807 search results for "COvid"

The Caldron Pool Show, featuring Former Queensland Premier and Liberal Democrats Senate Candidate for Queensland Campbell Newman.

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“Don’t be fooled by legacy media and their paymasters in politics trying to use Ukraine as the fall guy, hoping that the link between the economic crisis and two years of crazy COVID policies magically disappears.”

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Senator Gerard Rennick claims a number of whistleblowers have told him Ivermectin is being used to treat Covid patients in Australian hospitals.

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“Minister Mitchell refused to rule out a quadruple vaccination employment mandate for NSW teachers.”

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“They’re telling us to put a mask over our mouths, but one gets the distinct impression they are also trying to pull the wool over our eyes.”

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“If people give their allegiance to God, and not the State, they are always going to be much harder to control. So dictators have always warred against religion.”

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Dr Philip said, “When you throw out truth, ultimate truth, because you throw out the ultimate rule of God, it doesn’t lead to liberation as people think it will, it leads to bondage.”

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Senator Hanson said the Australian people deserve a comprehensive account of the decisions made by their governments to manage the COVID-19 pandemic.

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For comparison, the average number of deaths from the flu each year in the UK ranges from 10,000 to 25,000.

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“One way to be equipped to think critically and discern truth from error in the current environment is to listen to the arguments and views of those who dissent from popular opinion.”

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“A reasonable proportion of cases being classified as Covid hospitalisations are actually people with other reasons for admission,” NSW Health Minister said.

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If the “vaccine” is not Pfizer, Moderna, or Astra-Zeneca, the government doesn’t appear to want to know about it.

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“We will continue to be your single source of truth,” NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said.

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“Both my wife and I are in education and will lose our jobs. I can’t even bring this up at church because the expectation is that we follow the government orders. There is no empathy or understanding as to why we wouldn’t ‘just get the jab’.”

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The communities were also placed under the harshest lockdown restrictions Australia has ever seen, with residents prohibited from leaving their homes except for medical or emergency reasons.

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The territory has administered 94,937 COVID jabs so far, including 39,815-second doses, with an additional 14,241 booster jabs – a vaccination rate of 139.5%.

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“May I suggest that those Christian leaders who, so far, have been silent in the face of coercion and/or violation of basic bodily autonomy by the state when it comes to COVID measures would probably not be that one courageous person.”

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The company has since denied the claims, saying customers’ DNA is only used for COVID-19 testing.

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“By forcing our hand, the government has turned my family’s strong resistance to vaccine mandates into a fight for survival.”

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“Our survey shows that many people will subject themselves to a medical treatment that they consider potentially unsafe, in order to win back political freedom. This ought to send chills down the spine of anybody who cherishes the ideals of liberal democracy.”

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