
Christian Heritage Month Cancelled by PRIDE Month Activists

"What El Dorado County did by backing down was grant power to dishonest critics and left-wing bullies."

A Californian County has cancelled its newly minted American Christian History Month after complaints from left-wing activists.

El Dorada supervisors unanimously rescinded the daring 18 July proclamation, one month after adopting and authorising their chair to proclaim the month-long observation in a 4-1 vote.

The proclamation was not made a law. Nor was there any tax-payer funding attached.

The decision was finalised on September 19.

A spokesperson said the major reasons for the cancellation were the County’s concerns about litigation.

Attached to the rescind notice were at least 19 unredacted emails in three PDFs.

The majority of these protested against Christian Nationalism.

This is despite the term Christian only appearing once in the proclamation.

Far-left activist group, ACLU, led the charge with a 35+ page “cease and desist,” legal submission, which argued,

“While it is permissible for the Board to recognize cultural heritages and dedicate months to the celebration of those heritages, the Board must do this without endorsing a particular sect, church, or creed.”

“Here, the Board has engaged in “improper political entanglement” by creating “[t]he appearance of support” of American Christianity,” ACLU charged.

The ACLU protest demanded the El Dorado County board either repeal the decision or “at minimum replace “American Christian” with a more generic and inclusive reference to religion.”

The wobbly Woke Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) went further.

A thick, 4-page document, labelled the proclamation a “false narrative attempt made by Christian Nationalists to re-write our nation’s history.”

The atheist group described American Christian History Month as a Christian nationalist attack on minorities.

They then defended the existence of Black History Month, Native American Heritage Month, Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, Jewish American Heritage Month, LGBT History Month, National Hispanic Heritage Month, and Women’s History Month.

Falsely conflating white nationalism with Christian Nationalism, FFRF said, El Dorado County’s proclamation was a,

“typical tactic of white supremacists: insisting that every celebration of minorities is a veiled attack on the white Christian majority.”

“This dog whistle justification taints all “Christian Heritage” proclamations,” FFRF added.

Authorities were also hit with emails from individuals.

One submission suspiciously echoed FFRF’s talking points, accusing, the County of committing violence against Native Americans.

Some – such as an Episcopal, Pro-PRIDE female pastor – accused the County of ‘undermining,’ multi-culturalism, and respect within the community by celebrating a ‘single religious heritage.’

She then argued for the council to look for more “inclusive ways to celebrate.”

This female priest’s email was followed by another letter of protest from an Episcopal pastor.

He argued against the proclamation, stating any notion that the nation’s heritage needs to celebrate Christianity is “absurd, and deliberately misleading.”

With regards to the founding of the United States, it wasn’t a Christian endeavour, he argued.

“Many revolutionaries were members of the Church of England, who actually betrayed their faith tradition in order to rebel against King George.”

“The Land this proclamation is being made on was also stolen from people who weren’t Christians. Christianity was brought in to support Spaniard’s lust for gold and benefit white settlers,” the “Very Reverend” (sic) added.

His 6-point protest wolf-whistled to the same-same “white supremacy” false narrative, claiming that the County’s “proposal did not to meet any actual need for preserving history.”

Any American Christian Heritage Month is, the Left-wing clergyman declared, “a tool to signal to those residents who do not belong to the Christian Church that they are minoritized, disempowered, and unwelcome.”

A few other protesters took the issue as an opportunity to attack the County’s board, charging them as “undemocratic.”

The same bitter person took issue with the board ditching a commitment to Critical Race Theory indoctrination, and “replacing” it with a merging of Church and State.

“They dismantled Implicit Bias Training for most county staff, to do away with the Human Rights Commission, and to declare July as Christian Heritage Month.”

Suggesting she was one of the few who denounced the board to left-wing lawfare activists, the woman said,

“If [the County were to] rescind the proclamation, [she] imagines it will be to avoid getting into legal trouble with the ACLU, etc.”

Yada, yada, yada.

Also, I’d be remiss in my due diligence, if I didn’t mention that the Christophobic hate package came equipped with its own petition.

Filed on August 23, the petition gained a MASSIVE 1,049 supporters before “claiming victory.”

It’s head campaigner wrote,

“Extremist outsiders did not further their anti-democracy agenda in our community.”

“Please congratulate yourself on the significant success in maintaining the separation of church and state. It’s a testament to the power of collective activism…”

On the upside, a few citizens were bold enough to support the original El Dorado County motion.

One woman slammed the haters.

She rightly drew out the double standard, saying, if the County repeals American Christian Heritage Month, it should repeal its support for PRIDE Month too.

“The decision to repeal the proclamation for Christian Heritage Month while keeping the one for LGBTQ++ Pride Month raises valid concerns.”

PRIDE month is divisive. In many respects, it’s exclusive of dissenters and intolerant of opposing viewpoints.

Why cancel Christianity on these grounds, then still allow the LGBTQ++ its day in the sun?

What El Dorado County did by backing down was grant power to dishonest critics and left-wing bullies.

There is no truth to the accusation that celebrating Christian heritage perpetuates white supremacism.

As is evidenced by Canadians in Brampton City Council, who in 2019 voted unanimously in favour of making December Christian Heritage Month (CHM).

Meet Brampton’s CHM 2023-2025 six-member organising team:

El Dorado County’s board proclaiming July, American Christian Heritage Month, had nothing at all to do with white nationalism.

This was about Left-wing bullies hijacking a seemingly well-intentioned idea, twisting that idea, and then straw-manning it into their own image – for their own political purposes.

This was another opportunity for Woke Jihadists to wage their unwanted culture war on Christ-centred Classical Liberalism, and its benevolent progeny, Christian Nationalism.

This was about lawfare activists drawing potent weapons from their Christ-hating arsenal, to undermine the truth, in order to control their own false narratives.

This was not about protecting religious freedom.

This was about persecuting Christians!

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