Why…

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Just days after an Islamic terrorist attack was carried out in Melbourne, Muslim Senator Mehreen Faruqi warned Parliament of “far-right conservatives” or as she referred to them, “Merchants of Hate.” “It seems almost every day we are met with a new far-right conservative movement, ranging the spectrum from straight up Neo-Nazis or fascists masquerading as libertarians to the tin foil hat brigade with their United Nations conspiracy theories,” the Greens Senator said. “Some of them are in this very parliament. I collectively call these groups the Merchants of Hate. But, perhaps ‘charlatans’ or ‘quacks’ would be better terms. They prey…

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About three weeks after announcing her conversion to Islam, Sinead O’Connor posted a tweet that she described as “so racist” that she “never thought her soul could ever feel it.” “I’m terribly sorry. What I’m about to say is something so racist I never thought my soul could ever feel it,” she said. “But truly I never wanna spend time with white people again (if that’s what non-muslims are called). Not for one moment, for any reason. They are disgusting.” I'm terribly sorry. What I'm about to say is something so racist I never thought my soul could ever feel…

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Senator Pauline Hanson has once again caused remarkable controversy by saying something entirely unremarkable. “It’s okay to be white.” Apparently this is highly controversial because an idiot said it once upon a time. That’s it. It’s not factually incorrect. There is nothing inherently intolerant, violent, hateful or inaccurate about it. Of course, if the outrageous motion put by the Senator to our Commonwealth Parliament was repeated in Cape Town, you can be sure Cyril Ramaphosa would be frothing at the mouth nearly as much as Senator Penny Wong is now. According to Penny, “everyone” knows the phrase is used by…

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Candace Owens has challenged Chris Evans to a debate after the Captain America star suggested Kayne West’s support of President Trump was essentially due to a lack of education. “There’s nothing more maddening than debating someone who doesn’t know history, doesn’t read books, and frames their myopia as virtue,” Evans tweeted on Monday. “The level of unapologetic conjecture I’ve encountered lately isn’t just frustrating, it’s retrogressive, unprecedented and absolutely terrifying.” There’s nothing more maddening than debating someone who doesn’t know history, doesn’t read books, and frames their myopia as virtue. The level of unapologetic conjecture I’ve encountered lately isn’t just…

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Australia’s first Muslim Senator, Mehreen Faruqi has used her maiden speech to warn against the normalisation of racism in Australia. According to Ms Faruqi, migrants no longer feel welcome in Australia because “bigotry and xenophobia have been allowed to flourish.” Ms Faruqi admitted that racism, sexism and discrimination have always existed, but claims these things are now legitimised, normalised and even encouraged by our media and politicians. An example Ms Faruqi appealed to was Senator Fraser Anning’s maiden speech in which he described the Muslim culture as being the least capable of assimilation. And of course, according to Ms Faruqi,…

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