
Libertarians Fight for “No Jab, No Job” Justice: John Ruddick Calls for Day of COVID Reckoning

“We printed billions, paid people to do nothing, and surprise, surprise! Today we are menaced by inflation.”

NSW Libertarians will fight for “no jab, no job” justice, with John Ruddick signalling he’s not backing down.

Fiercely opposed to Chinese Communist-style lockdowns, Ruddick reshared on X a 2022 US Supreme Court ruling against vaccine mandates, stating, “New York City council sacked 1,700 courageous employees smart enough to reject warp speed COVID vaccines.”

Highlighting how they were “reinstated with backpay,” Ruddick then committed to “keep fighting for the same in New South Wales.”

This isn’t Ruddick’s first rodeo.

The Libertarian legislator went head-to-head in a debate against pro-vax, Peter Hoysted (The Australians’ Jack the Insider) in March.

Dubbed the Great COVID Debate, Ruddick answered Hoysted’s – “anti-vaxxer” – accusations on X, saying,

“We need a COVID reckoning.”

With legacy media in tow, the government over-hyped the Wuhan virus, and applied “hocus pocus science to combat it.”

Mask mandates, he said were absurd. “They didn’t stop transmission.”

Quoting COVID Czar, Anthony Fauci’s 2020 remarks, Ruddick said, “Chicken wire doesn’t stop mossies,” in much the same way, “masks don’t stop COVID.”

This didn’t stop masked bureaucratic bandits from bullying their way into every home, business, and church.

Social distancing was just as dopey.

It was never based on science, asserted Ruddick.

Black Lives Matter protests proceeded unopposed, “just as the virus was at its most lethal.”

They were defended by “follow the science” fanatics, like far-left antagonist, Peter FitzSimons, who said, “We should all attend the BLM protests.”

Of importance, FitzSimons was never arrested, detained, nor approached by police for inciting a “super spreader event” – unlike Monica Smit, and a host of others eventually were.

The virus apparently knew to avoid leftwing protesters!

Those susceptible to the virus “should have voluntarily isolated.”

Instead, the government told the majority and tyrannised them by enforcing totalitarian lockdowns.

“Lockdowns,” he added, “merely delayed natural immunity, and shifted cases from 2020 to 2022.”

Addressing the government’s keeping bottleshops, Bunnings, and brothels open told us that the virus wasn’t that serious.

This was, Ruddick quipped, a case of government “wanting to sedate us.”

Confirming that the public health orders were creating a public health crisis, Ruddick said, on a cost-to-benefit analysis, it was “unprecedented that such major policies (outside a war) were not weighed and balanced.”

The current cost of living crisis is also a result of those public health orders.

“They’ve bogged down a generation with debt.”

The onus of responsibility here is on both the LNP and Labor, Ruddick continued.

“We printed billions, paid people to do nothing, and surprise, surprise! Today we are menaced by inflation.”

Ruddick gave a nod to the achievements of conventional vaccines, and their success, then unpacked the distinction between conventional and “warp speed vaccines.”

“Just because a label says a product is a vaccine does not make it one.”

Vaccine’s proper, he argued, “prevent infection and/or transmission.”

COVID “vaccines clearly fail this definition.”

Speaking from professional experience with Pfizer’s profit-driven political lobbying, he said, concept products take time to bring onto the market.

When they do, only one in 40  make it because of harmful side effects.

Pfizer themselves taught him back in the 1990s, that safe and effective vaccines cannot be rushed.

COVID vaccines, Ruddick said, “were not flu shots, they were a whole new class of mRNA vaccine.”

Although the concept had been studied for 20 years, no mRNA products had ever been released.

As promising as MRNA appears to be, he added, “it needs more research.”

Despite these facts, and evidence the product wasn’t delivering as promised, governments dug in.

With the help of journalists-turned-propagandists, big government and big media, embarked on a global drug trial, manipulating, and coercing those were not at risk of the Sars-COV-2 bug – including infants – to take the experimental drug.

This continued even after Pfizer admitted they never tested the “vaccine” for effectiveness against transmission, Ruddick again asserted.

The “vax did not live up to its marketing.”

Natural immunity – at the time sidelined – triumphed in the end.

The same governments who told us, “every life matters, now ignore a sustained increase in deaths, that are “either related to lockdowns, or “warp speed vaccines,” not COVID.

Australians, through Scott Morrison, paid big pharma $18 billion for 10 vaccines each person, most of which, Ruddick recalled, have been thrown away.

Labor is just as bad.

Although Prime Minister Albanese talked up a Royal Commission, he backed down, because “Labor premiers don’t want the scrutiny.”

Commenting on the debate, Pharmacologist, Dr. Phillip Altman, wrote, “The government continues to resist a Royal Commission into COVID or a Senate inquiry into tens of thousands of unexplained, unexpected, non-Covid deaths.”

For Altman, Ruddick was the clear winner, stating that Jack the Insider (Peter Hoysted) citing the “20 million lives pharma party-line,” seems to conflate conventional vaccines, with MRNA variety.

Dr. Altman then concluded, “There is absolutely no reliable data to substantiate the claim that the COVID “vaccines” saved 20 million of lives but there is data to suggest that the COVID “vaccines” killed more than COVID itself.”

Watch the full debate between John Ruddick, and The Australian’s, Peter Hoysted at Parliament House here.

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