
LOOR TV’s “Gothix” Goes Where The Meta Majority Fears to Tread

"Her alleged crime was criticising Woke Disney’s decision to cast a black American as white, red-headed Ariel in a live remake of The Little Mermaid."

Caldron Pool was given an exclusive look at Loor TV’s latest feature Documentary Gothix.

We were not disappointed.

Cancel culture has a long reach. Escaping its clutches is no easy feat.

This is especially so in a world where livelihoods are controlled by Big Tech, far-left forced speech, fiction sold as facts, and “single source of truth” censorship.

(See my platforming of examples here, here, here, and here.)

Loor TV’s latest is about bucking the trend of bending knees to a new form of “convert, pay a tax or die” slavery.

Gothix is Twitch steamer, video gamer, and social media influencer, Vanessa Rosa, who refused to buckle to the bullying of netizen lynch mobs.

Directed by Graeme Wilson, the 87-minute documentary tells her story.

Within 6-months of becoming a Twitch “partner” in 2019, Rosa was cancelled.

Her alleged crime was criticising Woke Disney’s decision to cast a black American as white, red-headed Ariel in a live remake of The Little Mermaid.

Despite Rosa (online handle Gothix) being black, the Twitch partner became the victim of a vicious bullying campaign to shut her up and force her out.

Labelled a ‘racist’ for inadvertently opposing anti-white racism, Rosa, shocked, said, she received “more racism from her own community than she ever has white people.”

Working online, full-time, this wasn’t just character assassination, the campaign was designed to cancel her career.

Worse, the people who turned on Rosa were influencers she had helped succeed in the industry.

Brand tarnished, Gothix (Rosa) began to lose income. With this came two suicide attempts.

Shellshocked, Rosa distanced herself from social media and took a month off to recalibrate.

The documentary then centres on Rosa’s return.

Fearing being cancelled again, she rebranded, self-censored, and made a public commitment to clarify everything she put online.

This was until COVID-19 started her slow liberation out of what is best described as the Woke mind virus plantation.

Rosa’s liberator was Thomas Sowell.

The nexus was the Left’s double standards, as exposed by George Floyd pandemonium and COVID-19.

Antifa and BLM Inc. burned, pillaged, and raped American cities while everyone else was told to “save Grandma” and stay home.

Communists could create carnage, but Churches had to stay closed.

The catalyst for Rosa was another face-to-face encounter with cancel culture.

This time, instead of backing down, Rosa (formerly Gothix) doubled down.

As she firmly “walked away from the left,” and into a commitment to Jesus Christ, her content, and community shifted.

With the help of good books, Rosa went from politically aloof entertainer to politically astute educator.

What Loor TV has platformed here is unconquerable joy in the midst of adversity.

This is an essential film about courage culture.

Importantly, with Rosa’s permission, filmmaker, Graeme Wilson is fearless.

He doesn’t shy away from his subject matter.

Online bullying, and responding to cancel culture, is Gothix’s overall theme.

Second, there’s the foray into the blatant world of Woke hypocrisy.

Dishonest critics – in the name of defending a minority group – slammed Rosa for defending the red-haired, blue-eyed, white minority group.

Third, is the take-home point that corporations cheering on “racebending” are pandering to the new religion known as Critical Race Theory (aka Cultural Marxism).

With this comes the lesson that corporatists, and CRT activists, have zero interest in people, beyond the power they can draw from publicly genuflecting to this new religion.

Fourth, Rosa’s story warns of how cashless monetization gives tech companies power over people.

These organisations, alongside villainous collectives, are willing to abuse that power, to forge conformity via punishment or privileges.

In this way, Graeme Wilson’s Gothix is an eerie reminder about the uncertain, totalitarian fabric of earning an income online.

By extension, Gothix speaks about the importance of keeping the internet independent of the newspeak Stasi’s carrot and stick.

Gothix also speaks to the importance of keeping the internet firmly grounded in Christ-centred classical liberal rights, and responsibilities.

The very things that built Western Civilisation, and still make it – warts n’ all – the most desired refuge for the world’s beaten, poor, and persecuted.

Rather than capitulation, Vanessa Rosa entered into combat with cancel culture and came out alive.

That’s courage.

Loor TV’s Gothix goes where the Meta Majority fears to tread.

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