Our Civilisation Is at the Crossroads
“We’ve told them that we don’t really have anything very great, or if we do we ought not to talk about it much. I believe this is wrong because what we have in the cities of Europe and the West are the greatest civilisation the world has known.”
Words Matter
“Words matter. Ideas matter. Ideologies matter.”
Multiculturalism: Diluting Western Culture Hurts Everyone
“While politicians may feign virtue by promoting diversity in harmony, they ultimately refuse to acknowledge what many have recognized for decades: Western civilization, rooted in the Christian religion, has been one of the greatest forces for good in history.”
The Recipe for a Nation: Why Ingredients Matter
“We altered the recipe without realizing how it would impact the final product, and now we face the consequences: fragmented, low-trust societies where foreign conflicts spill onto our streets…”
Bible Sales Jump 22% in 2024, Driven by First-Time Buyers
“By the end of October 2024, over 13.7 million Bibles had been sold, a 41% jump from 2019…”
Actor Rob Schneider Credits Being a Dad for Bringing Him Closer to God
Schneider said, “Evil does exist, and we need to arm ourselves with God and arm ourselves with knowledge, so we can protect ourselves.”
The Problem With Multiculturalism
“What happens when an imported culture that doesn’t subscribe to the ideals of multiculturalism begins to gain dominance over the host culture, either through mass immigration or a higher birth rate?”
Where Does The Modern Self-Love Obsession Come From?
“Modern psychology has retrained many preachers to think like life coaches and NRL coaches, not preachers and pastors.”
Yes, There Is a Spiritual War Going On
“Be not deceived, God is not mocked.”
Whither the Heart?
“The idea of a personal centre that is engaged with both our physical and non-physical aspects of life is clearly missing in our professional worlds.”
Neil Oliver Warns Evil Walks Among Us: “Christ and Christianity Firmly In Its Sights”
“If you’re watching something and you can’t understand it, that’s because you’re not meant to understand it. You’re only meant to be afraid.”
The Harms of “Psychology”
“Psychology is an entire profession designed to palm off responsibility to some other source and exculpate yourself from being the main problem in your life.”
Anglophobia: Accusations of No Culture
“No culture has advanced so much of the world in so many ways, in recent history, like the Anglo-Saxon culture.”
Tucker Carlson Sits Down with “Proud Conspiracy Theorist” Neil Oliver
“If you didn’t know the history, you’d think obviously Japan won the war… and England lost it.”
The Hatred of “Whiteness” Is a Hatred of Christianity
“It’s an evil ideology that turns the idea of God-blessed obedience on its head. It says Western prosperity is not the fruit of righteousness, but the result of sin.”
Should I Call a “Transgender” Person by Their Chosen Name?
“Is it acceptable to use a so-called ‘transgender’ person’s self-chosen name when speaking, writing or even thinking about them? Or, is this something of which God disapproves?”
Psychologising Our Souls
“Christian thinkers, and properly modest researchers, have been warning of such reductionism for decades – that is, warning that psychology does not live up to its own hype.”
Gina Carano Asks for Prayer as Desperate Disney Defends Cancel Culture in Unlawful Dismissal Case
“Disney you have a problem, you call others what you yourselves are, you do and are the things you tell others not to do or be,” she said.
‘Honor The Son’: A Must-Watch Documentary For Every Christian
“The debate over faith and politics has intensified in recent years. Terms like ‘Christian nationalism’ and ‘theocracy’ are frequently used by news pundits and politicians to stoke fears of a rising religious fascism.”
Live by Truth, Whatever the Cost
“The foundation of totalitarianism is an ideology made of lies. The system depends for its existence on a people’s fear of challenging the lies.”