Category Archives: Opinion

It seems like only yesterday when established media platforms were trusted beyond rational hesitation. Where we wouldn’t question what we were told or could even imagine monopoly platforms with such power could lie or at least not tell the truth. Now it’s either harder to find the truth, or we have been given enough reasons to query what we are told. Never in modern times has there been such doubt and distance between the common citizen and their chosen media mogul. De-platforming, de-monetisation and censorship of right-wing pages and free thought intellects has become almost normal. Too many people are…

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Public education and a national curriculum are failing our kids. This propaganda was emailed to parents from my local high school this week: YEAR 12 MODERN HISTORY – STUDIES OF CHANGE – FIRST WOMEN’S MOVEMENT IN GREAT BRITAIN Our Year 12 Modern History class has been studying First Wave Feminism in Britain for Term 1. They are investigating the origins of the movement, the status of women up to the 19th century, the emergence of the suffrage movement, and notable suffragettes and the way in which Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) leader, Emmeline Pankhurst, and suffragettes carried out peaceful protests,…

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Australia’s budget landed this week, and with it came a few surprises. The biggest three were the announcements of a surplus, new life saving medicinal additions to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and another small reduction in foreign aid. Like clockwork, though, the budget was met with an uproar from discontent antagonists looking for excuses to impose their own pet causes on the majority of Australian workers. Joining the outrage was condemnation for the reduction in foreign aid. Such as Eternity news who called it a kick in the teeth to Christians. However, Eternity news left out some key information, choosing…

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Anzac Day comes with a caveat. Absent of any understanding about what causes war and the case for just-peace. Absent of the moral restraints of the message about Christ’s act and command to love God and love one another as we love and care for ourselves, Anzac day becomes a celebration of chaos, not life; a day of hero-worship, not sincere remembrance and gratitude. We surely remember the sacrifice of our ancestors, but with it we remember God’s summons to hear the importance of His commandments that empower us to stand against the continuing brutality of war. It’s because God…

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Recently, I was watching the evening news on television, and becoming increasingly irritated at the rot that was being passed off as newsworthy. Virtually all the news was gossip about celebrities. The antics of film stars and drunk footballers are hardly what make the real world go round. Celebrities, heroes and personalities have come in all shapes and sizes down through the age, but they seem to be converging these days to one common factor: one need not do anything worthwhile, just being famous is enough. On 25 February 1956 Nikita Khrushchev, of all people, delivered a stinging attack ‘On…

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What did the Blasey Ford/Kavanaugh charade in September 2018 show us? Opposition to a highly esteemed judge on ideological grounds warrants slander of the highest order to prevent him or anyone like him from being an influential law keeper. Like taking sides in a boxing ring, this issue polarised Americans: On the right, there is rule of law; on the left, there is mob rule. Clutching onto someone’s trauma, the left virtue signals token hashtags such as #IBelieveHer and #MeToo as munition for their own political agenda. The left does not care any more about victims of sexual assault than…

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It just so happens this year (2019) that Easter Sunday and Anzac Day fall near one another – on the 21 April and 25 April respectively. Given that the New Testament does not over-emphasise days (Gal.4:10-11), one is still meant, as an Australian, to appreciate Anzac Day in some kind of civil sense, and as a Christian, to recognise that Jesus Christ defeated death forever on Easter Sunday. However, one cannot help noticing that as Western society unravels at the seams, the celebration of days becomes more problematic, and indeed vacuous. In a secular society, Anzac Day – like Harmony…

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Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is back in the news again. This time it’s because he’s considering turning the Hagia Sophia (Αγία Σοφία) into an Islamic Centre.[note](Apparently, Erdoğan thinks that the best way to heal wounds created by the New Zealand mosque shootings is to slap Christians in the face.)[/note] On the 23rd March, the associated press reported, there have been ‘increasing calls for the Turkish government to convert the symbolic structure back into a mosque, especially in the wake of reports that the gunman who killed Muslim worshippers in New Zealand left a manifesto saying the Hagia Sophia should…

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Have you ever stopped to consider why so many people believe the Bible to be true?

