Church of Jailed Pastor Charged Again for Refusing to Turn People Away
“We are gravely concerned that C0VID-19 is being used to fundamentally alter society and strip us all of our civil liberties,” the church said in a statement.
Students May Undertake Gender Transition Without Parental Consent Or Medical Advice, Says Government
Schools must also allow students access to the toilets, showers, and change rooms they “feel most comfortable using.”
WATCH: Politician Calls For 6PM Curfew On All Men to Make Women Feel Safer
In the end, what Baroness Jones is ultimately creating is a city stripped of law-abiding men. You know, the one’s the bad guys try to avoid.
The Evangelical World’s Oprah Resigns From the SBC
Despite the SBC’s flaws, it’s not Beth Moore’s theology that’s outgrown them, it’s her apparent compromise with the zeitgeist, allowing the post-Christian culture, not Christ to determine the way forward for the Church.
Parents Are Aborting Babies That Are Not Their Preferred Gender
A Queensland IVF clinic receives two to three inquiries about gender selection every week, and some patients report killing their 10-week-old preborn baby after a blood test revealed the baby was the “wrong sex”. Queensland Fertility Group director Dr David Molloy said that dozens of IVF patients support his legal push for IVF gender-selection, in a legal framework that already permits genetic-based abortion. “I think couples come to me because they know I have always been an advocate of gender selection, but the National Health and Medical Research Council upheld the ban on non-medical gender selection in its 2017 review,”…
Public TV Network Launches Children’s Show About Adult Male With Large Penis
The networks said they could have just as easily made a show “about a woman with no control over her vagina.”
Church Continues to Gather After Pastor Jailed for Refusing To Turn People Away
The arrest and imprisonment of Pastor Coates has not deterred the church from continuing to gather for Sunday worship.
Court Denies Father Interim Custody of Kids Because Of His Anti-Masking Beliefs
The court’s ruling has established a precedent that a person’s vocal doubts around COVID-19 can be a factor in child custody cases.
ABC Tells Reporters to Avoid Using the Term ‘Pedophiles’ When Referring to Child Sex Abusers Because Not All Pedophiles Abuse Children
Of course, if you have any legitimate objections at this point, you’ll be dismissed for perpetuating the stigma and accused of endangering children by forcing pedophiles back into the shadows.
WNBA Player Says She Was Bullied From the Game Because She Didn’t Identify As LGBTQ
“Me being heterosexual and straight, and being vocal in my identity as a straight woman was huge.”
Bail DENIED: Pastor Who Refused to Turn People Away from Church Jailed Until May Trial
Pastor Coates was denied bail just one week after the same prison released a convicted child rapist, forcing police to issue a warning to the public to stay vigilant as it’s likely the rapist will offend again.
Latham Says Christianity Is an Essential Pillar of Society
“Jesus was undoubtedly the greatest moral teacher in history,” Latham said.
Church Fined $83k For Holding In-Person Worship Service: “People Are Lonely, Afraid, Facing Financial Ruin”
“They were at the end of their rope and hurting, but thought that maybe there was something worth believing when they heard we’d be having services.”
Christian Teens Arrested, Father Faces Jail Time On ‘Farcical Charge’
“It is important to stand up against men who begin to abuse power, even when that abuse is small, and especially when those men are carrying badges and guns. If government overreach and illegal arrests do not merit peaceful protest, I don’t know what does.”
High School Introduces “Pronoun Badges” To Prevent Misgendering of Students and Teachers
A high school in Queensland has introduced pronoun badges in an effort to prevent the misgendering of teachers and students.
What Agenda? World Economic Forum Deletes Tweet Claiming “Lockdowns Are Quietly Improving Cities Around the World”
The World Economic Forum has deleted a tweet claiming lockdowns are “quietly” achieving the climate change agenda by reducing air pollution and carbon emissions around the world.
George Christensen Proposes Law to Protect Babies Born Alive During Botched Abortions: ‘This Is a Violation of Our Humanity’
Federal MP George Christensen has proposed a bill to ensure children born alive during a botched abortion will receive the same life-sustaining medical treatment that would be afforded to any other baby.
Lauren Southern to Sue Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi for Falsely Connecting Her to the Christchurch Shooting
Documentary filmmaker, Lauren Southern is taking legal action against NSW Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi for deliberately connecting her to the inspiration behind the 2019 Christchurch mosque shooting.
Disney Deems The Muppets “Offensive”
Trigger happy Disney is adding trigger warnings to the release of classic episodes of ‘The Muppet Show’.
China to Tighten Control of Churches, Including Database of State-Approved Church Leaders
The Chinese Communist Party is set to introduce tighter regulations and more state control of Christian ministry in China, including a database of authorised church leaders with strict requirements.