
Female Director of GSA Bullied by Dems for Not Giving Transition Funds to Biden

If Joe Biden wins, and it’s still an if, he’ll have won on shaky grounds. Not on merit.

If Joe Biden wins, and it’s still an if, he’ll have won on shaky grounds, not on merit.

Assuming the navel-gazing, head-in-the-sand, legacy media are right, and no electoral fraud played a part in the 2020 election, Biden’s win will be because the Democrat party were successful in their false, and reckless labelling of Republicans as racists, Trump as Hitler, and Make America Great Again supporters as fascists.

Lindsey Graham is right. If Trump does concede, I doubt we’ll ever see a Republican president ever again. Not just because of mail-in-ballots, and ballot harvesting.

Democrats now have a tight-knit strategy to win every election in all tiers of government.

The formula? Threaten, gaslight, cheat, lie, scam, bully, connive, hate, divide, and manipulate.

Accompanied by the 2020 COVID-19 reflex, and the Democrat fear formula. Should Trump lose, the Democrat “vote for us, or face certain death at the hands of COVID, Nazis, and racists” will go down as one of the most successful mass manipulations of a populace in history.

The Republicans may enjoy a level of voter support, but once the status quo fence-sitters are back in office, as most assuredly they will be under Biden, it’s back to Globalist or bust, imperialism, business as usual.

I also think the gains made by Republicans this year – which are huge – will be lost. As a consequence, it’s not a stretch to say that under the “hate everything, and everyone who doesn’t agree with us”, Democrats, one-party rule in the United States could become a reality.

I know some of you are probably happy about a Democrat president, but as I said yesterday to a friend on the Left – better four more years of President Trump than decades of Democrat dominance because they were able to manipulate an election with four years of constant lies, hoaxes, hate, division, violence, fear, and threats of violence.

I’d serve under Trump, over the Left’s tyrannical authoritarianism, any day.

If four years of evidence (available through a quick search in the Caldron Pool archives) doesn’t sway you, consider the bullying of an impartial female government director to further condition people into believing the “Joe Biden, President-elect” illusion.

Emily Murphy is the head of the General Services Administration. GSA is the non-partisan Government logistics caretaker, who ‘holds the [actual building] keys, transition funds and tools’ for incoming Presidents.

Murphy’s job isn’t to decide election results, but to get the wheels of change moving, in order to keep government functional.

In a formal letter to Joe Biden informing him of the imminent release of transition funds, Murphy explained how she had received no pressure from the Trump administration to delay the decision but had done so based on the unprecedented circumstances.

Murphy, now confident in fulfilling her formal duties, also formally acknowledged that Democrats (and add to this pressure from the largely Leftist legacy media), had been bullying her. Stating that she’d ‘received threats online, by phone, and by mail directed at her safety.’

Threats which were also directed at her ‘family, staff, and even her pets in an effort to coerce her into making this determination prematurely.’

Posting his gratitude to Twitter, President Trump supported the decision, and applauded Murphy saying:

“I want to thank Emily Murphy at GSA for her steadfast dedication and loyalty to our Country. She has been harassed, threatened, and abused – and I do not want to see this happen to her, her family, or employees of GSA. Our case STRONGLY continues, we will keep up the good fight, and I believe we will prevail! Nevertheless, in the best interest of our Country, I am recommending that Emily and her team do what needs to be done with regard to initial protocols, and have told my team to do the same.”

Ignoring the President’s tweet, people on both sides falsely read into Murphy’s decision, saying that it was a definite sign that President Trump was moving towards conceding the election.

Two major points were dismissed.

1. This is only a formality. This is not Trump conceding (yet).

2. This looks worse for Democrats than it does Trump. For example, let the record show that the “tolerant” Left bullied a female director of an impartial government service provider, and then some.

A Government employee being threatened, and intimidated by Democrats, isn’t the best start for any potential Biden administration.

The bullying of Murphy shows that some Democrats are confident their formular of fear is a winning strategy.

It also legitimizes (by way of actual non-partisan proof) further suspicion over potential interference in the election by “we’ll do anything it takes to win” Leftists.

As Candace Owens stated, “Common sense 101: You don’t destroy ballots, refuse audits and have big tech censor your citizens because you acted honestly. The American election was clearly rigged. The bigger question is whether or not this was the 1st time. The next two weeks are going to be interesting.”

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