1333 search results for "Trans"

“Whether they’re harassing Prime Ministers, professors or ordinary people the aim is the same. To bully anyone who disagrees with their absurdly extreme worldview into silence.”

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“In the midst of the shift towards a digital currency, the growing rise of cancel culture, and the threat of the social credit system being a reality in the west – what protections do our personal and corporate information have on these Government platforms?”

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“Liberal Party left faction powerbrokers on the party’s NSW nomination review committee have excluded a pro-life, anti-lockdown candidate from running for preselection in the safe seat of Castle Hill for next year’s state election.”

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“Whilst acknowledging the intrinsic value of life, saying that murder is wrong, and taking a firm stand on the refusal to perform any VAD procedures, Queensland Baptists failed to refuse to play any part whatsoever in the killing of the elderly and other vulnerable people due to the need to meet ‘the minimum obligations for an entity required by the Act.'”

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“The left’s hatred of the West includes at least two things: affirmation of Islam and affirmation of homosexuality. So what happens when a major sporting event is held in a Muslim-majority nation? Do they condemn Qatar for its very anti-gay stance, or do they condemn gays for not respecting Islamic culture and values?”

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“The fact that The Greens can sit in that corner over there, mock, and laugh [at] the vaccine injured – these people are not anti-vaxxers, they believed what the government told them. You want to talk about trust and transparency, go to the vaccine injured and talk to them.”

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“The satraps of Davos don’t want to simply reset a post-Covid world. Or a post-fossil fuels world. Or even a post-racial world. They want to run it, forever, and while they no longer have need of a god, they’ll always need an enemy. They may not believe in a power higher than themselves, but they certainly believe in demons, and their most irksome devil is you.”

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“Most impressive of all feats so far is Elon Musk’s determination to eradicate child sexual exploitation (CSE) material from Twitter; and, if I’ve read the sentiment right, he plans to take the fight against CSE beyond the bird.”

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“The pressure from the world around us is growing intense and we need to be aware of leaders who use complexification to justify, excuse, or cover-up a retreat from truth.”

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“The West is no longer able to coherently identify the moral standard they’re trying to impose on the world. So, like spoilt children, they stomp their feet and issue threats because the other kids don’t want to play by their made-up rules.”

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“The Baptist distinctive of ‘liberty of conscience’ was never a liberty to disobey the commands of God, rather, it’s a liberty to be afforded in disputable matters.”

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“While Christianity embraces people from all cultures and languages and nations, that spiritual unity does not mean there is no longer a place for nations and ethnic groupings.”

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“There was no explosive event of anti-religious tyranny. A thousand nudges seemingly led Christians, largely willingly or at best begrudgingly, to confine their religion to churches, privatize religion, and surrender the public to hostile secularization.”

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“[M]y goal is to reinvigorate Christendom in the West – that is my chief aim.”

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“We live in a sensate age. We are no longer governed by Faith, we are no longer governed by reason. We are governed by feelings.”

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“When you have an entire generation of young people going through high school and college where overwhelmingly they are presented with indoctrination and proselytising, and not real education, we will of course lose them real fast.”

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“…states psychologically manipulated individuals by deliberately scaring them with predictions of horrific mortality rates and agonizing deaths by suffocation, as internal government papers show and some governments have openly admitted. Distrust of others was promoted by portraying them as potential threats to life and limb. Such propaganda enables many states to impose policies that infringed on people’s rights and liberties in ways that previously seemed unthinkable in the ‘free’ world.”

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“The excuses heard over and over again for why there should be blanket amnesty is that no one knew what was going on in the early days. These folks claim we were all in the dark and none of us had any useful information to run with. This is patently false.”

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“Australia is not a global power. We should have no pretensions to be one. We certainly have no right to tell Israel what to do, or Palestinians how they should identify, or really any other nation how to conduct their internal affairs.”

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