Category Archives: News & Commentary

What slippery slope? Pedophiles are attempting to rebrand themselves as MAPs or “Minor Attracted Persons” in an attempt to gain public acceptance, Gay Star News reports*. Groups have even gone so far as to create their own rainbow Pride flag. According to the UK-based LGBTQ news website, the group behind the rebranding efforts is attempting to destigmatise pedophilia by presenting themselves as a marginalized and misunderstood community. PSA TO MINORS: IF YOU SEE THIS “””PRIDE””” FLAG ANYWHERE BE WARNED this flag is for MAPs, which stands for minor attracted person(s) THIS IS A FLAG FOR PEDOPHILES — Fish! ?…

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Rowan Dean, appearing on Paul Murray Live, has said: “Both Turnbull and Shorten are so unpopular that there’s this glaring gap in Australia for a Trump-like, anti-political correctness, honest character to come through, because people don’t trust Shorten… and Malcolm Turnbull is destroying the Liberal Party…” WATCH: .@rowandean: "There is this glaring gap in Australia for a Trump-like, anti-political correctness, honest character to come through, because people don't trust Shorten… and Malcolm Turnbull is destroying the Liberal Party…" #BringBackAbbott#auspol #outsiders #pmlive — #BringBackAbbott (@TeamTAbbott) July 11, 2018

A bus company in the UK has scrapped adverts promoting a Christian festival after backlash from LGBTQ activists. The banners promoting the Festival of Hope appeared on Blackpool Transport’s Palladium fleet. The event was to be held at the Winter Gardens, and featured American evangelist Franklin Graham. In 2014 Graham reportedly upset the LGBTQ crowd after he suggested the gay rights movement was orchestrated by Satan, as an assault against the Christian faith. “When [the President] fails to defend biblically defined marriage, and he openly and zealously advocates for gay rights… we know we are locked in a war against the Christian…

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A 42-year old woman from Iran was reportedly sentenced to 20-years in prison after she removed her Islamic headscarf in public. Shapark Shajarizadeh was arrested in February after footage was posted online, showing the woman protesting compulsory hijab laws. The video shows Ms Shajarizadeh standing on a traffic island in the Iranian capital Tehran waving around her headscarf. The 42-year old was initially charged with “inciting corruption and prostitution,” but later released on bail after Amnesty reported on the incident. In a video posted by Iranian activist Masih Alinejad, Ms Shajarizadeh said she’s be arrested at least three times already. “I…

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Senator Cory Bernardi has said there needs to be a frank discussion in Australia about religious freedom, identity politics and political correctness. “The issue is about how do we maximise freedom in this country, freedom of speech, freedom of association, without getting bogged down in too much identity politics or political correctness.” WATCH: Senator @corybernardi says we need to have a frank discussion about religious freedom, identity politics and political correctness in Australia #auspol #freespeech #freedom #religiousfreedom #ssm — Aust Conservatives (@AuConservatives) July 11, 2018

It’s Christ or absurdity. Here’s why.

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Facebook is changing. The popular social media platform have said they’ve been too focused on the positives of Facebook, and as a result they’ve not paid enough attention to the negatives, like the propagation of fake news. It’s time to “take action” against fake news, the Facebook website states. “Fake news is bad for people and bad for Facebook. It has long been a tool for economic or political gains, and we’re seeing new ways its taking shape online.” We’re making significant investments to stop fake news from spreading and to promote high-quality journalism and news literacy. The Facebook strategy…

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The UK government has fired a 55-year-old doctor after he refused to renounce his Christian faith, the Sunday Telegraph revealed. Dr David Mackereth worked for 26 years as an NHS doctor but was sacked from his position as a Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) disability assessor for refusing to identify patients with a gender contrary to their genetic and biological sex as established at birth. “I’m not attacking the transgender movement,” Dr Macereth told the Telegraph. “But, I’m defending my right to freedom of speech, and freedom of belief.” The father of four was reportedly deemed “unfit to work”…

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Wouldn’t you like to be a fly on the wall? Pauline Hanson has invited Lauren Southern to dinner to discuss South Africa and Islam. The Queensland Senator tweeted, “Sorry to hear about your trouble getting a visa @Lauren_Southern. If you are still in Oz when Parliament sits in August you have an open invitation to dinner. “I’d be very interested to hear your thoughts on the situation in South Africa & on Islam. Good luck with your tour – PH” Sorry to hear about your trouble getting a visa @Lauren_Southern. If you are still in Oz when Parliament sits in…

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Lauren Southern has had her visa declined just weeks before her first scheduled appearance with Stefan Molyneux in Melbourne. The pair are set to tour major Australian cities and Auckland from July 20 – August 3. David Pellowe, an event organiser, has set up a petition in support of Southern and Molyneux, which can be signed here. “Let’s request the normal welcome to Australia every law abiding visitor with zero criminal record or charges should receive,” Pellowe said. “This tour will contribute to the ongoing conversation about important public issues. Let’s emphatically reject all calls for banning libertarians/conservatives as manifestly…

