Category Archives: Climate

Back in 2012, The Australian published an article warning that by 2020 there would be hardly any more snow in Australia due to the catastrophic effects of climate change. According to Professor Katherine Pickering, from the Griffith School of Environment: We’ve predicted by 2020 to lose something like 60 percent of the snow cover of the Australian Alps. Well, that sure didn’t age well. The increase in climate alarmism seems to mimic a growth in the number of younger generation protestors, with the 16-year-old Greta Thunberg leading from the front. Following on from this, climate strikes are growing in number…

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The recent bushfires across the eastern coast of Australia have been a national tragedy. They have claimed many lives, destroyed hundreds of houses, and have decimated literally hundreds and thousands of hectares of bushland. Everyone agrees that we are overwhelmingly indebted to the fire-fighters who have been tirelessly waging war against nature — they have done a tremendous job, in the face of a seemingly insurmountable task. Whilst the cataclysmic nature of the inferno is unanimous, there seems to be a chorus of Australians who have hastened to the conclusion that global warming is the cause, and CO2 emissions are…

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Inciting people to rage against their neighbour in the name of the environment, or because of concerns about the climate, has been a constant part of human society’s obsession with who’s to blame for acts of God, or natural disasters. In the pagan tribal cultures of the Americas, a bad crop meant another child sacrifice. Described by Cortez as ‘the most horrid and abominable custom; where many girls and boys and even adults, and in the presence of these idols they open their chests while they are still alive and take out their hearts and entrails and burn them before…

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With the recent bushfires that have ravaged the eastern coast of NSW, many are proclaiming that the prophecies of environmentalists are being fulfilled before our very eyes. Leader of the global climate movement — 16-year-old Greta Thunberg — recently proclaimed the impending apocalypse of the world: Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money, and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you! But how bad are things, really? Sadly, we live in a post-truth age, which means that unbridled hysteria often trumps reality. And this…

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In the absence of Australian consumers having any actual influence on historical global climate variations, Greens MP for Melbourne Adam Bandt has decided to justify his incessant outrage and reframe our national guilt as “the third largest exporter of climate pollution in the world.” To confirm his outrage, he typed the last three words in all capitals – “IN THE WORLD”. There’s room to escalate though as he refrained from an exclamation mark or three. If climate pollution was an Olympic sport, Scott Morrison would be on the podium with a medal. PM can’t admit Aust is the 3rd largest…

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It’s widely acknowledged that the oldest known custodians of this sunburnt country routinely burned the bush in their care for it. This habit not only mitigates the immense, centuries-old risk of devastating bushfires resulting from tonnes of dry fuel on the ground, but it also stimulates ecologically necessary new growth in the regenerating bushland. However, extreme environmentalists, have gotten a stranglehold on forestry and vegetation management, especially in the Eastern states. Former Western Australia Senator Christopher Back was CEO of the Bush Fires Board of Western Australia and said, “Long-experienced forestry managers would regard 5 to 8 tonnes/hectare of flammable fuel as the…

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Update: SBS restored the article, but added a notice at the top of the piece, stating: Speaking earlier this week, Mr Packham confirmed his position on what is causing the current severe bushfire conditions. Addressing the matter on Sky News, he said fuel loads remain the core issue. “The most important (factor) is the dryness of the fuel, which comes from the hot dry weather,” he said. “It’s not behind the lot of it, it’s behind all of it. The theory is as solid as the universal theory of gravitation.” SBS has attempted to contact Mr Packham on whether he…

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If you own a screen, chances are you’ve heard about this week’s climate strikes in a city near you. Chances are you were also recently introduced to a 16-year-old called Greta Thunberg. So what’s all the hype about? The protests have been organised by Extinction Rebellion (XR), whose website states: We are facing an unprecedented global emergency. Life on Earth is in crisis: scientists agree we have entered a period of abrupt climate breakdown, and we are in the midst of a mass extinction of our own making. Greta Thunberg, a Swedish school student, spoke at the group’s ‘Declaration of Rebellion’ held in London…

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Former Australian Independent MP Tony Windsor has said farmers who suffer in drought-affected areas should be denied assistance if they doubt the climate change narrative. In a series of tweets posted on Monday, the former member for New England attempted to develop his own national drought policy. Mr Windsor’s suggestions included: “8/..For those farmers who believe climate change is a hoax and that weather conditions are ‘normal’ there should [sic] no assistance as they would view these circumstances as normal operating conditions.” George Christensen, MP for Dawson, slammed Mr Windsor’s suggestion, calling it “Orwellian”, and saying Australians help people when…

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Social media and the news media have been awash over the last couple of weeks with Greta Thunberg, the young, self-proclaimed mentally ill, Swedish teenager who has been given a platform to stare down, berate, challenge, and otherwise scold the leaders of the world. A lot has been said about this girl, about her handlers, about how she is being used to try and guilt so-called “climate-deniers” into refusing to challenge her. Though from everything I have seen, she has had the exact opposite effect than what was intended. Most of what I have seen online have this girl memefied…

