Category Archives: World

“The West is no longer able to coherently identify the moral standard they’re trying to impose on the world. So, like spoilt children, they stomp their feet and issue threats because the other kids don’t want to play by their made-up rules.”

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“There was no explosive event of anti-religious tyranny. A thousand nudges seemingly led Christians, largely willingly or at best begrudgingly, to confine their religion to churches, privatize religion, and surrender the public to hostile secularization.”

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Human rights protests continue to rattle Islamic Iran’s despots.

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“We live in a sensate age. We are no longer governed by Faith, we are no longer governed by reason. We are governed by feelings.”

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“The vast majority of churches in Australia, and indeed the world, sent two very clear messages: First, we are just as afraid of death as the rest of you. Second, we don’t see the public worship of God and religion as essential to society.”

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“…states psychologically manipulated individuals by deliberately scaring them with predictions of horrific mortality rates and agonizing deaths by suffocation, as internal government papers show and some governments have openly admitted. Distrust of others was promoted by portraying them as potential threats to life and limb. Such propaganda enables many states to impose policies that infringed on people’s rights and liberties in ways that previously seemed unthinkable in the ‘free’ world.”

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“Without justice, we are reduced to the level of animals. That is why courts exist. That is why trials happen. That is why bodies like the International Criminal Court exist.”

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“The excuses heard over and over again for why there should be blanket amnesty is that no one knew what was going on in the early days. These folks claim we were all in the dark and none of us had any useful information to run with. This is patently false.”

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“They’re not asking for your forgiveness, they’re publicly forgiving themselves. They are saying we have no blood on our hands, we have nothing to say sorry for, so it is time to move on.”

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“Australia is not a global power. We should have no pretensions to be one. We certainly have no right to tell Israel what to do, or Palestinians how they should identify, or really any other nation how to conduct their internal affairs.”

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“Oster would have hit a better tone if she acknowledged that for many victims, solutions start where restitution begins.”

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“What used to be a Christianity-infused nation is fast driving out anything Christian-related.”

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“What has thoroughly happened to Halloween in Anglo-Saxon countries, is something we see happening with Christmas. Just as Halloween has been paganized, so is Christmas being paganized, right before our eyes. The way we see it celebrated today, is, to me, just another example of how our culture is forgetting its Christian roots and legacy.”

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“The secular world would try to convince us that we need to give our children ‘the space to become who they want to be,’ believe what they want to believe, and find truth wherever they want to find it. Meanwhile, secular society is aggressively and insidiously indoctrinating our children with their neo-paganism. It’s not just hypocritical, it’s diabolical.”

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“Whilst the note about misinformation was removed from the acceptable use terms, the $2,500 penalty for violations remains, causing continued concern.”

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“If government cannot produce morality, it must be provided with morality from a religious source. If it does not have this element among its people, then government itself becomes corrupt and tyrannous.”

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“Conservatives now find themselves compelled to contend with Progressives on Progressive turf, according to Progressive rules, which can be summed up in one: Conservatives lose, whatever it takes, and to hell with the rules.”

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“Kitted out with ox livers to illustrate the termination of a baby’s life in the womb, Bouton then urinated on the floor in full view of the congregation.”

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“We all know that the three hardest words to say in English are ‘I was wrong.’ Admitting you erred or fell for a con job is never easy. But it is the mark of intellectual integrity to do so.”

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“The Enlightenment, with its impious view of human perfectibility, was a collective manifestation of the sin of pride – an ‘insurrection against God’. The violence of the Revolution was entirely what must be expected, when people attempt to deny the reality of original sin and take their destiny into their own hands.”

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