634 search results for "good government"

“The Uluru Statement from the Heart (TUSH) will not unite Australians but only divide us. It will not address the many real needs that indigenous peoples face on a day-to-day basis, and as such, it should be firmly rejected as a way forward. And that’s because it’s an attempt to undermine decision-making and due process in a western democracy that already affords aboriginal political representation.”

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“The American actor made the racially charged statement in response to Justice Thomas’ assertions following the U.S. Supreme Court ruling ending 49 years of Roe v. Wade.”

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“Unfortunately, there has been very little to no research on the positive contribution that colonization has made to the Australian context. But now is probably a good time to pause and pose the question, ‘What would our nation be like if colonization never occurred?’”

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“If the Christian church wants to see the glory of Christianity restored in our lands we need to rebuild, from the ruins, our gospel message and start proclaiming the whole counsel of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

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“Only weeks ago, it was the admitted goal of our own leaders to make life unlivable for the unvaccinated. And as a deputized collective, we force-multiplied that pain, taking the fight into our families, friendships, and workplaces. Today, we face the hard truth that none of it was justified…”

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“Fundamental to the Christian faith is the belief that Jesus is Lord over everything, not just Biblical studies. Math, history, science, biology, art, and everything else, are all grounded in this basic, long-held Christian confession.”

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“If the goal is total government dependency, then hunting, and with it, self-sufficiency, could be a thing of the past.”

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“…it’s one of those ‘hidden in plain sight’ things they don’t teach at university and don’t talk about on the news.”

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“The Revolution of 1989, an expression of this revolution of the spirit, was a reminder that there are still surprises left in history, and that the good guys do indeed sometimes win.”

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“In many ways, voters were left with a choice between Tweedledum and Tweedledumber. The latter won.”

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“A politician who will not lead according to what is right, even if the majority, at the time, disagreed with him, is more of a liability than an asset.”

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“Both the moderator and current sitting ‘Independent’ member abruptly declared the ‘unvaccinated’ Tripp to be a potential health threat.”

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“We’re not here because society decided to wage war on the dictionary. We’re here because society is at war with the Bible…”

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“The legacy media and political and professional classes have traded off the terror created by this manufactured crisis and they should be held to account for its devastating consequences.”

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“Reproductive rights end where parental rights begin, and those rights begin at conception.”

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If the government can take your job under the guise of “the greater good”, with part ownership, they can take your house, and maybe the cat, kids, and the whole kaboodle too.

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“Yesterday’s inaction, when action was required, negates Albanese’s promise of action today.”

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“Instead of being at the front of this issue, having roundly condemned evil from the start, the Church sat on its haunches and cuddled up to the world, submitted itself to the mandates, stayed quiet about their injustice, and in some instances even enforced them in their spheres of influence.”

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“What the hell is going on in this state when 10-year-old girls are told to go home and talk to your father about his erections and about his ejaculations? What the hell is going on here?!”

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“We are at ease like fattened calves enjoying the ride on the trailer to the slaughterhouse.”

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