1333 search results for "Trans"

“The secular world would try to convince us that we need to give our children ‘the space to become who they want to be,’ believe what they want to believe, and find truth wherever they want to find it. Meanwhile, secular society is aggressively and insidiously indoctrinating our children with their neo-paganism. It’s not just hypocritical, it’s diabolical.”

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“We all know that the three hardest words to say in English are ‘I was wrong.’ Admitting you erred or fell for a con job is never easy. But it is the mark of intellectual integrity to do so.”

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“The Enlightenment, with its impious view of human perfectibility, was a collective manifestation of the sin of pride – an ‘insurrection against God’. The violence of the Revolution was entirely what must be expected, when people attempt to deny the reality of original sin and take their destiny into their own hands.”

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“…since the totalist state wants to take upon itself godlike status and powers, then all rival Gods must be destroyed. And with Christianity being the one true faith, and the one that is most opposed to all other claimants to the divine throne, the totalitarians reserve their real animus and rage for it.”

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“As the evangelical Christian church has been pummelled by secular critics for being hateful for her biblical views on ethics, many church leaders have responded by shifting the focus from ethics to ‘Jesus.'”

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“Whoever strikes against God strikes down himself… Liberation from God is enslavement in creatures. Absolute humanism is the sure road to absolute despotism. Denial of God as truth begets the imprisonment of man in the self-imposed darkness of his own myths.”

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“We are impoverished for quality leadership animated by genuine faith.”

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“Perhaps if we sheep want to actually survive we should start looking for good shepherds with battle scars. Men who have paid a price for their convictions. Men whose convictions don’t change with the winds of time, politics, and popularity.”

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“We are owed not just plenty of apologies, but one can almost now talk about Covid reparations.”

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“The ‘Screw your freedom!’, from a former Republican no less, is chilling.”

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“It is no longer normal and acceptable to hold mainstream Christian religious beliefs and doing so is now a disqualifier from holding any prominent public position in corporate Australia.”

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“Things have changed, and just trying to be nice no longer cuts it. We may need to go back to our gospel roots – the actual four gospels in fact.”

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“If a person doesn’t think that there is a God to be accountable to, then what’s the point of trying to modify your behavior, to keep it within acceptable ranges? That’s how I thought, anyway.”

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“Pro-freedom protests in the Solomons are an opportunity for the West to re-engage and offer meaningful support by exchanging photo-op virtue signalling with substance, stability, life, liberty, and regional security.”

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“Reactionary extremists” with a “menacing agenda of hatred, repression, exclusion, division and opposition to hard-won women’s rights.”

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“The reality is that NATO’s eastward expansion in Eastern Europe, and especially across the Russian borders, has inevitably triggered the present war in Ukraine.”

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Behavioural scientists were similarly employed in the UK to scare or ‘nudge’ the public into compliance through the use of propaganda – a tactic that has been slammed as “anti-democratic.”

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What is Christian nationalism? Is it the danger that some make it out to be?

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A reported seven police vehicles and large amounts of police on foot kept the little lefties from what would probably have been a rather embarrassingly feeble attempted re-enactment of the storming of the winter palace.

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These two are hugely influential – but only one leaves an everlasting legacy.

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