332 search results for "racism"

Tommy Robinson is free – for now. He’ll end up back in prison, I suspect, and that’s nothing to rejoice about. I admire Tommy because I think he is a brave man, and a man who is humble enough to admit that his earlier commentary on multicultural issues was far too simplistic. I saw many people criticise Tommy Robinson for his vulgarity, his lack of nuance, and his inflammatory rhetoric. All of this is true: he is vulgar, he lacks nuance, and he can be inflammatory (less so now than when he was starting out). But to my mind this…

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A University of Melbourne dance performance segregates white audience members from people of colour and makes white patrons sign a declaration that states, ‘I acknowledge where I stand’ before they’re allowed to enter the theatre. According to The Australian, the performance titled Where I Stand, aims to highlight the systemic racism indigenous people and people of colour have experienced in society and throughout history. Creator and student Isabella Mason said, “The (white) audience in the foyer are invited to go through a process of accepting/transitioning/cleansing similar to a right of passage. I do not consider the ritual in the foyer…

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The Left love racism. Their cultural Marxist ideology depends on it. They are all about dividing people according to their language, birth-place, sexuality, gender, and so on. And one of the easiest ways to divide people is on the basis of their skin color. The Left see race, they see color, and how they treat you depends on what they see. White men are often told they ought to be ashamed of themselves and their heritage. Well, it seems the trend of white-shaming is now extending to white women too. Here are 20 headlines that would be deemed racist if…

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This article was originally published on Mark Latham’s Outsiders. I worry that Australia is sleep walking its way to disaster. Political correctness, identity politics and cultural Marxism have run through our institutions at an astonishing rate. There’s not enough public awareness of where these changes have come from and what they mean for the future. Media headlines focus on each controversy in isolation. But we need to understand the overall pattern. The Left has launched a cultural invasion of Australia based on the concept of ‘fluidity’. Everything we thought was fixed in our understanding of the world – such as…

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Seven years ago, on March 22, 2011, Australian Senator Cory Bernardi gave a brilliant speech in Parliament warning Australians about the unintended consequences of multiculturalism. “I don’t want to see Australia go down the path of so many other Western democracies that are now struggling to maintain their national identity,” the Senator said. Using the United Kingdom as an example, Bernardi quoted Britain’s chief rabbi who said: The British started seeing their own history as an irredeemable narrative of class, snobbery, imperialism, racism and social exclusion. It was in this atmosphere that, in the 1970s, multiculturalism was born. It said, there…

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The Sydney Theatre Company presents, Blackie Blackie Brown: The Traditional Owners of Death, a wild, twisted, hilarious origin story featuring a new aboriginal superhero. According to the website, the story of Blackie Blackie Brown begins when a “mild-mannered archaeologist Dr Jacqueline Black uncovers a mass grave. She picks up a skull and is over-powered by the spirit of her great-great-grandmother… BAM! Blackie Blackie Brown has arrived and she is a cold-blooded vigilante.” And like all good superheroes, Blackie Blackie Brown has a mission. “Her mission: kill all the descendants of the men who massacred her ancestors. White people, watch out. This isn’t about forgiveness.…

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Anders Borg, the former Swedish Minister of Finance, once said that he hoped in ten years time Sweden would look less like Sweden and more like Africa. Unfortunately, Borg’s sentiment is shared by many European leaders today. Europe now has little desire to reproduce itself, fight for itself, or even take its own side in an argument. Often attempts to preserve the people or the culture are met with the charges of intolerance and racism. As the following video explains: What had been Europe, the home of the European peoples, gradually became the home of the entire world. The places…

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Conservative journalist, Lauren Southern, has been denied entry into the UK for criticising Islam during a previous visit. Border police in Calais detained Southern as she attempted to enter on a bus. The official notice of refusal claims Southern was “involved in the distribution of racist material in London.” Authorities deemed Southern “a threat to the fundamental interests of society and to the public policy of the United Kingdom.” Southern was stopped and investigated under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000, which allows authorities broad and intrusive powers to stop, search and hold individuals “without any ground of suspecting…

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Christianity, family, and a sense of national pride – all of these threaten to hinder the spread of Marxism. If the ideology is to successfully take root, these things must first be dismantled. The influence of Christianity must be thrown into question. Any sense of biblical morality must be suppressed. The family, including family values, must erode, along with ideas of patriotism and nationalism. It’s no surprise that all of these are often subjected to attack. Christians are increasingly dismissed as intolerant bigots, subject to archaic beliefs that now fall on the “wrong side of history.” The idea of family…

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In a recent interview on Paul Murray Live, Craig Kelly pointed out, that Australia’s immigration intake is now at 230,000-240,000 per year. “Over four years, that’s a million people,” Kelly said. “That’s close to the population of the city of Adelaide which took two hundred years to develop. We’ve got that in four years. Anyone that drives around Sydney sees the congestion on our roads – the development, the units going up, and that’s just to try and get us where we are today. Where are we going to be in five-ten years time if we continue this rate of…

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Christians are often accused of being on the wrong side of history, but what if that’s entirely false? In the video below, Todd Friel, from Wretched Radio, discusses what the world was like before the spread of Christianity. Quoting from Jeremiah J. Johnston’s book, Unimaginable: What Our World Would Be Like Without Christianity, Friel explains: By today’s standard, life back then was hell on earth. Poverty, sickness, premature death, domestic violence, economic injustice, slavery and political corruption were the given of life. The ancient world had little regard for human life, especially the life of a slave. “The slave is a…

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Jacinta Price has shared a remarkable letter she received from “a true survivour and the kind of Aboriginal woman our leaders need to listen to, especially Greens Leader Di Natale.”  I want to share this letter sent to me by a woman I regard as a sister. She is a true survivor and the kind of Aboriginal woman our leaders need to listen to, especially Greens Leader Di Natale!! Hear her words and please share her story! – I’ve spent an hour trying to figure out how to start this letter and there’s no easy or good way to…

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