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This is why we pay so much in tax, so self-seeking politicians can use it to buy votes. Bill Shorten says it’s time Tasmania had an AFL team of their own. The Labor Leader has promised $25 million in taxpayer funds to establish a new AFL club, along with a $5 million “investment” for grassroots footy clubs. “It’s time Tassie had an AFL team of their own,” Shorten Tweeted. “That’s why we will invest $25 million to get it over the line.” Attached to the tweet was a graphic that read, “Labor’s backing footy in Tasmania. $5 million investment in…

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Auckland Live has cancelled an event featuring Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern as Mayor of Auckland Phil Goff says Southern and Molyneux will not be allowed to speak at any council owned venues. “Auckland Live wishes to advise that Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern LIVE will no longer be held at the Bruce Mason Centre, in Auckland,” the venue organiser said. “Auckland Live director, Robbie Macrae, says security concerns around the health and safety of the presenters, staff and patrons attending the 3 August event have led to its cancellation at the venue.” Cancellation: Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern Live…

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Breitbart has compiled a list of 70 acts of violence and harassment that were essentially condoned by the media. According to Breitbart, these acts were either covered up, ignored, downplayed, or straight-up approved of. But shouldn’t the media be condemning all violence and intimidation? You’d think so. They certainly would if these acts were carried out on Democrats. But they weren’t. They were carried out by Democrats on those nasty, deplorable, Nazi loving Trump supporters… READ: Rap Sheet: ***70*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart It is open season on Trump supporters, and the media…

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The incredibly unfunny Tonightly with Tom Ballard has taken a swipe at Miranda Devine after The Daily Telegraph columnist said, “Women are the weaker sex and I think it’s outrageous to be demonising the very people who protect us.” The clip features a number of women thanking “men” for things such as spiked drinks, rape, domestic violence, and murder. Thanks men, for putting a pill in my drink at the bar. Passing out by myself would be dangerous. Thanks men, for not listening to us when we say no. You know I’m not strong enough to know what I want.…

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The Australia Childcare Alliance NSW has reportedly announced plans to place further restrictions on the use of warlike toys, such as replica swords, guns, and even Lego in childcare centres. President of the Australian Childcare Alliance NSW Lyn Connolly told The Daily Telegraph, that zero tolerance is the norm for violent behaviour and weapons. “Early childhood education and care centres believe in exploration, not expiration and in development, not destroying,” she said. The move comes after child psychologists claim there is currently no evidence to suggest a link between playing with toy guns as a child and committing acts of…

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The days of innocent Saturday morning cartoons is officially over. Introducing Drag Tots, a new animated series set in a grammar school for baby drag queens. The show is produced by Drag Queen RuPaul and the characters are voiced by stars of RuPaul’s Drag Race. The official synopsis reads: “Baby drag queens attend grammar school in this new animated series for kids and grown-ups of all ages! “Meet Dina Saur, a colorful drag tot whose aesthetic is inspired by dinosaurs; Roxy Moron, innocent, lovable and totally gullible; Arugala, a Puerto Rican provocateur with a taste for trouble; and Lady Liber ‘T,’…

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A group that call themselves YARD, or Yelling At Racist Dogs, has threatened patrons attending a Melbourne speaking event featuring Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern. A post on the group’s Facebook page warns, “What we do at YARD is stand outside events like this and hurl personal abuse at you while you’re in the queue.” “We will individually attack you for your beliefs, appearance, clothing, and anything else out-of-the-ordinary we notice while you wait,” they added. “The abuse is individual – you will be targeted.” The group also said they intend on capturing the abuse on film, which will likely…

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Meet Desmond Napoles, the ten-year-old drag queen from Brooklyn, New York. Desmond, also known as ‘Desmond Is Amazing,’ has reportedly been dressing in drag since he was six years of age. Since then, he has appeared in a music video for drag-queen, Jinkx Monsoon, and later featured at Gay Pride NYC where his appearance went viral. Last week, in celebration of Pride Month, HuffPost released a video featuring the youngster. “I discovered that I wanted to do drag when I watched the first episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race, when I was two. Then I moved on to little dresses. Then…

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Rowan Dean from The Outsiders has torn the ABC to shreds after a weatherman assured viewers current record-breaking cold temperatures do not undermine the Global Warming narrative. The weather presenter interrupted his report saying, “Now, on a quick side note. Global Warming doesn’t mean cold temperatures won’t be recorded, but rather, record heat temperatures will be far more common and wide spread.” “I’ll leave you to be the judge of just how impartial or otherwise your typical ABC presenter is,” Dean responded. “But just remember, you the taxpayer spend over a billion dollars every year for such impartial expertise.” Watch:…

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