
Do Churches Still Have Nothing to Say to the Unvaccinated?

"They were quick to condemn when they thought they were in the right, but they are reluctant to repent when it's proven that they were wrong. This is not the Christian way."

The Telegraph reports: “The Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is being withdrawn worldwide, months after the pharmaceutical giant admitted for the first time in court documents that it can cause a rare and dangerous side effect.”

How many denominations and church leaders peddled the government’s ‘safe and effective’ narrative from their pulpits and platforms, binding the consciences of their people to false commandments, maligning those who advised caution, and then disciplining those who did not obey by prohibiting them from joining the public gathering? Many of them!

What’s worse, they evidently feel no sense of guilt or remorse! Where are the admissions of fault? Where is the public repentance? They were quick to condemn when they thought they were in the right, but they are reluctant to repent when it’s proven that they were wrong. This is not the Christian way.

Cafes have admitted they were wrong. Politicians have admitted they were wrong. Celebrities have admitted they were wrong. But the church is largely silent. We can only assume this is because its leadership, for the most part, consists of cowards who’d rather make the wrong thing sound right than do the right thing, whatever the cost may be. They hope that time will forgive, and the people, forget. But that’s not how it works, and they should know that.

How many articles and podcasts did they pump out, telling the public to, “Take it, take it, take it, and don’t listen to those crazy folks who suggest otherwise!” And still, after all these years, not a single retraction? No corrections? Where is the humility?

As Christians, we ought to be the first to admit fault. We ought to be the first to repent. We ought to be leading the charge when it comes to righting wrongs. But what do we have? Silence. Nothing but silence. And for many who were on the receiving end, who were treated like pariahs, who were pressured or spiritually blackmailed into taking a medical therapy they didn’t want, that silence is painfully deafening.



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