Category Archives: Climate

Fear easily separates a fool from his or her money, and the well-oiled (no pun intended) marketing machine that is today’s fashionable “climate emergency,” is big business.

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When our politicians start sounding like beauty pageant contestants, citing “Fight Climate Change” in the same way as “World Peace,” you know they’re signalling towards virtue, not science.

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This is what our contemporary doomsday prophets look like, folks. They march through the streets with large placards that read, “Repent of climate inaction or perish”.

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Burger King has announced that the fast-food company is changing the diet of their cows in an effort to reduce “farts” and “burps” and help save the planet from Global Warming. The restaurant shared their “sustainability” campaign on social media on Tuesday detailing their plans to add lemongrass to their cows’ diet to reduce methane emissions. “cow fats & burps are no laughing matter,” Burger King said on Twitter. “They release methane, contributing to climate change. that’s why we’re working to change our cows’ diet by adding lemongrass to reduce their emissions by approximately 33%.” The announcement was accompanied by…

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Facebook fact-checkers have tagged veteran environmentalist Michael Shellenberger’s Forbes article as “partly false.”  The widely shared article, ‘On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare’, first published on Forbes, rejected ‘climate alarmism’, and featured Shellenberger apologizing for how ‘badly environmentalists have misled the public’ about the relatively new field of climate science. Facebook’s Climate Science fact checking “Climate Feedback” evaluated Shellenberger’s article, arguing that he allegedly ‘mixed accurate and inaccurate claims in support of a misleading and overly simplistic argumentation about climate change.’ In the pseudo-peer review Climate Feedback cited ‘six scientists who “analyzed” the article, estimating its…

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LEFTISTS have turned to alchemy to try to transform the Covid-19 pandemic into their fabled climate emergency. Former ABC journalist Quentin Dempster tweeted on Thursday: “Australia’s National Cabinet should stay on to coordinate decarbonising of energy/transport/manufacture to urgently mitigate climate change.” Well no, Quentin. If I wanted Daniel Andrews to run my life I would move to Victoria, lock myself in my home and vote for him. The National Cabinet, formed by the PM to help steer Australia through the pandemic by determining such things as whether or not we may see our mums on Mother’s Day, should be disbanded the moment the…

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Jane Caro – novelist and social commentator – typed a piece yesterday titled “Our Leaders Agree With Science When Science Agrees With Them“. In it, she gives credit to the conservatives (among other national and state leaders) who have heeded the doomsday predictions of discredited pandemic models and certainly saved us from an inevitable apocalypse. It is a backhanded compliment though, as she quickly muses, “But I can’t help wondering why, in that case, when it comes to the science of climate change these same governments have been stubbornly looking away.“ She spends most of the article tediously railing against…

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Michael Moore’s, The Planet of the Humans is currently one of the top trending videos on YouTube. Just in time for the Wuhan Virus lockdown, Moore has released his latest documentary for free! And in less than a week it is quickly closing in on a massive, two-million views. The great battle over global warming has always been identified as the authority of science. But now, Moore’s documentary reveals that the science is secondary to the question of religion. And as such, this is probably Moore’s most valuable work to date. Planet of the Humans makes for at times excruciating…

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Has Capitalism Caused COVID-19? Apparently, the current coronavirus pandemic is not linked to the exotic eating habits of the Chinese but instead is due to “the climate change crisis”. Vijay Kolinjivadi, from Al Jazeera, argues that the common roots of COVID-19 and climate change are evidenced in two ways: The origin of the virus makes it a perfect example of how the way capitalism commodifies life to turn it into profit can directly endanger human life. In this sense, the ongoing pandemic is the product of unrestrained capitalist production and consumption patterns and is very much part of the deleterious environmental changes…

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Pope Francis has said the coronavirus is nature’s response to humans damaging the environment. Speaking with a Spanish journalist on Sunday, Pope Francis said: “There’s a saying you know, God always forgives. We forgive sometimes. [But] nature never forgives. “Fires, earthquakes, that is nature having a fit. So that we will take care of nature.”  On the same day that the pope made his remarks, Oprah Winfrey shared an interview with actor Idris Elba essentially suggesting the same thing. In the short video posted to Twitter, Elba likened humanity to an “infection” the world is trying to “get rid…

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Actor Idris Elba has told Oprah Winfrey that COVIC-19 is the earth’s response to humans damaging the environment. In a short interview posted on Oprah’s Twitter account today, Elba likened humanity to an “infection”, saying he’s not surprised the world would respond by trying to “get rid of” us, “as any organism would do.” “Our world has been taking a kicking,” he said. “You know, we’ve damaged our world and, you know, it’s no surprise that our world is reacting… It’s no surprise that a virus has been created that is going to slow us down and ultimately make us…

