Category Archives: Christianity

Peter Hitchens has warned, the atheist campaign against God in the West is preparing the way for Islam. In an interview on Conversations with Vicky Warren, Hitchens said, “When they drive Christianity out of Europe, as they’re rapidly succeeding in doing, they will not create an atheist paradise. They will leave a space for Islam.” Hitchens went on to warn that material prosperity, military force and anti-terror laws are not a reliable or sufficient defense against Islamic take-over. With Christianity out of the picture the spread of Islam will be near impossible to resist. “Those people who now campaign for Christianity to be…

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There are times in life when it becomes obvious not only that the God who has revealed Himself in Christ is true, but that there is nowhere else to go. One such moment occurred for the apostles when many people who had been disciples of Jesus left Him because of His hard sayings (see John 6:60-66). Jesus then challenged the Twelve: ‘Do you want to go away as well?’ (John 6:66) Here they were, looking at the backs of the people who were their erstwhile friends and who were now leaving. They must have been asking themselves: ‘Did we get…

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Elshtain is right, viewing Christianity as an ethic of universal niceness and attributing it to Jesus Christ, is an aberration of Christianity. It misses the point.

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Christian persecution is worse today than at any time in history, according to a study released by Catholic organization Aid to the Church in Need. “Not only are Christians more persecuted than any other faith group, but ever-increasing numbers are experiencing the very worst forms of persecution,” the report said. In fact, the persecution is so severe that in many cases “genocide and other crimes against humanity now mean that the Church in core countries and regions faces the possibility of imminent wipe-out.” The report reviewed 13 countries and found that in all but one, the situation for Christians was…

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Francis Schaeffer in his book, “The God Who is There,” argues that relativism has destroyed the form of society by removing structure and morality. As a result people today have an internal void which causes them to look for some kind of stability. I believe this is what has given rise to the hedonistic culture we currently see in the West. Further, this change has also contributed to the rise of Islam. In an effort to fill the void, people embraced pleasure (sex, drugs, alcohol etc.) hoping to fill the emptiness within. These temporal pleasures, however, failed to deliver what…

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What has been the relationship between Christianity and the secular in Australia? What historically is the separation of church and state? This lecture by Dr Stephen Chavura uncovers Australia’s Christian secular heritage, exploring the nature of Christianity, education, and the state in Australian history as well as cultural change over the last 50 years.

“The drugs that would normally get someone high for twenty-four hours, I was taking like a cup of coffee.” Jeff Durbin shares his shocking story of overdosing on Ecstasy. WATCH:

A U.S. Army base in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri has seen more than 1,800 soldiers come to faith in Jesus Christ in less than six months. Fort Leonard Wood military Chaplain (Capt.) Jose Rondon said, “Since March 11 2018, we have seen 1,839 Soldiers coming to Christ. God’s doing an unbelievable work through our military at Fort Leonard Wood, MO.” Retired Major General Doug Carver, executive director of chaplaincy for the North American Mission Board, has told the Baptist Press, troops are increasingly hungry for truth and relevancy in their lives. “The current spiritual awakening at Fort Leonard Wood is…

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One of the most startling insights into sin and the nature of this world comes from the French Jewish philosopher, Simone Weil, who died in 1943 but not before she was converted through reading George Herbert’s poem, ‘Love bade me welcome’. She observed: ‘Nothing is so beautiful, nothing is so continually fresh and surprising, so full of sweet and perpetual ecstasy as the good. No deserts are so dreary, monotonous and boring as evil. But with fantasy it is the other way round. Fictional good is boring and flat, while fictional evil is varied, intriguing, attractive and full of charm.’…

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“In my morals and ethics, I have learned to accept that I am not Greek or Roman at all, but thoroughly and profoundly Christian.”

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She’s the ideal candidate for the job, and she has a hugely impressive CV. There’s just one problem… The following sketch from Tracey Ullman’s Show reflects the sad state of affairs for many Christians living in the increasingly post-Christian United Kingdom. Also see: WATCH: Doctor sacked for refusing to use transgender language in heated exchange with trans model WATCH:

“…if this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!”

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“I don’t know why you’re clapping. I’m talking about you.”

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If good and bad are ultimately defined by culture, then the moral relativist must grant that there is always a circumstance in which every act, even the most heinous, can be justified.

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“Either man must then know everything or he knows nothing.”

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In the article titled, To Christians arguing ‘no’ on marriage equality: the Bible is not decisive, Robyn J. Whitaker suggests the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, as recorded in Genesis 19, has “nothing to say about homosexuality.” The destruction of the two cities is rather attributed to “sexual violence and rape.” But is Whitaker’s analysis correct? The story of Sodom and Gomorrah’s destruction begins in Genesis 18, when Abraham is met by the LORD and two angels. After the LORD told Abraham, “the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great and their sin is very grave” (v.20), the two angels departed in the direction…

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Although Jesus does not specifically use the word “homosexuality,” it’s imperative to understand that the failure to use a term does not indicate a failure to teach on a topic.

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Can we trust the Bible?

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