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On December 1st, 2018 the state-owned Church of Sweden, which claims to have 6.1 million members, boldly proclaimed on Twitter that Greta Thunberg was the appointed successor of Jesus Christ. The Church of Sweden isn’t alone. American Comedian, leading anti-Trump figure and Leftist Twitterarti celebrity, Sarah Silverman revived the idea of Greta being a second revelation of God, proclaiming as recently as September this year: Proclamations like these are dangerous because the world has been down this road once before. Karl Barth was a reformed Swiss theologian and opponent of Nazism. In 1934, he helped pen the Barmen Declaration. The…

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On the same day that Greta Thunberg gave her impassioned speech to the UN, a group of more than 500 prominent climate scientists and professionals submitted a letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, stating “there is no climate emergency, and therefore, no cause for panic and alarm.” The group, led by Professor Guus Berkhout, co-founder of the Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL) sent the European Climate Declaration along with a registered letter to the UN’s António Guterres, warning the “general-circulation models of climate on which international policy is at present founded are unfit for their purpose,” and “therefore, it…

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The Australian Psychological Society (APS) has labelled climate change the “greatest health threat of the 21st century.” Thus, according to the APS website, “climate change is as much a psychological and social problem as it is an environmental or ecological catastrophe.” In fact, approximately 30% of people affected are said to be at risk of suffering mental health problems, such as, “PTSD, depression, complicated grief, followed by substance use, and other anxiety disorders.” Naturally, one must wonder just how much of this climate debate we should be heaping on the backs of young, vulnerable children. In recent weeks, we’ve seen…

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Following global protests demanding action on climate change, Greta Thunberg and 15 other young activists filed a complaint with the U.N. against Germany, France, Brazil, Argentina and Turkey for not taking enough action to ward off global warming. During a press conference with the teens, Greta, the 16-year-old climate activist, was asked what message she was hoping to communicate to world leaders. But without her script, Greta didn’t seem too certain what message she was trying to deliver. Some have labelled Greta the inspirational leader the world desperately needs. Others have suggested she’s being exploited by the adults around her,…

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True to form, Sky News’ host Alan Jones, pulled no punches this week when he read an open letter addressed to climate change protesters. The letter, which has been circulating on social media for the past week, was sent to Jones, who went on to describe the piece as having more relevance than most of the commentaries on the “global warming hoax.” The letter reads: To all the school kids going on strike for climate change, you’re the first generation who’s required air conditioning in every classroom. You want a TV in every room and your classes are all computerised.…

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A long-time Pellowe Talk Partner messaged me about a week ago to ask, “What do you make of all this hysteria now enveloping the Anglican Church?” Accompanying that question he sent a PDF statement by the Anglican Church of Australia’s “Public Affairs Commission” endorsing the call for a National Day of Climate Action and encouraging Anglicans to participate. The second paragraph explained, “The Marks of Mission of the Anglican Church commit the Church to striving to safeguard the integrity of creation, and to sustaining and renewing the life of the earth.” This is Biblical. In the first chapter of the…

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It doesn’t get any more viciously Leftist than abortion, euthanasia, identity politics dividing people by ethnicity under the Darwinian myth of race, and Victorian Labor refusing to build new dams, under the “advisement” that we’re all doomed because of ‘apocalyptic Climate Change’, so what’s the point, dams won’t work anyway. This surrender to the ‘apocalyptic climate change’ narrative is epitomized by Victorian Water Minister, Lisa Neville, who used climate change as a reason to stand by the decade long Victorian Labor ban on building more dams. Ean Higgins from The Australian wrote that the minister claimed, ‘climate change means not…

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A progressive seminary in New York held a chapel service this week for students to confess their sins to pot plants and dirt. Union Seminary in Harlem, New York, tweeted a photo yesterday of students gathered around several pot plants and a mound of soil to confess to them the harm humans have done to them. The seminary said: “Today in chapel, we confessed to plants. Together, we held our grief, joy, regret, hope, guilt and sorrow in prayer; offering them to the beings who sustain us but whose gift we too often fail to honor.” Today in chapel, we…

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In June 2017, online economist magazine Quartz predicted that ‘as climate changes effects become harsher and more unexpected climate change could become even harder to study’. Quartz was buffing up an incident where scientists from Canada, out researching the impact of sea ice on Hudson Bay became hindered by what is alleged to have been large chunks of ice from the Arctic blocking their way. Quartz called these ‘severe conditions’ the consequence of climate change. As reported by the scientists had to abandon their trip over safety concerns. Lead researchers on the expedition were adamant that the ice was…

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School students are being recruited and organised to strike from school this Friday, 15 March. The website, claims the purpose is “to tell our politicians to take our future seriously and treat climate change for what it is – a crisis.” After careful analysis of historical trends and with far more reliability than a United Nations’ “scientific consensus”, I’m prepared to boldly predict the political climate will not be warmed or cooled one-tenth of a degree by kids striking. Like all prophets of the apocalypse, their furious little feet stamping and rosy cheeks pouting will be an indulgent but…

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