59 search results for "the Babylon bee"

“I’m fighting for my rights after being charged by Joe Biden’s DOJ for the ‘crime’ of standing inside a Capitol doorway for 71 seconds on January 6, 2021.”

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“He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.”

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“There are universal principles and there are inbuilt laws written on the hearts and minds of mankind according to which God judges individuals and nations. To break these is to break families, societies, cities and nations.”

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“When we see powerful and evil nations today, it still can seem like they are on the ascendancy, and even darker days lie ahead.”

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“We can be too willing to excuse the sins of pagans… But the truth is, God still holds them all accountable for their actions. And we should too.”

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“Government decided that protests were essential, strip clubs, liquor stores, and marijuana dispensaries, were labelled essential. You could pack into Costco, and Walmart, but not the church.”

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“Is there anything more animalistic than reducing a person to the sum of their sexual desires?”

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“We are the Communists now. We now live in the anti-free world. We now live in the world that rejects national sovereignty, and promotes globalized empire. We now live in the world that rejects political speech, but promotes degraded speech and calls it free speech. We now live in the world where Christianity is under increasing attack and is being increasingly sidelined.”

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“Christianity was not dethroned to enable a secular utopia, in reality, Christianity has been dethroned to create a vacuum and that vacuum is being filled by the ancient pagan ideas our society once rejected.”

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“Australia has always struggled to assert its own identity on the world stage…”

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“I tend to side with Martyn here. I too have long been involved in political lobbying and the like, and I know of its importance. But the more I have done this, the more I have come to believe that unless there is a strong gospel feature unless there is a strong Christian connection, it will be all rather limited in its effectiveness and long-term success.”

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“It is notable that traditionally the West was referred to as Christendom, not Judeo-Christendom, or Islamo-Christendom.”

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“Society has ventured so far from the Christian standard that the public at large would most likely side with the ‘progressive’ values of Sodom and Gomorrah over the God of Genesis 19. You don’t expect the Grammy Awards to resort to promoting actual talent, do you?”

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“I would never believe that we were on the Lord’s side if all men were on our side.”

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“If Jesus upheld the Law of Moses, he would be violating the law of Rome. If he upheld the law of Rome, he would be violating the Law of Moses.”

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“If believers cannot rejoice when a horrific evil like the slaughter of babies is lessened and/or curtailed in various places, then there is nothing worth rejoicing in.”

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“Do Biden, Albanese, Johnson, Macron and co. seem like the kind of statesmen that can rebuild our civilisation? Of course not.”

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“They think doxxing me is going to intimidate me into silence. I can assure you, that’s never going to happen.”

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“A righteous nation looks to God and a foolish nation, to alliances.”

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