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Mainstream media are revelling like pigs in mud with the sensational headlines they get to write this week about One Nation. The big story is James Ashby and Steve Dickson flew to America to meet with lobbyists and were secretly recorded discussing potential policies and donations. Apparently, it’s business as normal when the major parties do it, but outrageous when One Nation does. Or is it only scandalous because the topic was every authoritarian’s favourite policy: government restrictions on law-abiding firearms owners; and the lobbyist was the NRA? Gun regulation is a darling of the leftist media complex internationally and…

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Jussie Smollett, who, according to Chicago police, faked a race hate, and “homophobic” incident earlier this year, has been released without charge. In response to the breaking news, Smollett’s highly paid lawyers went out of their way to paint Smollett as the victim, despite the fact that Smollett was charged with 16 felony counts related to making a false report to police. Smollett’s was let off because of his “volunteer service in the community, and agreement to forfeit his $10,000 bond to the City of Chicago.” Chicago police spokesman, Eddie Johnson, responded with a damning condemnation of the decision, saying:…

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“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”

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Peter Tabichi, a 36-year-old Franciscan Monk from Kenya, has just won the Global Teaching prize, funded by the Dubai-based Varkey Foundation. This year the award was hosted by Hugh Jackman and carries with it a $1 million prize for excellence in teaching. Tabichi was selected from ‘over 10,000 applicants from around 179 countries’ and was one of ten finalists, which included U.K. teacher, Andrew Moffat, famous for gaining the ire of parents in Birmingham, for teaching LGBT ideology to kids, in a primary school with a large Muslim demographic. Largely focusing on the fact that Tabichi “gives away 80 per…

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In the wake of the current political drama’s that our country is experiencing, I thought I would take the opportunity to remind people about some of the issues that have been brought to the surface. Let’s call it a ‘refresher course’ or ‘criminality for dummies’. Let’s dive straight into the Crimes Act 1900. Now, this piece of legislation has been around for a long time in our country (since 1900) and has generally governed the majority of indictable and serious indictable offences. One of the most basic offences within this Act is Common Assault which is defined under section 61.…

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What do Islam and the ideological left have in common? The former reviles homosexuality, secularism and amorality. The latter embraces these whilst shunning theocracy and self-determination. It’s an unusual marriage, but one of convenience. Islam needs an enabler to raise its profile in the sympathetic West through the peaceful promotion of its less controversial side, and the left craves for power, hoping the odd marriage with Islam will bolster their voting base. The Christchurch massacre has been an opportunity for both Islam and the left to exploit the moral superiority they both claim over anyone with conservative values. The outrage…

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I have been waiting for other Christian leaders on Facebook and other public platforms to take the bull by the horns and address the elephant in the room. It’s the elephant no one wants to address because it is an elephant that tells us that so much of what we hold dear about Western civilisation is a lie. But as these much more experienced and well-spoken leaders are refusing to address the elephant, I decided I would have to make my own attempt to not only point out the elephant but paint it bright pink and make it so unavoidably…

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Freedom of the press requires a societal framework that empowers free speech. So it’s rare to witness the Australian media unite together in order to tear down an Australian politician for speaking his mind. However, what most in the Australian media expressed to the world in their dealings with Fraser Anning this week, is that free speech is only available to a select, and authorized few. It would appear that Senator Fraser Anning’s biggest sin wasn’t his poorly timed press release, but the fact that he spoke out of turn about things that should not concern him. In other words,…

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Karl Barth and Roger Scruton make unlikely conversation partners. Barth, was a Reformed Swiss theologian, who held up the distinction between theology and philosophy, and Scruton, is a British philosopher, talks theology, but knows his limits on the subject. The meeting between the two takes place in Barth’s On Religion and Scruton’s, The West and All the Rest. Together they provide a telescopic view of modern religio-politics and the socio-political landscape of contemporary Western society. One big theme for Scruton is the relationship between the ‘social contract’ and Creed communities[note]This term is attributed to Oswald Spengler, The Decline of The West.[/note]…

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Scott Morrison says an Australian man massacred worshippers in an act of “extremist right-wing terrorism” which was streamed on the internet. I am deeply troubled by the words employed by the Australian Prime Minister as it could incite violence against so-called right-wingers. As it turns out, it appears that the terrorist is not even a right-winger. He is a self-described anarchist and a radical environmentalist, and an admirer of Communist China. In his own manifesto the terrorist gunman who killed 49 Muslims at a mosque in New Zealand wanted “no part of” conservatism described himself as an “eco-fascist” admired Communist…

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The attack on Masjid Al Nor and Linwood Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand was horrific. The loss of life, the changed lives and the many painful years of grieving to come for the victims involved – all of it heartbreaking. The world, as we’re told, now stands in mourning for the innocent lives taken. Social media is saturated with comments from those in disbelief, to those looking to show solidarity, or outrage, and those who see the attack on the Mosque in New Zealand, as an opportunity to further their own self-interest. We are witnessing, and no doubt will witness,…

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