
Mass Anti-Israel Protests Celebrated While Pastors Are Arrested for Holding Church Services

People can't do Church. They can join a mass protest to hate on Israel because it's part of the approved narrative – COVID rules need not apply.

Legacy media headlines should really read: “Hamas’ assault on Israel enters its 7th day.”

They won’t because just like the false “Jan. 6th insurrection at the Capitol” narrative, there’s a dishonest agenda at work, which is proven to exist by the attacks on honest people who call it out.

To back this up, carefully pay attention to how legacy media – post-Biden’s coronation as leftist lord and saviour – have dropped the word “insurrection” for “riot.”

Look at Eternity News’ two hit pieces falsely claiming that the rhetoric from Caldron Pool and others, incited violence. (That piece was later retracted).

Not willing to leave it there, Eternity News’ second hit piece, targeted a piece I’d written weighing up election interference claims, as Eternity News squeezed Caldron Pool in with “Trumpism,” “Christian nationalism,” and “outrage media.”

There was no apology for misrepresenting Caldron Pool, just what appeared to be a justification for the defamatory article they had to retract.

In an age of deceit, honest people are viewed as dangerous.

In an age of blurred distinctions and corrupted definitions, well-meaning people are easily misled.

Eternity News was right about reckless rhetoric but spectacularly wrong in who they accused of being guilty of using it.

The same legacy media who used the buzz-word “insurrection,” later replacing it with the less dramatic, but far more accurate term “riot,” are the same people demonising Israel’s restrained self-defence as horribly evil.

Examine the vast majority of hate expressed towards a person who brings a reasoned perspective to the Hamas attacks on Israel.

Perspective is usually lost in the fury of race-baiters using “us vs. them” distortions, with Israel, marked as the oppressor class, and the Palestinian people, the oppressed.

The choice isn’t Israel or Palestine, it’s coexistence or no existence.

Palestinian leaders have rejected the former for decades, to the detriment of their own people. Blaming Israel for the failures of Palestinian leadership, only perpetuates the victimisation of the Palestinian people.

The Washington Post seems to disagree, and have thrown their “mates’ rates” power over the Whitehouse into overdrive.

Taking aim at the U.S. funded Iron Dome interception system, it’s not Hamas’ anti-Israel rocket diplomacy, but Israel’s successful defence against Hamas rockets that is ‘helping to perpetuate the Gaza-Israel conflict.’

According to them, the Iron Dome defence shield allows Israel not to care about civilian life, and ‘gives Israel less incentive to find a political solution to its conflict with Gaza.’

What’s telling here is the language.

WaPo or their readers shouldn’t need to be reminded that a defensive shield is for the defence of civilians against a hostile and aggressive force.

The WaPo piece frames the argument in such a way as to demonise Israel while pulling the proverbial wool over their reader’s eyes. Ironic for a newspaper with the mantra: “Democracy Dies in Darkness.”

It is traitorous hypocrisy, but it sells newspapers, and for politicians, earns them camera time.

Australian Greens Senator, Mehreen Faruqi exemplifies this kind of opportunism.

The majority of Australians couldn’t have ANZAC Day, many can’t sing in, or attend Church, “because of COVID-19.”

Pastors are being arrested in Canada for holding Church services, because pastoral care, although an essential service, isn’t considered under COVID Communist fiats, to be one.

People can’t do Church. They can join a mass protest to hate on Israel because it’s part of the approved narrative – COVID rules need not apply. “We’re all in this together” and “diversity is our strength” become the twisted meaningless equivalents of “war is peace.”

Faruqi, and many protesting that Israel is the belligerent in this new escalation of the Arab-Israeli conflict, do not hold vigils, protest, nor celebrate protests, on behalf of the countless number of Christians being slaughtered by Islamists on the African continent; West Papuans suffering under the occupation of the largely Muslim Indonesian government, and the persecution of Christians in Egypt, and ASIA.

On balance, Faruqi has been an outspoken critic of the severity of the COVID lockdowns, backing mass Black Lives Matter [Inc.] protests, while criticising sports events, and with good cause for concern about how lockdowns inhibit civil liberties.

Also, blatantly absent from her criticisms is support for remembrance services on ANZAC Day, and support for Christians practicing their faith without recriminations from overzealous COVID bureaucrats.

Both are the heart of Australian national identity. It’s a curious thing that Faruqi, an Australian senator, who benefits from the ideals founded under that national identity, can raise up a protest for some, but deny that same support to others.

This suggests that Faruqi and The Greens are only fans of lockdowns if there’s political capital to be mined from them.

Such as, a misguided mob protesting for the annihilation of Israel, under the seemingly harmless slogan “Free Palestine;” a slogan the Greens senator, joining many on the Left, along with some white nationalists, are applauding without a care for Israel, or the genocide that it infers.

Before I’m ad hominem dismissed as a Zionist by white nationalists, or racist, by “Woke” Leftists, on some notion that I’m “worshipping the Jews”, or trying to tie Faruqi’s worth as an Australian with her loyalty to ANZAC Day, it’s neither racist towards Muslims, hatred towards Palestinians, or xenophobic towards non-Jews to critique an apparent biased agenda, and its pattern of double-standards.

The absence of protest is as revealing as the narrative changes, and, the language used by legacy media to herd, and indoctrinate, rather than inform and educate.

It’s not a hard sum.

Israel may have to revisit its imperfect border policies, but the only ones denying the right for Palestinian existence are Palestinian leaders, and their sycophants seeking to annihilate the existence of Israelis.

Hamas has entered its 7th day of attacks on Israel.

To argue the reverse is to entertain a zero-sum game, built on an either/or fallacy, padded by reckless rhetoric, and propagated by big media’s love affair with disaster porn, and the abuse of language.

Beware the auctioneers.

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