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Here’s more evidence of how extreme environmentalist red tape is hurting Australians. Queensland bureaucrats disbanded a skilled volunteer RFS Captain Creek unit, after the unit’s leader, John Massurit, acted without first securing permission from bureaucrats to fight the Agnes Water Fire, in 2018. According to The Australian’s Associate editor, Jamie Walker, government authorities argued that disbanding the unit wasn’t because Massurit’s team fought a fire. It was because of how Massurit chose to go about fighting the fire. During his unit’s defence of “Agnes Water, Massurit damaged a four-wheel-drive vehicle while rescuing three people from a broken down bulldozer, which…

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Bureaucrats are chasing a Blue Mountains homeowner for alleged environmental infringements. 2GB’s Alan Jones reported that David Wilpour, a 72-year-old man, who lives in Dargan, is in trouble with the local council, and an obscure state government department because he had ‘cleared his land to make it fire safe after he had received permission from Lithgow City council to do so.’  Now, in a bizarre turnaround, the council ‘claims that it never gave him permission to do so.’ Talking to Jones on-air, Wilpour alleges that Lithgow City council, ‘reported him to the DCCW (NSW Department of Climate Change and Water),…

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CSIRO has failed to include a previous finding that “there are no studies linking climate change to fire weather” in a ‘bushfire explainer document’. A CSIRO official, who was questioned by Senator Matt Canavan during Senate Estimates, failed to explain why the finding had been omitted from the document on the “climate change and science about bushfires.” For 10 awkward seconds, the official sat in silence when asked by Mr Canavan about the omission. Mr Canavan told Paul Murray of Sky News, “It’s like writing a report for a newspaper about a football match and not including the final score.…

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Just weeks after Australia was devastated by the bush fire crisis which saw 33 lives lost and 27.2 million acres burned, a group of climate activists halted a Victorian state-approved ‘harvest and regeneration’ logging coupe. The masked protesters, who identified themselves as Extinction Rebellion, attended the Central Highlands forest near Warburton VIC where they held a protest inside of the ‘timber harvesting safety zones’, preventing the harvesting from commencing due to OH&S restrictions. ‘VicForests’ who are responsible for the sustainable harvest, re-growing and commercial sale of timber from public forests are a state-owned business who act on behalf of the…

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Heavy rainfall in New South Wales has helped to extinguish more than 30 fires in just three days. The NSW Rural Fire Service tweeted on Monday, “This is the most positive news we’ve had in some time. The recent rainfall has assisted firefighters to put over 30 fires out since Friday. Some of these blazes have been burning for weeks and even months.” This is the most positive news we've had in some time. The recent rainfall has assisted firefighters to put over 30 fires out since Friday. Some of these blazes have been burning for weeks and even months.#NSWRFS…

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Climatologist Dr Judith Curry is a true black sheep of the climate science community. Curry is a tenured professor who had the moxie to question the Climate Change consensus. In this interview from 2015, Judith gives a brief rundown on the factors, and many variables, surrounding this ‘relatively new field of study.’  Dr Curry also unpacks how much trouble pushing back against the political narrative causes anyone who actually dares to apply the scientific method to the prevailing climate change hypothesis. Curry’s explanations separate fact from fiction, giving an insider’s perspective on the function of data, discussing its interpretation, process,…

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Greens candidate Tom Raue is set to host a workshop designed to teach climate activists how to counter police equipment when they come into conflict with the authorities. The workshop, ‘Countering Police Equipment – from Handcuffs to Tear Gas’,  is part of a weeklong event for ‘Students of Sustainability 2020‘ (SoS) which is being held at the University of Sydney from January 12. SoS describes itself as an “annual grassroots convergence and critical education space that empowers new and diverse generations of people to participate in the climate justice movement.” A Facebook event advertising Raue’s workshop states: “As climate change…

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Victorian Police have pleaded with organisers and civilians to reconsider attending a planned climate protest on Friday, January 10 as emergency services will be stretched on the day predicted to see dangerous fire conditions flare. The event, organised by Uni Students for Climate Justice, has been planned with the intent of calling on more funding for fire and emergency services, to call on an immediate transition away from fossil fuels, and to demand the sacking of Prime Minister Scott Morrison. In a post on Facebook, the organisers said: “We demand the government: Pay all firefighters and give them force full…

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Australia’s current bushfires have nothing to do with climate change and everything to do with fuel-loads, according to scientist and bushfire expert, David Packham AO. Five years ago, Mr Packham, a former bushfire researcher at CSIRO, warned that unless there is a drastic increase in annual fuel reduction burnings “a massive bushfire disaster will occur”. According to Mr Packham’s predictions, “The forest and alpine environment will decay and be damaged possibly beyond repair and home and people [will be] incinerated.” Fuel levels are at their highest since European settlement and that’s something Mr Packham attributed to “misguided green ideology”, vested…

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