546 search results for "free speech"

“Our client has been dragged through the courts for almost two years, but she continues to fight to uphold the simple principle that women are different to men…”

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“Parents, and not bureaucrats, are the adults responsible for partnering with kids to police online use.”

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“Dave Kelly should recognise freedom of choice, even if it doesn’t suit his own political agenda.”

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“Canada is set to criminalise Christianity with the introduction of an amendment to the Criminal Code that could see believers face jail time for expressing historic Christian teachings.”

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“If Texas is helping to erect barriers, putting up razor wire; doing other things to keep illegal aliens out, I want to be helpful with them doing that.”

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“There’s been a cultural shift towards the idea that if there is a problem to be solved, or if life is to get better, the people in [government] will do it for us.”

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“While the anti-Australia Day movement might feel homegrown, it is a vital branch of a radical global movement best described as Western Marxism.”

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“By controlling anyone’s access to money through central bank controlled digital wallet system, the oligarchs could potentially control everything you spend your money on. And if you speak out against their tyranny they simply withhold your money from you.”

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“The world needs to know that Brazil today has more than 1,000 political prisoners who face much harsher sentences than those of rapists, drug traffickers and murderers.”

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“Potential parents of orphans, or foster children, will have to agree to create an approved LGBTQ+ ‘safe space.'”

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“From declaring that multiculturalism had failed, to rejecting open borders, and opposing the LGBTQ+ takeover of law enforcement, Braverman is every bit a Margaret Thatcher.”

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“A clear majority of Americans consider the Biden administration to be taking the country in the wrong direction.”

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“What’s HuffPost’s problem with Christians counselling Christians according to our mutual faith?”

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“A polarised nation is easy prey for corrupt powers.”

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“It’s a basic rule of history that Nations which cannot defend their borders will not long survive,” Braverman said.

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“Scott Morrison is literally preaching the ‘God over Government’ message he refused to support when protestors gathered in Canberra in the name of freedom.”

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“The same activists who attacked Moira Deeming over neo-Nazis hijacking a Let Women Speak rally are both silent and out of sight.”

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“The once-Christian West is now the most anti-Christian part of the planet.”

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“No Australian should ever again be dragged through a three-year legal process costing hundreds of thousands of dollars for engaging in important public debate about the welfare of children,” Shelton said.

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“The Uluru Statement from the Heart is 26 pages long, not one. That is a fact, notwithstanding insults from the Prime Minister, hyperventilating from his cabinet, a rewrite of history by Indigenous activists, and outright lies from The Guardian.”

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